The Language of Ornament By James Trilling
2001 | 224 Pages | ISBN: 0500203431 | PDF | 58 MB
Ornament, the art of decorative patterning, includes some of the most spectacular creations of human imagination and skill. Although the fashion for unadorned form pushed ornament to the margins of Western taste in the twentieth century, an ornamental revival is now under way. This book introduces the global panorama of ornament and will be of value to crafts people, collectors, and students of art history.Trilling's approach is both visual and historical. With over 200 illustrations, he presents the dazzling variety of ornament so that the reader can appreciate both its inherent form and the role it has played in everything from the monumental architecture of Mycenaean Greece to the inlaid vessels of Zhou Dynasty China, from the bronze mirrors of Early Celtic Britain to the carved and woven ornament of the Indians of Alaska and British Columbia. The characteristics of individual styles are balanced against their evolution and interaction from the Paleolithic Age to the present day. Special attention is paid to patterns that migrate across large stretches of space and time, showing how ornament becomes a record of cultural interaction through trade, conquest, and the spread of religions.Finally, Trilling explores the fate of ornament since the beginning of modernism in the early twentieth century. Modernism actually nurtured a vibrant and original ornamental style of its own, one so different from traditional ornament that its true nature went virtually unrecognized. Ornament in the postmodern era is open to any number of possible innovations, combining the modernist legacy with forms and principles from the world of traditional ornament.

The Ideal Foundations of Economic Thought By Werner Stark
2010 | 220 Pages | ISBN: 0415605199 | PDF | 6 MB
Published in 1998, The Ideal Foundations of Economic Thought is a valuable contribution to the field of Sociology & Social Policy.

The Bible as it was By James L. Kugel
1997 | 680 Pages | ISBN: 0674069404 | EPUB + PDF | 74 MB
This is a guide to the Hebrew Bible unlike any other. Leading us chapter by chapter through its most important stories--from the Creation and the Tree of Knowledge through the Exodus from Egypt and the journey to the Promised Land--James Kugel shows how a group of anonymous, ancient interpreters radically transformed the Bible and made it into the book that has come down to us today.Was the snake in the Garden of Eden the devil, or the Garden itself "paradise"? Did Abraham discover monotheism, and was his son Isaac a willing martyr? Not until the ancient interpreters set to work. Poring over every little detail in the Bible's stories, prophecies, and laws, they let their own theological and imaginative inclinations radically transform the Bible's very nature. Their sometimes surprising interpretations soon became the generally accepted meaning. These interpretations, and not the mere words of the text, became the Bible in the time of Jesus and Paul or the rabbis of the Talmud.Drawing on such sources as the Dead Sea Scrolls, ancient Jewish apocrypha, Hellenistic writings, long-lost retellings of Bible stories, and prayers and sermons of the early church and synagogue, Kugel reconstructs the theory and methods of interpretation at the time when the Bible was becoming the bedrock of Judaism and Christianity. Here, for the first time, we can witness all the major transformations of the text and recreate the development of the Bible "As It Was" at the start of the Common era--the Bible as we know it.

Questions and Swords: Folktales of the Zapatista Revolution By Subcomandante Marcos, Simon Ortiz, Elena Poniatowska
2001 | 112 Pages | ISBN: 0938317539 | PDF | 23 MB
Domitila Domínguez (illus.), Antonio Ramírez (illus.), David Romo (trans.)

Letters by Leo the Great By Leo the Great (Author), Br. Edmund Hunt C.S.C. (Translator)
2004 | 342 Pages | ISBN: 0813214033 | PDF | 5 MB
As the vestiges of the Roman political machine began to collapse in the fifth century A.D., the towering figure of Pope St. Leo the Great came into relief amid the rubble. Sustained by an immutable doctrine transcending institutions and cultures, the Church alone emerged from the chaos. Eventually, the Roman heritage became assimilated into Christianity and ceased to have a life of its own. It would be practically impossible to understand this monumental transition from Roman world to Christendom without taking into account the pivotal role played by Leo―and not the emperor―who went out to confront Attila and Hun. It was Leo who once averted and on another occasion mitigated the ravages of barbarian incursions.As significant as his contribution was to history, Leo had an even greater impact on theology. When partisans of the monophysite heresy had through various machinations predetermined the outcome of a council held at Ephesus in 450, Leo immediately denounced it as a latrocinium (robbery) rather than a concilium (council). A year later―with cries of "Peter has spoken through Leo!"―the ecumenical Council of Chalcedon, a pillar of Catholic Christianity, adopted in its resounding condemnation of monophysitism the very language formulated by Leo. Pope Leo also developed the most explicit and detailed affirmations known up to that time of the prerogatives enjoyed by successors if St. Peter. Many theological principles find their clearest, and certainly their most eloquent, expression in his sermons.Leo spoke with all the refinement of a Roman orator, without the pagan trappings, and thus epitomized a Christian appropriation of the classical heritage. In the midst of it all, however, Pope St. Leo thought of himself simply as the humble servant of those entrusted to his care.This volume presents the first English translation of the complete sermons.

Ladies Who Punch By Ramin Setoodeh
2019 | 320 Pages | ISBN: 1250112095 | EPUB | 15 MB
LikeFire & Fury,the gossipy real-life soap opera behind a serious show.When Barbara Walters launchedThe View, network executives told her that hosting it would tarnish her reputation. Instead, within ten years, she'd revolutionized morning TV and made household names of her co-hosts: Joy Behar, Star Jones, Meredith Vieira and Elisabeth Hasselbeck. But the daily chatfest didn't just comment on the news. It became the news. And the headlines barely scratched the surface.Based on stunning interviews with nearly every host and unprecedented access, award-winning journalist Ramin Setoodeh takes you backstage where the stars really spoke their minds. Here's the full story of how Star, then Rosie, then Whoopi tried to take over the show, while Barbara struggled to maintain control of it all, a modern-day Lear with her media-savvy daughters. You'll read about how so many co-hosts had a tough time fitting in, suffered humiliations at the table, then pushed themselves away, feeling betrayed-one nearly quitting during a commercial. Meanwhile, the director was being driven insane, especially by Rosie.Setoodeh uncovers the truth about Star's weight loss and wedding madness. Rosie's feud with Trump. Whoopi's toxic relationship with Rosie. Barbara's difficulty stepping away. Plus, all the unseen hugs, snubs, tears-and one dead rodent.Ladies Who Punchshows whyThe Viewcan be mimicked and mocked, but it can never be matched.

Islamic Republic of Dewsbury By Danny Lockwood
2012 | 320 Pages | ISBN: 0957096429 | EPUB | 1 MB
Saturday June 24th, 1989, the day a Muslim community found its voice and flexed its muscles. The day, according to author and journalist Danny Lockwood, that life in the former Yorkshire mill town of Dewsbury changed forever. His hard-hitting account of the massive cultural upheavals over the subsequent 20-plus years describe how the liberal politics of appeasement by government and law enforcement agencies alike, have left two communities further apart than ever. From blood-spattered heroin dens, to a fierce libel battle and London trial with a Muslim MP, the book lifts the lid on the real effects - and victims - of 'multi-culturalism'.

Intelligent Design Uncensored: An Easy-To-Understand Guide to Controversy By William A. Dembski; Jonathan Witt
2010 | 175 Pages | ISBN: 0830837426 | EPUB | 1 MB
What is ID? Why is it controversial?Intelligent design is surrounded by a storm of debate. Proponents and opponents have both sought to have their voices heard above the din.Is it unscientific? Is it a danger to real Christian faith? Is it trying to smuggle God into the classroom?Controversy can create confusion rather than clarity. So here to clear things up is Bill Dembski, one of the founders of intelligent design, who joins with Jonathan Witt to answer these questions and more. They plainly lay out just what intelligent design is and is not. They answer objections with straight talk that is down to earth.You'll be surprised at how often smart people have misrepresented ID. You might be surprised to see exactly how they respond to what turns out to be misleading arguments.Here is the book to make you intelligent about the whole fuss!

Illuminati 3: Satanic Possession By Henry Makow
2014 | 240 Pages | ISBN: 0991821122 | EPUB | 2 MB
What passes as spontaneous "social change" is in fact an organized process of satanic possession. This development is not an isolated or recent phenomenon. Western society is based on a rebellion against God and the natural and moral order. The so-called "Enlightenment" refers to Lucifer as the "light giver." It was an assertion of the Illuminati's determination to reject Reality -- the Creator's Design - and construct an artificial reality more conducive to their interests and perversions. This is what the Cabalist bankers mean by "remaking the world" or "changing the world." There is no way to sugarcoat this. Satanist (Cabalist) Jews and Freemasons are waging a covert war against God and man and are close to achieving victory. Many Jews and Freemasons have been a subversive force throughout history - the real reason for anti Semitism. Of course, the majority of Jews (and Christians) aren't aware of this process of satanic possession. We have all succumbed to it. Passing as "secularism" and "humanism," Satanism is the secret religion of the West.

How to solve your people problems By Godwin, Alan
2008 | 239 Pages | ISBN: 0736923519 | PDF | 10 MB