Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati Robert Anton Wilson
Language: English | 2011 | ISBN: 0692513973, 1561840033 | 324 pages | PDF | 3,9 MB
Cosmic Trigger deals with a process of deliberately induced brain change. This process is called 'initiation' or 'vision quest' in many traditional societies and can loosely be considered some dangerous variety of self-psychotherapy in modern terminology. I do not recommend it for everybody. The main thing I learned in my experiments is that 'reality' is always plural and mutable.

Corrosion of Weldments by J.R. Davis
Language: English | 2006 | ISBN: 0871708418 | 236 pages | PDF | 7,55 MB
This book details the many forms of weld corrosion and the methods used to minimize weld corrosion. Chapters on specific alloy group Carbon and alloy steels, stainless steel, high-nickel alloys, and nonferrous alloys describe both general welding characteristics and the metallurgical factors that influence corrosion behavior. Corrosion problems associated with dissimilar metal weldments are also examined.

Corporate and Project Finance Modeling: Theory and Practice by Edward Bodmer
Language: English | 2014 | ISBN: 1118854365 | 624 pages | PDF | 14,4 MB
A clear and comprehensive guide to financial modeling and valuation with extensive case studies and practice exercises

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide by Gary David Bouton
Language: English | 2010 | ISBN: 0071745173 | 1008 pages | PDF | 24,4 MB
The Only Corel-Authorized Guide to CorelDRAW X5

Core Servlets and Javaserver Pages: Advanced Technologies by Marty Hall
Language: English | 2007 | ISBN: 0131482602 | 736 pages | PDF | 10,7 MB
Java EE is the technology of choice for e-commerce applications, interactive Web sites, and Web-enabled services.

Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems by Mark G. Simkin, Jacob M. Rose, Carolyn S. Norman
Language: English | 2011 | ISBN: 1118022300 | 544 pages | PDF | 8,8 MB
Simkin & Norman's 12th Edition of Concepts of Accounting Information Systems builds upon previous issues with more in-depth focus on topical issues essential to accountants such as Sarbanes-Oxley, Cobit Version 4, XBRL, and of risk and governance in a much more concise, user-friendly way. More Case in Point sections highlight how the concepts are applied in the field and additional multiple choice questions have been added at the end of the chapters to help reinforce the material. An enhanced and updated database chapter also provides hands-on instruction in Microsoft Access.

Coombs' Printed Circuits Handbook by Clyde F. Coombs
Language: English | 2001 | ISBN: 0071350160 | 1200 pages | PDF | 29,6 MB
Resolve all your workaday questions with the PCB answer book.

Convective and Advective Heat Transfer in Geological Systems by Chongbin Zhao, Bruce E. Hobbs, Alison Ord
Language: English | 2008 | ISBN: 3540795103 | 230 pages | PDF | 11,3 MB
This monograph aims to provide state-of-the-art theoretical results in a systematic treatment of convective and advective heat transfer during fluid flow in geological systems at the crustal scale. Although some numerical results are provided to complement theoretical ones, the main focus of this monograph is on theoretical aspects of the topic. The theoretical treatment contained in this monograph is also applicable to a wide range of problems of other length-scales such as engineering length-scales. To broaden the readership of this monograph, common mathematical notations are used to derive the theoretical solutions. This enables this monograph to be used either as a useful textbook for postgraduate students or as a valuable reference book for mathematicians, engineers and geoscientists.

Control Engineering: An introduction with the use of Matlab" by Derek P. Atherton
Language: English | 2013 | ISBN-13: 9788740304732 | 150 pages | PDF | 6,17 MB
This book covers the basic aspects of linear single loop feedback control theory. Explanations of the mathematical concepts used in classical control such as root loci, frequency response and stability methods are explained by making use of MATLAB Descriptions but omitting the detailed mathematics found in many textbooks

Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta Modulation for A/D Conversion in Radio Receivers by Lucien Breems, Johan Huijsing
Language: English | 2001 | ISBN: 0792374924 | 170 pages | PDF | 7.95 MB
This text describes the design and theory of continuous-time sigma-delta modulators for analogue-to-digital conversion in radio receivers.