Qbserve 1.88 | macOS | 7 mb
Qbserve is an automatic private time tracker that helps improve your productivity. It gives you instant answers about the way you spend your time by intelligently observing active apps. All the tracked information is stored privately on your machine.

Tekla Structural Design Suite 2021 | 1.0 Gb
Trimble introduced the latest versions of its Tekla software solutions for advanced Building Information Modeling (BIM), structural engineering and steel fabrication management-Tekla Structural Designer Suite 2021. The only suite an engineer performing structural analysis and calculations will need.

TriSun Advanced Recent Access 8.1 Build 027 Multilingual | 1 Mb
Advanced Recent Access is designed to see and open more recent used resources (files and directories). And you can see more properties of the recent resources, such as path, size, type, date modified and date created.

KLS IceArchiver | 23.39 Mb
IceArchiver delivers a powerful, cost-effective backup solution that is designed to easily automate the backup process of your entire network infrastructure. IceArchiver uses the Amazon Glacier low-cost cloud storage to store the backup archives.

DS SIMULIA Suite 2021 HF5 | 7.4 Gb
Dassault Systèmes, the 3DEXPERIENCE Company, is pleased to announce the availability of SIMULIA Products 2021 HF5. This update includes a variety of bug fixes and technical improvements as well as new features and new or enhanced functionality.

Scrutiny 10.3.3 | macOS | 11 mb
Optimizing your website for search engines can improve your ranking in the search results pages and naturally bring more users to your site. Scrutiny is a website analysis tool that can help you check if there are any broken links on your website, create a sitemap, check for spelling errors, run SEO checks, and so on.

Trisun PC WorkBreak 9.1 Build 036 Multilingual | 3.07 Mb
PC WorkBreak provides proper reminders to reduce your RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) risk. It offers multi-type break reminders such as micro-break, stretch, eye exercises and walk, based on your PC usage model. Compliance rates are also provided. Follow a good break setting will help heavy PC user to release body pain induced by long sitting or frequent keyboard/mouse usage. All break settings are configurable, and you can use your favorite picture or animation (gif) as reminder demo.

TriSun Duplicate Photo Finder Plus 14.0 Build 050 Multilingual | 1.10 Mb
Duplicate Photo Finder Plus - quickly finds the duplicate pictures on your drives relied on picture content, you can remove the unwanted pictures to recover your valuable disk space, reduce the management costs and avoid the unnecessary confusion. It works very fast because of our high-speed picture comparison algorithm is built-in. And the result (duplicate pictures) is 100% accurate due to it compares pictures relied on picture content, not picture name, last modified date or file size.

TriSun Duplicate MP3 Finder Plus 14.0 Build 034 Multilingual | 1.08 Mb
Duplicate MP3 Finder Plus - Quickly finds the duplicate audio on your drives relied on their content, you can remove the unwanted audio as you expect to recover your valuable disk space, reduce the management costs and avoid the unnecessary confusion. It works very fast because of our high-speed audio comparison algorithm is built-in. And the result (duplicate audio) is 100% accurate due to it compares audio relied on audio content, not audio name, last modified date or file size.

TriSun 1Tree Pro 6.0 Build 047 Multilingual | 2.15 MB
1Tree Pro lets you quickly see all drives/directories/files size in 1 tree view, so as to let you to do the manual disk cleaning work easily. 1Tree Pro loads your local and network drives, folders and files with their sizes (sorted by size in descending order), and you can do some common operations for the checked resources in batch mode, such as Move to Recycle Bin, Permanently Delete and Move / Copy to Other Place. Also, it provides you with a few special commands (e.g. Get Full Path of Resource) for drives/files/folders. So, with 1Tree Pro, you can do the manual disk cleaning work easily.