Contemporary Irish Knits by Carol Feller
Language: English | 2011 | ISBN: 0470889241 | 160 pages | PDF | 17 MB
Celebrate the Irish countryside and create one-of-a-kind knitted projects

Contemporary Business by Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz
Language: English | 2009 | ISBN: 047043368X | 800 pages | PDF | 86,6 MB
Moving Business Forward...Faster

Construction in Cities: Social, Environmental, Political, and Economic Concerns by Patricia J. Lancaster
Language: English | 2000 | ISBN: 0849374863 | 272 pages | PDF | 5,4 MB
Today's construction environment is more complex than any previous era. The possible impediments to a project's successful completion include not only "bricks and mortar" issues like material availability or curtain wall testing, but a broad array of concerns involving the economic, political, social, environmental, archeological, community, and historic preservation aspects of the project. Costly delays are common; regulatory processes can be prohibitive; stakeholders have more say. All of the people involved in an urban construction project must be knowledgeable about, and conversant with these conditions.

Connect: How to Use Data and Experience Marketing to Create Lifetime Customers by Lars Birkholm Petersen, Ron Person, Christopher Nash
Language: English | 2014 | ISBN: 111896361X | 272 pages | PDF | 5,5 MB
Connect and engage across channels with the new customers

Computer Methods and Experimental Measurements for Surface Effects and Contact Mechanics by J. T. M. De Hosson
Language: English | 2007 | ISBN: 184564073X | 352 pages | PDF | 12 MB
Contains most of the papers presented at the Eighth International Conference on Computer Methods and Experimental Measurements for Surface and Contact Mechanics., held in The New Forest, UK, May 16-18, 2007. The use of surface treatments can reduce the cost of components and extend the life of the elements. Their effect is of particular importance in the case of surfaces undergoing contact, a problem which is addressed throughout the book. Topics covered include: Surface treatments; Thin coatings; Surface problems in contact mechanics; Contact mechanics; Material surfaces in contact; Fracture and fatigue; and New applications.

Computer Architecture: Software Aspects, Coding, and Hardware by John Y. Hsu
Language: English | 2001 | ISBN: 084931026111 | 425 pages | PDF | 17,6 MB
With the new developments in computer architecture, fairly recent publications can quickly become outdated. Computer Architecture: Software Aspects, Coding, and Hardware takes a modern approach. This comprehensive, practical text provides that critical understanding of a central processor by clearly detailing fundamentals, and cutting edge design features. With its balanced software/hardware perspective and its description of Pentium processors, the book allows readers to acquire practical PC software experience. The text presents a foundation-level set of ideas, design concepts, and applications that fully meet the requirements of computer organization and architecture courses. The book features a "bottom up" computer design approach, based upon the author's thirty years experience in both academe and industry. By combining computer engineering with electrical engineering, the author describes how logic circuits are designed in a CPU. The extensive coverage of a micprogrammed CPU and new processor design features gives the insight of current computer development. Computer Architecture: Software Aspects, Coding, and Hardware presents a comprehensive review of the subject, from beginner to advanced levels.
Computational Studies of New Materials II From Ultrafast Processes and Nanostructures to Optoelec...

Computational Studies of New Materials II: From Ultrafast Processes and Nanostructures to Optoelectronics, Energy Storage and Nanomedicine by Thomas F George, Renat R Letfullin, Daniel A Jelski, Guoping Zhang
Language: English | 2011 | ISBN: 9814287180 | 540 pages | PDF | 8,9 MB
Computational Studies of New Materials was published by World Scientific in 1999 and edited by Daniel Jelski and Thomas F George. Much has happened during the past decade.

Computational Science and High Performance Computing by Egon Krause, Yurii I. Shokin, Nina Shokina
Language: English | 2014 | ISBN: 3642438105 | 416 pages | PDF | 5,75 MB
This volume is published as the proceedingsof the Russian-German Advanced Research workshop on Computational Science and High Performance C- puting in Novosibirsk Academgorodok in September 2003. The contributions of these proceedings were provided and edited by the authors, chosen after a careful selection and reviewing. The workshop was organized by the Institute of Computational Techno- gies SB RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia) and the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (Stuttgart, Germany). The objective was the discussion of the latest results in computational science and to develop a close coope- tion between Russian and German specialists in the above-mentioned ?eld. The main directions of the workshop are associated with the problems of computational hydrodynamics, application of mathematical methods to the development of new generation of materials, environment protection pr- lems, development of algorithms, software and hardware support for hi- performance computation, and designing modern facilities for visualization of computational modelling results. The importance of the workshop topics was con?rmed by the partici- tion of representatives of major research organizations engaged in the so- tion of the most complex problems of mathematical modelling, development of new algorithms, programs and key elements of new information techno- gies. Among the Russian participants were researchers of the Institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Institute of Com- tational Technologies, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mat- matical Geophysics, Institute of Computational Modelling, Russian Federal Nuclear Center, All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics, - merovo State University.

Computational Methods for Electromagnetics and Microwaves by Richard C. Booton
Language: English | 1992 | ISBN: 0471528048 | 192 pages | PDF | 13,2 MB
Emphasizes electromagnetic and microwave problems and the fundamental algorithms which can be used as the basis for computer programs that produce useful numerical results.

Computational Fluid Dynamics by John D. Anderson Jr.
Language: English | 1995 | ISBN: 0070016852 | 574 pages | DJVU | 5,9 MB
The Beginner's guide to Computational Fluid Dynamics From aerospace design to applications in civil, mechanical, and chemical engineering, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is as essential as it is complex.