Linkedin Learning - Exam Tips AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C02-XQZT
English | Size: 1.00 GB
Category: Tutorial
Earning the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate certification shows your current and future employers that you have the skills needed to design and deploy applications in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. This course provides an overview of the offerings and benefits of AWS, and the qualifications required to pursue the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate certification. Instructor Tom Carpenter provides insights into the exam itself, focusing on the updated 2020 version of the test. Along the way, he shares test-taking tips and explores the importance of attaining AWS certification for career growth.
This Total Seminars course covers the exam certification topics. For information on additional study resources including practice tests, lab simulations, books, and discounted exam vouchers visit

The SD-WAN Mastery Collection - Deploying the Data Plane For Customers v1.0.27.5
English | Size: 2.34 GB
Category: Engineering
Welcome to the SD-WAN Mastery Collection - Deploying the Data Plane (A-SDW-DATPLN) Cisco® Training on Demand course. This course focuses on data plane operation and specifically the WAN edge router configuration for default operation.

The Simple Path To Wealth: Your Road Map To Financial Independence And A Rich, Free Life
English | Size: 181.21 MB
Category: E-books
This book grew out of a series of letters to my daughter concerning various things - mostly about money and investing - she was not yet quite ready to hear. Since money is the single most powerful tool we have for navigating this complex world we've created, understanding it is critical.

NHK Kabuki Kool - The World of Chushingura: The Treasury of Loyal Retainers (2020)
English | Size: 630 MB
Category: Tutorial
Chushingura is one of the most popular plays. It is based on a sensational historical incident when 47 masterless samurai avenged the death of their lord. Ainosuke explores it in a two-part series.

Skillshare - COVID 19 Data Science Urban Epidemic Modelling and Visualization in Python-ViGOROUS
English | Size: 2.36 GB
Category: Tutorial
Interested in learning how to create spatial animated visualisations in Python? Want to learn it on the example of the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic spreading in a real city with a real human mobility dataset? Then this course is for you!

BOOM Studios - Caped 2010 Comic Retail eBook-BitBook
English | Size: 575.56 MB
Category: Comic
| LANGUAGE: English ISBN: 9781641449465 |: "We save them! So they can save the day!" Think your boss is tough? Try: working for a superhero! While your boss is out fighting crime, you get th: pleasure of scheduling public appearances, getting the dry-cleaning done: and keeping a tidy secret lair. Millions would kill to be a superhero's: personal assistant like Jimmy Lohman. Unfortunately, he's not one of them: A story of capes, cowls and Blackberrys: `:: Looking for suppliers of quality Ebooks in any language

BBC - Mackintosh's Tea Room (2018)
English | Size: 849 MB
Category: Tutorial
In 2014, Glasgow businesswoman Celia Sinclair decided that she wanted to rescue the old Willow Tea Rooms on Sauchiehall Street and restore them to their former glory. They were one of the earlier works of artist and architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

VideoHive - The Memories - Cinematic Slideshow 26477737 | 324.23 MB

VideoHive - Boardwalk Slideshow 9089996 | 514.99 MB

VideoHive - Easter Bunny and Chicken Dance Greeting 23640952 | 126.63 MB