Small Business Management: Entrepreneurship and Beyond by Timothy S. Hatten
Language: English | 2011 | ISBN: 0538453141 | 528 pages | PDF | 10,7 MB
Small Business Management provides a balanced introduction to both entrepreneurship and small business management with a focus on achieving and maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage as a small organization. Current issues including global opportunities, service, quality and technology are highlighted throughout the text. The streamlined format allows instructors to cover the entire text of 18 chapters within a standard semester timeline without sacrificing important topics. The Fifth Edition features a special focus on the impact of the financial crisis on small business management. The online Business Plan Guide and templates provide some of the most extensive information available on business planning.

Small Animal Bandaging, Casting, and Splinting Techniques by Steven F. Swaim, Walter C. Renberg, Kathy M. Shike
Language: English | 2011 | ISBN: 0813819628 | 144 pages | PDF (conv.) | 6,8 MB
Small Animal Bandaging, Casting, and Splinting Techniques is a well-illustrated how-to manual covering common bandaging methods used to support and manage both soft tissue and orthopedic conditions in small animal patients. This highly practical book offers step-by-step procedures with accompanying photographs to aid in the secure and effective application of bandages, casts, and splints, with coverage encompassing indications, aftercare, advantages, and potential complications for each technique. Small Animal Bandaging, Casting, and Splinting Techniques is an indispensable guide for busy veterinary technicians and nurses, as well as veterinarians and veterinary students.

Six Weeks to Skinny Jeans: Blast Fat, Firm Your Butt, and Lose Two Jean Sizes by Amy Cotta
Language: English | 2011 | ISBN: 1609611071 | 288 pages | PDF | 12,5 MB
We all have a pair: those frumpy, roomy, "fat jeans" we reach for when a few (or more than a few) extra pounds have banished our favorite "skinny jeans" to the back of the closet.

Site Analysis: A Contextual Approach to Sustainable Land Planning and Site Design by James A. LaGro Jr.
Language: English | 2007 | ISBN: 0471797987 | 384 pages | PDF | 16,6 MB
Site analysis is the key to a well-designed project. In fact, the careful and complete analysis of a site and its surrounding context can lead to better development proposals, smoother design implementation, and, ultimately, higher quality built environments.

Simply Windows 7 by mcfedries-paul
Language: English | 2010 | ISBN: 0470711337 | 224 pages | PDF | 10,9 MB
If you are serious about getting up to speed with Windows 7, then this clear, concise guide is the ideal companion for fast and efficient learning. The author illustrates the main functions of Windows 7, explaining everything you need to know in plain, jargon-free English with full-colour screen shots and numbered, step-by-step instructions.

Shyness: What it is What to Do About it by Philip G Zimbardo
Language: English | 1977 | ISBN: 0201087936 | 263 pages | PDF | 5,7 MB
Judging by the number of copies already sold (more than 300,000), scores of people suffer from the debilitating effects of shyness. A noted professor of psychology at Stanford University, Dr. Philip G. Zimbardo helps men and women, youngsters and oldsters, overcome this self-defeating condition.

Showdown: The Inside Story of How Obama Fought Back Against Boehner, Cantor, and the Tea Party by David Corn
Language: English | 2012 | ISBN: 0062107992 | 432 pages | EPUB + MOBI | (4,2 + 10,5) MB
Veteran journalist David Corn-Washington Bureau Chief for Mother Jones magazine and New York Times bestselling author of Hubris (with Michael Isikoff) and The Lies of George W. Bush-now brings us Showdown, the dramatic inside story of Barack Obama's fight to save his presidency. With Bob Woodward-esque insight and narrative flair, Corn takes readers into the White House and behind the political scenes during the beleaguered president's pivotal third year, and explores the most earth-shaking events of the Obama presidency-from the game changing 2010 elections to the Arab Spring, the debt ceiling battle with Congressional Republicans, the killing of Osama bin Laden and beyond.
Show Me Your Options! The Guide to Complete Confidence for Every Stock and Options Trader Seeking...

Show Me Your Options! The Guide to Complete Confidence for Every Stock and Options Trader Seeking Consistent, Predictable Returns by Steve Burns, Christopher Ebert
Language: English | 2012 | ISBN: 1607964198 | 268 pages | MOBI | 4 MB
Options talk can be very technical but "Show Me Your Options" is broken down into bite-size chapters and useful options analogies that will help anybody muddle through options trading and come out on the other side with a couple of strategies they can use right now. The measure of a great trading book is whether I can take what I read last week and inject that into my trading on the next. Mission accomplished guys. Jeff Pierce @zentrader zentrader.ca Contents Introduction Chapter 1 Options are not assets, they are bets. Chapter 2 Every option contract has a buyer and a seller; one is long, one is short, but which one has the best odds of winning? Chapter 3 Strong trends are the friend of an option buyer and the enemy of an option seller. Chapter 4 Time is an option seller's friend, but the option buyer's enemy. (theta) Chapter 5 volatility is the option buyer's friend but the option seller's enemy. (vega) Chapter 6 How much of the move do you get for the money? (delta) Chapter 7 Stocks for rent: covered calls Chapter 8 Selling lottery tickets: naked options Chapter 9 Buying lottery tickets: deep out-of-the-money options Chapter 10 Trends determine who wins: strangles and straddles Chapter 11 The twins: every position has a synthetic relative Chapter 12 Spreads: ratio, calendar, diagonal Chapter 13 The wind beneath the pro's wings: butterflies and condors Chapter 14 Dealing with the behavioral problems of immature options Chapter 15 A trader's choices: insurance, stop losses, or ruin Chapter 16 Your method, your rules, your edge Appendix A: Relative time value of options based on the time to expiration of the contract Appendix B: Odds and expected payout of selected option strategies Appendix C: The relationship between option premiums, deltas, standard deviations, and profit probabilities Appendix D: Time progression payout potential Appendix E: Expanded table of synthetic positions

Show Business Homicides: An Encyclopedia, 1908-2009 by David K. Frasier
Language: English | 2010 | ISBN: 0786444223 | 420 pages | PDF | 12,1 MB
A companion volume to the author's Suicide in the Entertainment Industry: An Encyclopedia of 840 Twentieth Century Cases (2002), this reference work chronicles 298 cases of what can be broadly defined as "celebrity" homicides from the early twentieth century onward. Cases are drawn from the realms of film, theatre, music, dance and other entertainment fields. In each instance, the person was either the actual or suspected perpetrator or the victim of a murder. Included are entries on such well-known personalities as film comedian Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle, actress Sharon Tate, music producer Phil Spector, rap artist Notorious B.I.G., and superstar Michael Jackson. Each entry covers the crime, its legal disposition, and the subject's personal and professional background, comprehensively documented with notes and a separate bibliography.

Shoot Like a Pro! Digital Photography Techniques by Julie Adair King
Language: English | 2003 | ISBN: 0072229497 | 256 pages | PDF | 8,95 MB
Produce the kind of images that would otherwise demand a professional photographer or darkroom-or both. Through a series of