Real Estate Finance & Investments by William Brueggeman, Jeffrey Fisher
Language: English | 2010 | ISBN: 0073377333 | 784 pages | PDF | 8,4 MB
The Fourteenth Edition of Real Estate Finance and Investments prepares students to understand the risks and rewards associated with investing in and financing both residential and commercial real estate.

Rainmaking Conversations: Influence, Persuade, and Sell in Any Situation by Mike Schultz, John E. Doerr
Language: English | 2011 | ISBN: 0470922230 | 288 pages | MOBI | 1,05 MB
Conversations make or break everything in sales. Every conversation you have is an opportunity to find new prospects, win new customers, and increase sales.

QuickBooks 2012: The Missing Manual by Bonnie Biafore
Language: English | 2011 | ISBN: 1449398510 | 760 pages | EPUB | 13,6 MB
Your bookkeeping workflow will be smoother and faster with QuickBooks 2012 for Windows-but only if you spend more time using the program than figuring out how it works. This book puts you in control: you get step-by-step instructions on how and when to use specific features, along with basic accounting advice to guide you through the learning process.The important stuff you need to know:Get started. Set up your accounts, customers, jobs, and invoice items quickly. Manage your business. Track spending, income, invoices, inventory, and payroll. Spend less time on bookkeeping. Use QuickBooks to create invoices or timesheets in batches. Follow the money. Examine everything from billable time and expenses to year-end tasks. Find key info quickly. Rely on QuickBooks' vendor, customer, inventory, and employee centers. Exchange data with other programs. Move data between QuickBooks and Microsoft Office.

Quasi-symmetric Designs by Mohan S. Shrikhande, Sharad S. Sane
Language: English | 1991 | ISBN: 0521414075 | 244 pages | PDF + DJVU | (4,5 + 1,1) MB
This is the first exposition of the theory of quasi-symmetric designs, that is, combinatorial designs with at most two block intersection numbers.

Quantum Mechanics II: Advanced Topics by S. Rajasekar
Language: English | 2014 | ISBN: 1482263459 | 313 pages | PDF | 2,2 MB
Why the Quantum Field Theory?

Quantum Gods: Creation, Chaos, and the Search for Cosmic Consciousness by Victor J. Stenger
Language: English | 2009 | ISBN: 1591027136 | 292 pages | EPUB | 3,9 MB
Does quantum mechanics show a connection between the human mind and the cosmos? Are our brains tuned into a "cosmic consciousness" that pervades the universe enabling us to make our own reality? Do quantum mechanics and chaos theory provide a place for God to act in the world without violating natural laws?Many popular books make such claims and argue that key developments in twentieth-century physics, such as the uncertainty principle and the butterfly effect, support the notion that God or a universal mind acts upon material reality.Physicist Victor J. Stenger examines these contentions in this carefully reasoned and incisive analysis of popular theories that seek to link spirituality to physics. Throughout the book Stenger alternates his discussions of popular spirituality with a survey of what the findings of twentieth-century physics actually mean. Thus he offers the reader a useful synopsis of contemporary religious ideas as well as basic but sophisticated physics presented in layperson's terms (without equations).Of particular interest in this book is Stenger's discussion of a new kind of deism, which proposes a God who creates a universe with many possible pathways determined by chance, but otherwise does not interfere with the physical world or the lives of humans. Although it is possible, says Stenger, to conceive of such a God who "plays dice with the universe" and leaves no trace of his role as prime mover, such a God is a far cry from traditional religious ideas of God and, in effect, may as well not exist.Like his bestselling book, God, The Failed Hypothesis, this new work presents a rigorously argued challenge to many popular notions of God and spirituality.

Quality Management: Theory and Application by Peter D. Mauch
Language: English | 2009 | ISBN: 1439813809 | 171 pages | PDF | 3,1 MB
In the past, when goods and services were simpler, measurement of quality was self-evident. As business became more complicated, so too did the implementation of quality management and our ability to measure it. Ultimately, the practice of quality strayed from being a business practice to become much more of an engineering discipline producing plenty of data, but little actual improvement.

Purchasing: Selection and Procurement for the Hospitality Industry by Andrew H. Feinstein, John M. Stefanelli
Language: English | 2011 | ISBN: 0470290463 | 704 pages | PDF | 16 MB
Hospitality professionals will find that this eighth edition balances purchasing activities with product and information from a management perspective.

Psychological Foundations of Musical Behavior by Rudolf E. Radocy, J. David Boyle
Language: English | 2003 | ISBN: 0398073848 | 449 pages | PDF (scan.) | 82,9 MB
In this exceptional new fourth edition, the authors have elected to continue a "one volume" coverage of a broad array of topics, guided by three criteria: The text is comprehensive in its coverage of diverse areas comprising music psychology; it is comprehensible to the reader; and it is contemporary in its inclusion of information gathered in recent years. Chapter organization recognizes the traditional and more contemporary domains, with special emphases on psychoacoustics, musical preference, learning, and the psychological foundations of rhythm, melody, and harmony. Following the introductory preview chapter, Chapter 2 examines diverse views of why people have music and considers musics functions for individuals, its social values, and its importance as a cultural phenomenon. Chapter 3 discusses "functional music" and music as a therapeutic tool. Chapter 4 discusses descriptions and relationships involving psychoacoustical phenomena and gives considerable attention to perception, judgment, measurement, and physical and psychophysical events. Chapter 5 examines rhythmic behaviors and what is involved in producing and responding to rhythms. Chapter 6 considers horizontal and vertical pitch organization, tonality, scales, and value judgments, as well as related pedagogical issues. Chapter 7 examines basic aspects of musical performance, improvisation, and composition. Chapter 8 discusses approaches to studying the affective response to music with particular emphasis on developments in psychological aesthetics. Chapter 9 examines existing musical preferences and tastes. Chapter 10 closely relates the development and prediction of musical ability, music learning as a form of human learning, and music abnormalities. Finally, in the tradition of prior editions, Chapter 11 speculates regarding future research directions. This unique book is intended especially for undergraduate and graduate students in music education, music therapy, psychology, and related fields, but it will also be of interest to musicians, educators, therapists, business people, and anyone with a serious interest in musics power.

Prüfungstrainer Mathematik by Claus Wilhelm Turtur
Language: German | 2008 | ISBN: 3835102117 | 598 pages | PDF | 6,55 MB
Um die Vorgehensweise des eigenen Übens (siehe Bild 0-1) zu unterstützen, sind zu Beginn jeder einzelnen Aufgabenstellung und ebenso zu Beginn jeder zugehörigen Musterlösung dicke schwarze „Balken" angebracht. Diese dienen dazu, den Leser sofort erkennen zu lassen, an welcher Stelle die Musterlösung beginnt, noch bevor er den Text oder die Formeln gelesen hat. Damit wird bezweckt, dass niemand aus Versehen die Musterlösungen zu früh betrachtet. Man braucht also nur die Musterlösungen mit einem Blatt Papier abzudecken, und beim Lesen der Aufgabenstellungen dieses nicht über den nächsten schwarzen Balken hinaus zu schieben.