ACT: Power Practice by Learning Express Editors
Language: English | 2011 | ISBN: 1576857891 | 347 pages | PDF | 11,9 MB
This innovative new book offers what every student prepping for the ACT is looking for-power practice. For the candidate who may have exhausted the practice exams in other study resources, this innovative new title is the answer. Packed with EIGHT full-length practice ACT tests (4 in the book, 4 online) it offers the most comprehensive preparation available on the market and effective strategies to succeed on all portions of the ACT-the English, Reading, Mathematics, Science, and Writing Tests.

A.B.C.'s of Behavioral Forensics: Applying Psychology to Financial Fraud Prevention and Detection by Sridhar Ramamoorti, Morrison III, David E., Joseph W. Koletar, Kelly R. Pope
Language: English | 2013 | ISBN: 1118370554 | 304 pages | PDF | 8 MB
Get practical insights on the psychology of white-collar criminals-and how to outsmart them

A Visual Dictionary of Architecture by Francis D. K. Ching
Language: English | 1995 | ISBN: 0471284513 | pages | PDF | 27,5 MB
This book defines over 5,000 terms relating to architectural design, history, and technology.

A Splendid Exchange: How Trade Shaped the World by William J. Bernstein
Language: English | 2009 | ISBN: 0871139790, 0802144160 | 495 pages | EPUB | 5,9 MB
Adam Smith wrote that man has an intrinsic "propensity to truck, barter, and exchange one thing for another." But how did trade evolve to the point where we don't think twice about biting into an apple from the other side of the world? In this sweeping narrative history of world trade, William J. Bernstein tells the extraordinary story of global commerce from its prehistoric origins to the myriad controversies surrounding it today. He transports readers from ancient sailing ships that brought the silk trade from China to Rome in the second century to the rise and fall of the Portuguese monopoly in spices in the sixteenth; from the American trade battles of the early twentieth century to the modern era of televisions from Taiwan, lettuce from Mexico, and T-shirts from China. Lively, authoritative, and astonishing in scope, A Splendid Exchange is a riveting narrative that views trade and globalization not in political terms, but rather as an evolutionary process as old as war and religion-a historical constant-that will continue to foster the growth of intellectual capital, shrink the world, and propel the trajectory of the human species.

A Red Hot New Year (Avon Red) by Diana Mercury, Denise Rossetti, Cynthia Eden, Virginia Reede
Language: English | 2007 | ISBN: 0061451479 | 352 pages | PDF | 0,82 MB
This New Year's Eve, turn up the heat . . .

A Quest for Global Peace: Rotblat and Ikeda on War, Ethics and the Nuclear Threat by Joseph Rotblat, Daisaku Ikeda
Language: English | 2006 | ISBN: 1845112792 | 176 pages | PDF | 5,7 MB
One of the 'inventors' of the nuclear bomb, Sir Joseph Rotblat very soon turned away from weapons research to make a prolonged and principled stand against the dangers of nuclear proliferation. A physicist of great brilliance, he metamorphosed into a campaigner of admired moral conviction and leadership. This series of dialogues between two leading ethical thinkers brings together the courage and humanity of Rotblat with the spiritual wisdom and global visionary outlook of Daisaku Ikeda, the leader of the world's largest and most influential lay Buddhist organisation. Together they reflect on fundamental issues of war and peace, the ethics of nuclear deterrence and the trajectory of Joseph Rotblat's career, from the Manhattan Project to the Pugwash Conference and his Nobel Prize. Rotblat's life-long mantra was that scientists have a moral responsibility to save lives, not destroy them. The integrity of both writers emerges powerfully and inspiringly from their wide-ranging discussions, which serve as a stark warning against the dangers of a resurgent atomic weapons race.
A Professional's Guide to Decision Science and Problem Solving An Integrated Approach for Assessi...

A Professional's Guide to Decision Science and Problem Solving: An Integrated Approach for Assessing Issues, Finding Solutions, and Reaching Corporate Objectives by Frank A. Tillman, Deandra T. Cassone
Language: English | 2012 | ISBN: 0132869780 | 280 pages | PDF + EPUB | (10 + 9,4) MB
A Professional's Guide to Decision Science and Problem Solving provides an integrated, start-to-finish framework for more effective problem solving and decision making in corporations. Drawing on vast experience in the field, the authors show how to apply state-of-the-art decision science, statistical modeling, benchmarking, and processing modeling techniques together to create a robust analytical framework for better decision making in any field, especially those that rely on advanced operations management. They integrate both newly-developed and time-tested techniques into a logical, structured approach for assessing corporate issues, developing solutions, and making decisions that drive the successful achievement of corporate objectives. Coverage includes: defining objectives, exploring the environment; scoping problems and evaluating their importance; bringing data mining and statistical analysis to bear; solving problems and measuring the results; evaluating the results and performing sensitivity analysis, and more. The book concludes with three case study chapters that walk through the effective use of its methods, step-by-step. Representing a wide variety of corporate environments, these case studies underscore and demonstrate the method's exceptional adaptability. This book will be valuable in a wide range of industries, notably finance, pharmaceutical, healthcare, economics, and manufacturing.

A Primer in Game Theory by Robert Gibbons
Language: English | 1992 | ISBN: 0745011594 | 288 pages | PDF | 7,45 MB
Game theory has revolutionized economics research and teaching during the past two decades.

A Pocket Guide to Public Speaking by Dan O'Hair, Hannah Rubenstein, Rob Stewart
Language: English | 2009 | ISBN-10: 0312554044 | 352 pages | PDF | 2,6 MB
The best-selling brief introduction to public speaking, this succinct and inexpensive guide offers practical coverage of the material typically covered in a full-sized text - from invention, research, and organization to practice and delivery - in a concise, inexpensive format perfect for any setting across the curriculum, on the job, or in the community.
A Physicist's Guide to Skepticism Applying Laws of Physics to Faster-Than-Light Travel, Psychic P...

A Physicist's Guide to Skepticism: Applying Laws of Physics to Faster-Than-Light Travel, Psychic Phenomena, Telepathy, Time Travel, UFOs, and Other Pseudoscientific Claims
Language: English | 1988 | ISBN: 0879754400 | 247 pages | EPUB | 0,87 MB
The laws of physics provide clear-cut principles defining what is possible - and not possible - in the physical world. This book examines and critiques many widely held pseudoscientific beliefs in light of these laws. Rather than treating supernatural claims on a case-by-case basis, Milton Rothman uses the general principles supplied by physics to show why they are, in fact, impossible.Rothman divides the laws of physics into two classes: laws of permission and laws of denial. Laws of permission, such as Newton's laws of motion, generally do not allow precise predictions except in the simplest cases. Laws of denial, such as conservation of energy, permit very accurate conclusions about what cannot possibly occur.He uses these concepts to examine and critique the possible existence of various paranormal phenomena, such as UFOs, telepathy, perpetual motion machines, poltergeists, etc. He also discusses a number of concepts traditional to science fiction: anti-gravity, faster-than-light travel, time travel, etc., which are shown to be impossible when subject to rigorous examination.Written in a technically accurate yet entertaining style, this book will appeal to the non-specialist yet still present concepts of interest to both professional scientists and philosophers of science.