Atlas of Human Anatomy by Mark Nielsen, Shawn D. Miller
Language: English | 2011 | ISBN: 0470501456 | 352 pages | PDF | 72,5 MB
This book will motivate and engage health professionals to learn the essentials of anatomy and physiology through its visual approach and special pedagogy.

Astral Voyages: Mastering the Art of Interdimensional Travel by Bruce Goldberg
Language: English | 2002 | ISBN: 1567183085 | 264 pages | PDF | 1,02 MB
Free yourself from the limitations of the earth plane and the laws of space and time. Astral Voyages presents more than 65 exercises that train you to safely leave your physical body and return unharmed from explorations of the upper astral plane and the causal, mental, or etheric realms. You might even venture to the soul plane and observe the process of selecting your next lifetime!

Asthma Care in the Community by Jill Waldron
Language: English | 2007 | ISBN: 0470030003 | 200 pages | PDF | 2 MB
Written by nurses for nurses, Asthma Care in the Community emphasizes the "back to basics" approach, which is often forgotten in a high technology healthcare system. The book covers epidemiology, including prevalence, morbidity, and mortality; the economic and social burden of asthma; the pathology and pathophysiology of asthma; managing patients with asthma, both pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically; managing uncomplicated asthma, right through to the more complex issues surrounding acute episodes and "difficult to manage" situations.

Assessing the Benefits and Costs of ITS: Making the Business Case for ITS Investments by David Gillen, David Levinson
Language: English | 2004 | ISBN: 1402076770 | 373 pages | PDF | 10,6 MB
The 17 chapters in this book, which evolved from a conference on measuring the contributions of ITS sponsored by the California Department of Transportation in February 2002, examine the costs and benefits of ITS in an economic and business policy context. Section 1 examines the broad theme of how and what ITS contributes to the economy and how one makes a business case for ITS. Section 2 includes three chapters on ITS applications in mass transit. Section 3 explores ITS applications in the automobile/highway system. Section 4 considers integrative issues including how ITS is perceived and how it can be positioned to improve surface transportation. This volume will be especially useful to researchers and policy makers working in transportation, transportation engineering, and the economic analysis of transportation systems.

Art Models 4: Life Nude Photos for the Visual Arts by Maureen Johnson, Douglas Johnson
Language: English | 2009 | ISBN: 0981624936 | 128 pages | EPUB | 8,15 MB
While no book can replace a live model, this photographic guide to the human form provides an array of figures for those who do not have access to live models. The latest in the series, this guide features two new models and an entirely new collection of photographs. Posed in a variety of classical and modern positions, the models appear in a clear, clean environment that is void of distractions and enhances the figure. All of the high-resolution photographs were painstakingly edited and adjusted to yield all the nuances of the figures. The PC- and Mac-compatible companion CD-ROM contains 24 photographs per pose that, in total, comprise a full 360-degree view. Each angle of every pose can be enlarged, enabling artists to zoom in on specific body parts to discover their intricate detail or project the photos to lifelike proportions. The CD also offers the flexibility of numerous viewing options-on a computer screen, printed out, projected for a group, or via a high-definition television when connected through a computer.

Argentina (Country Travel Guide) y Sandra Bao, Gregor Clark, Bridget Gleeson, Andy Symington, Lucas Vidgen
Language: English | 2010 | ISBN: 1741794641 | 660 pages | EPUB | 25,35 MB
Nobody knows Argentina like Lonely Planet. Whether you want to tango though the night in Buenos Aires, climb glaciers in Patagonia, gallop with gauchos across the Pampas, sample Malbec in Mendoza or savor the world's best steak, our unbeatable 7th edition will show you how - and make your journey unforgettable.

Applied Evolutionary Economics and Complex Systems by John Foster, Werner Holzl
Language: English | 2004 | ISBN: 1843763699 | 304 pages | PDF | 4,85 MB
Foster (economics, University of Queensland, Australia) and Holzl (economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria) develop an empirically based foundation for evolutionary economics built on complex systems theory. Arguing that modern evolutionary economics is at a crossroads on both the theoretical and applied level.

Applied Calculus, Enhanced Review Edition by Stefan Waner, Steven Costenoble
Language: English | 2007 | ISBN: 0495384283 | 644 pages | PDF | 11,4 MB
Take calculus into the real world with APPLIED CALCULUS. Authors Waner and Costenoble make applied calculus easy to understand and relevant to your interests.

Applications of Ionic Liquids in Science and Technology by Scott Handy
Language: English | 2011 | ISBN-10: 9533076054, ISBN-13: 9789533076058 | 528 pages | PDF | 25,4 MB
This volume, of a two volume set on ionic liquids, focuses on the applications of ionic liquids in a growing range of areas.

App Inventor for Android: Build Your Own Apps - No Experience Required! by Jason Tyler
Language: English | 2011 | ISBN: 1119991331 | 464 pages | PDF + EPUB | (13,6 + 7,5) MB
Create Android mobile apps, no programming required!