Softube Saturation Knob v2.5.9 WiN | 11 Mb
The plug-in Saturation Knob is a modeled output distortion that can be used anywhere you need some grit. Use it to fatten up bass lines, add some harmonics and shimmer to vocals, or simply destroy your drum loop.

Softube Monoment Bass v2.5.9 WiN | 2 Gb
In the modern day, music production leans more heavily on bass than ever before. Although track counts can number a hundred or more, often the core of a song is built around little more than a beat, a vocal, and a rich, living bass sound.

Slate Digital VerbSuite Classics v1.0.12.5 WiN | 6.21 Gb
Why get just one reverb, when you can have them ALL! Introducing VerbSuite Classics. For the first time ever, eight of the most popular professional digital reverbs from the past forty years can be accessed in a single plugin, some of which have never been modeled before.

VovSoft Search Text in Files 1.8 | 2.5 Mb
Easy-to-use file search application for power users. Search through text files using simple queries and the application will quickly find the files. Select directory, enter search text and filename filter, then click the Start button.

Wise Duplicate Finder Pro Multilingual + Portable | 4/3.2 Mb
Wise Duplicate Finder a duplicate file management tool that can help you find and delete duplicate files by comparing file name, file size or contents. Get rid of annoying duplicates and free up more space on your hard disks.

VovSoft Filename Lister 3.2 + Portable | 2.5/1.5 Mb
Whether you are preparing to reinstall the operating system or just to rearrange your personal files, the first step you have to take is building an index of all files and folders available on your system, in order to decide which ones to keep and which to disregard. Filename Lister is a very basic application that can do this. It gives you the possibility to choose any drive or directory in order to list all containing files, folders or both.

SQLite Expert Professional + Portable | 82.2/87.5 Mb
SQLite Expert is a powerful tool designed to simplify the development of SQLite3 databases. It is a feature rich administration and development tool for SQLite designed to answer the needs of all users from writing simple SQL queries to developing complex databases. The graphical interface supports all SQLite features. It includes a visual query builder, an SQL editor with syntax highlighting and code completion, visual table and view designers and powerful import and export capabilities.

GiliSoft Screen Recorder Pro 11.0 Multilingual Portable | 63.9 Mb
GiliSoft Screen Recorder Pro combines screen recording and video editing fucntions. It is a powerful yet simple screen recorder program which allows you to capture desktop activities and create video tutorials, demonstrations and presentations without any programming skills.

Astra Image PLUS (x86/x64) Portable | 23.8 Mb
Adjust the contrast at different scales with separate controls for shadows, midtones and highlights. Make your images really come alive with incredible detail. Our custom edge protection technology means no halos. Brilliant!

Yep 4.0.4 | macOS | 17 mb
Yep is a document organization and management tool. Like iTunes for music or iPhoto for photos, Yep lets you search and view your documents in a comfortable interface, while offering the ability to automatically save documents into a file in your Documents folder. Yep also provides direct scanning support and new drag-and-drop text or image file creation from within the application.