Strategies for Tourism Industry - Micro and Macro Perspectives by Murat Kasimoglu and Handan Aydin
Language: English | 2012 | ISBN-13: 9789535105664 | 402 pages | PDF | 10,7 MB
The contributions of academics from international level together with the private sector and business managers are eagerly awaited on topics and sub-topics within Strategies for Tourism Industry - Micro and Macro Perspectives.

Strategic Management: Awareness and Change by John L. Thompson
Language: English | 2005 | ISBN: 1844800830 | 873 pages | PDF | 11,3 MB
Strategic management 5e is essential reading for all students of strategy at undergraduate, diploma and MBA level.

Strategic Logic by J. Jarillo
Language: English | 2003 | ISBN: 1403912599 | 233 pages | PDF | 0,99 MB
Strategic Logic lays the foundations for a clear understanding of corporate profitability and provides the reader with innovative insights on how to develop original yet realistic strategies.

Stochastic Modeling and Control by Ivan Ganchev Ivanov
Language: English | 2012 | ISBN-13: 9789535108306 | 304 pages | PDF | 5,3 MB
The book provides a collection of outstanding investigations in various aspects of stochastic systems and their behavior.

Statistics of the Galaxy Distribution by Vicent J. Martínez, Enn Saar
Language: English | 2001 | ISBN: 1584880848 | 456 pages | DJVU (scan) | 5,1 MB
Over the last decade, statisticians have developed new statistical tools in the field of spatial point processes. At the same time, observational efforts have yielded a huge amount of new cosmological data to analyze.

Starting Out in Shares the ASX Way by ASX (The Australian Securities Exchange)
Language: English | 2015 | ISBN: 0730315665 | 200 pages | PDF | 1,9 MB
An introduction to share investing-and whether it's right for you

Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson by Jim Supica, Richard Nahas
Language: English | 2007 | ISBN: 089689293X | 384 pages | MOBI | 21,45 MB
Smith & Wesson outfitted some of the biggest and boldest gunfighters, both actual and fictional, including Wild Bill Hickock, Buffalo Bill and Dirty Harry, whose exploits are still legendary. Today a renewed Smith & Wesson corporation is back in the front of the pack. Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson, 3rd Edition combines full color photos with details collectors need to identify and better appreciate all Smith & Wesson firearms.

Stalin and the Soviet Science Wars by Ethan Pollock
Language: English | 2008 | ISBN: 0691138257, 0691124671 | 288 pages | PDF + DJVU | (3,3 + 2,8) MB
Between 1945 and 1953, while the Soviet Union confronted postwar reconstruction and Cold War crises, its unchallenged leader Joseph Stalin carved out time to study scientific disputes and dictate academic solutions.

Stability and Control of Large-Scale Dynamical Systems: A Vector Dissipative Systems Approach by Wassim M. Haddad, Sergey G. Nersesov, Vijaya Sekhar Chellaboina
Language: English | 2011 | ISBN: 0691153469 | 384 pages | PDF | 3,8 MB
Modern complex large-scale dynamical systems exist in virtually every aspect of science and engineering, and are associated with a wide variety of physical, technological, environmental, and social phenomena, including aerospace, power, communications, and network systems, to name just a few. This book develops a general stability analysis and control design framework for nonlinear large-scale interconnected dynamical systems, and presents the most complete treatment on vector Lyapunov function methods, vector dissipativity theory, and decentralized control architectures.

Sport and Public Policy: Social, Political, and Economic Perspectives by Charles A Santo, Gerard C S Mildner
Language: English | 2010 | ISBN: 0736058710 | 267 pages | PDF | 4,4 MB
Sports figures, events, and organizations affect our society in vast, varied, and sometimes unexpected ways. To gain a broad-based understanding of how sport interfaces with public policy issues, a variety of viewpoints must be considered. Sport and Public Policy: Social, Political, and Economic Perspectives is the only text that examines some of the most compelling policy issues affecting the sports world from an interdisciplinary perspective-including economics, history, urban planning, not-for-profit administration, public health communications, political science, and philosophy. With contributions from a wide range of scholarly disciplines, this contemporary resource enhances traditional conversation and gives readers a fresh outlook on economic and political issues in sport.