Case Studies in Finance: Managing for Corporate Value Creation by Robert F. Bruner
Language: English | 2013 | ISBN: 007786171X | 816 pages | PDF | 11,5 MB
Case Studies in Finance links managerial decisions to capital markets and the expectations of investors.

Careers for High-Energy People & Other Go-Getters by Marjorie Eberts, Margaret Gisler, Maria Gisler
Language: English | 2004 | ISBN: 00714373044 | 137 pages | PDF | 0,77 MB

California Mathematics Grade 6 Noteables by Glencoe / McGraw-Hill
Language: English | 2008 | ISBN: 0078792630 | 302 pages | PDF | 10,4 MB
A note-taking guide for every lesson in the Student Edition Noteables allow students to: *Build vocabulary *Organize and take notes *Work out examples and exercises *Review for chapter test

Cabling: The Complete Guide to Copper and Fiber-Optic Networking by Andrew Oliviero, Bill Woodward
Language: English | 2009 | ISBN: 0470477075 | 1144 pages | PDF | 20 MB
Two books in one! Complete coverage of data cabling and fiber optics makes this the most comprehensive cabling book on the market

CWSP Certified Wireless Security Professional Official Study Guide by David D. Coleman, David A. Westcott
Language: English | 2010 | ISBN: 0470438916 | 696 pages | PDF | 9,15 MB
Sybex is now the official publisher for Certified Wireless Network Professional, the certifying vendor for the CWSP program.

CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs by Mark Ciampa
Language: English | 2012 | ISBN: 1133132170 | 514 pages | PDF | 24,6 MB
CWNA GUIDE TO WIRELESS LANS, 3rd Edition provides you with the conceptual knowledge and hands-on skills needed to work with wireless technology in a network administration environment as well as pass the Certified Wireless Network Administrator (CWNA) exam. The text covers fundamental topics, such as planning, designing, installing, securing, and configuring wireless LANs. It also details common wireless LAN uses including maintenance, security, and business applications. The third edition is designed around the latest version of the CWNA exam, as well as the new IEEE 802.11 standard, making CWNA GUIDE TO WIRELESS LANS the practical guide that prepares you for real-world wireless networking.

CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment Critical Care by Frederic S. Bongard, Darryl Y. Sue, Janine R. E. Vintch
Language: English | 2008 | ISBN: 007143657X | 896 pages | PDF | 8,4 MB
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

CSS3: Visual QuickStart Guide by Jason Cranford Teague
Language: English | 2010 | ISBN: 0321719638 | 456 pages | PDF | 15,6 MB
With CSS3: Visual QuickStart Guide, readers can start with a tour of the stylesheet language, or skip ahead to any chapter of the book to look up specific tasks covering just what they need to know. This task-based, visual reference guide uses step-by-step instructions, and plenty of to teach beginning and intermediate users CSS. Best-selling author Jason Cranford Teague takes readers through today's CSS essentials and provides extensive coverage of CSS3 and CSS 2.1 techniques. The book outlines what can be done with CSS3 now and how the latest browsers have implemented many of the new features. Both beginning users, who want a thorough introduction to CSS, and more advanced users, who are looking for a convenient reference, will find what they need here in straightforward language and through readily accessible examples.

CLEARANCE - Isolani Strategy by Oleg Stetsko, Adrian Mikhalchishin Alexander Beliavsky
Language: English | 2012 | ISBN: 5946932276 | 238 pages | PDF | 8,1 MB
Aaron Nimzowitsch, one of the greatest chess researchers, called the problem of the isolani - his term for the isolated d-pawn - 'one of the cardinal problems in the whole theory of positional play'.

C# 4.0 in a Nutshell: The Definitive Reference by Joseph Albahari , Ben Albahari
Language: English | 2010 | ISBN: 0596800959 | 1060 pages | PDF + EPUB + MOBI | (6,5 + 3,25 + 4,55) MB
What people are saying about C# 4.0 in a Nutshell