Cloning Internet Applications with Ruby by Chang Sau Sheong
Language: English | 2010 | ISBN: 1849511063 | 336 pages | PDF | 7,45 MB
This is a hands-on book with plenty of well-explained code. Each chapter has a standalone project in which a complete web application with specific features of a social networking site is emphasized. The final chapter of the book is a project that has a complete and fully developed social networking site. Each chapter begins with a brief description of the features of the Internet service and the market it is within. After extracting the main features of the service, the chapter goes into explaining how a clone of the service can be designed, followed by a short description of the technologies and platforms being used. The bulk of the chapter goes into describing how the clone is built, with step-by-step explanations and code examples. Finally, the chapter shows how the finished clone can be deployed on the Internet. This book is written for web application programmers with an intermediate knowledge of Ruby. You should also know how web applications work and you have used at least some of the cloned Internet services before. If you are a trying to find out exactly how can you make your very own customized applications such as TinyURL, Twitter, Flickr, or Facebook, this book is for you. Programmers who want to include features of these Internet services into their own web applications will also find this book interesting.

Clinical Trials in the Neurosciences by K.M. Woodbury-Harris, B.M. Coull
Language: English | 2009 | ISBN: 3805590237 | 214 pages | PDF | 1,86 MB
A properly designed and executed clinical trial that addresses an import question and delivers a definitive result can change the practice of medicine worldwide. This book encompasses a bench-to-bedside approach and serves as an excellent guidance for translating preclinical studies to early phase I/II and phase III trials. In the first part, the book covers preclinical science with respect to animal models of various neurological diseases, FDA requirements for preclinical studies, translation of animal to patient studies and scaling up from animal to human studies. In the second part, the design of phase I/II trials and the use of biomarkers as surrogate endpoints are discussed. With regard to phase III trials, FDA and European requirements, specific design issues, relevant clinical endpoints as well as data management and quality are examined. Topics specific to multicenter trials, such as design, recruitment of special populations, monitoring, ethical and consent issues are also covered. Finally, genetics, gene therapy, imaging and surgical devices are reviewed. This publication is highly recommended to clinician researchers, such as neurologists, neurosurgeons, pediatric neurologists and neonatologists, who want to design and conduct clinical trials in the neuroscience, but also to nurses, research coordinators and clinical pharmacologists.

Clinical Teaching Strategies in Nursing, Third Edition by Kathleen Gaberson, Marilyn Oermann
Language: English | 2010 | ISBN: 0826105815 | 456 pages | PDF | 6,6 MB
Named a 2013 Doody's Essential Purchase!

Climbing and Walking Robots by Behnam Miripour
Language: English | 2010 | ISBN-13: 9789533070308 | 516 pages | PDF | 60,4 MB
Nowadays robotics is one of the most dynamic fields of scientific researches. The shift of robotics researches from manufacturing to ...

Cities Full of Symbols: A Theory of Urban Space and Culture by Peter J. M. Nas
Language: English | 2012 | ISBN: 9087281250 | 304 pages | PDF | 5,4 MB
From Jakarta to Leiden, from Buenos Aires to New York, architecture provides much more than shelter-it provides considerable cultural, political, and philosophical meaning as well.

China Rules: Globalization and Political Transformation by I. Alon, J. Chang (Editor), M. Fetscherin
Language: English | 2009 | ISBN: 0230576257 | 307 pages | PDF + EPUB | (2,05 + 0,9) MB
The development of the Chinese MNC is a new feature of globalization, one that will undoubtedly change the world.

Children's Mathematics: Making Marks, Making Meaning by Elizabeth Carruthers, Maulfry Worthington
Language: English | 2006 | ISBN: 1412922828 | 280 pages | PDF | 3,5 MB
This resource demonstrates how children's mathematical graphics reflect deep levels of thinking, and identifies this as the key to success in mathematics and higher achievement levels.

Chihuahuas For Dummies by Jacqueline O'Neil
Language: English | 2007 | ISBN: 0470229675 | 304 pages | PDF | 5,45 MB
Are you crazy about Chihuahuas? Chihuahuas For Dummies, 2 nd Edition, is fully updated to show you how to find the one you'll love most and make him or her part of your family.

Chess Opening Essentials: 1.d4-d5/1.d4-various/Queen's Gambits, Vol. 2 by Stephan Djuric, Dimitri Komarov, Claudio Pantaleoni
Language: English | 2009 | ISBN: 9056912690 | 288 pages | PDF | 183 MB
This volume helps beginners to develop a solid understanding of fundamental opening ideas, gives casual players the ability to choose the opening that suits their style and taste, is a tool for club players to test and review their opening repertoire, as well as a reference book to which advanced players keep returning. The authors do not propagate forcing tactical variations to be memorized mechanically, but explain what you should actually be trying to achieve when playing the opening of your choice.

Chemical Elements: How They Were Discovered by D. N. Trifonov
Language: English | 1986 | ISBN: 0828530033 | 270 pages | PDF | 16,2 MB
About eighty years ago Clemens Winkler, the German chemist who discovered germanium which had been pre-dicted by D. Mendeleev under the name of "eka-silicon", likened the world of the elements to the theatre stage where scene after scene is played out with elements, as charac-ters. Each element, Winkler said, plays its own role. Sometimes it is a subsidiary role, sometimes it is a leading role.