English | 2021 | ISBN: 9814800600 | 439 pages | True PDF | 333.34 MB
Every year, the world consumes more than 10,000 tons of diamond superabrasives, which are indispensable for fields such as construction, metals, ceramics, automobiles, semiconductors, computers, and cellular phones. In fact, the per capita consumption of superabrasives may be used as an indicator of a country's industrial activities.
This volume presents several aspects of superhard materials, especially diamond superabrasives and their manufacture, properties, and applications, and introduces several new designs of ultrahard materials that may be harder than diamond. It discusses diamond's connection with the origin of life, in particular, the origin of the first RNA. In addition, it throws light on the concept of diamond quantum computers with neutrons of the carbon-13 isotope as quantum bits. This innovation may maintain quantum coherence with minimal interference without using complicated cryogenic cooling. Hence, it can be a robust design for future quantum computers. For those interested in the depth of the quantum mechanical world, a chapter elaborates the history of life and humanity in light of the evolution of quantum universes.

Gender in Organizations: Are Men Allies or Adversaries to Women's Career Advancement? By Ronald J. Burke; Debra A. Major (eds.)
2014 | 456 Pages | ISBN: 1781955697 | PDF | 3 MB
Diversifying the workforce is becoming increasingly important, with gender equality being a central feature of overall equality. Men seem to be part of the problem and a necessary part of the solution. This collection ties these themes together in the context of talent management and organizational effectiveness. Talented women continue to have difficulty advancing their careers in organizations wordwide. Organizations and their cultures were created by men, for men and reflect the wider patriarchal society. As a consequence, some women are disadvantaged and face barriers to advancement. Burke and Major present an examination of men, masculinity and gendered organizational cultures to get both a better understanding of why women have made such slow progress and ways in which men can become allies and champions of women, supporting their advancement and workplace equality. By taking an unusual approach to the subject of gender equality, this topical book will be a refreshing read for st

English | 2021 | ISBN: 9811626588| 423 pages | pdf, epub | 63.66 MB
This book provides evidence-based management in neuro-oncology covering all aspects such as pathology, radiology, surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.The field of neuro-oncology is rapidly evolving and new evidence is coming out every day towards the optimal management of brain tumors. This necessitates a requirement of a complete guide that shall provide an evidence-based and personalized approach towards dealing with patients.
This book also covers recent advances in personalized treatment formed through the relevant basis of anatomy, imaging, radiology, surgical, radiation and systemic treatment of brain and spinal tumors. In addition it also covers the , practical aspects of the planning of the Gamma knife and other radio surgical aspects. The book shall provide valuable assistance to practicing neuro-oncologists to practice better evidence-based personalized medicine.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurship for Sustainability:
Leading in the Era of Digital Transformation
English | 2021 | ISBN: 9811634599 | 139 Pages | PDF EPUB | 8 MB

Concepts of Creativity in Seventeenth-Century England By Rebecca Herissone, Alan Howard
2013 | 372 Pages | ISBN: 1843837404 | PDF | 39 MB
In the seventeenth century, the concept of creativity was far removed from most of the fundamental ideas about the creative act - notions of human imagination, inspiration, originality and genius - that developed in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Instead, in this period, students learned their crafts by copying and imitating past masters and did not consciously seek to break away from tradition. Most new material was made on the instructions of a patron and had to conform to external expectations; and basic tenets that we tend to take for granted-such as the primacy and individuality of the author-were apparently considered irrelevant in some contexts. The aim of this interdisciplinary collection of essays is to explore what it meant to create buildings and works of art, music and literature in seventeenth-century England and to investigate the processes by which such creations came into existence. Through a series of specific case studies, the book highlights a wide range of ideas, beliefs and approaches to creativity that existed in seventeenth-century England and places them in the context of the prevailing intellectual, social and cultural trends of the period. In so doing, it draws into focus the profound changes that were emerging in the understanding of human creativity in early modern society - transformations that would eventually lead to the development of a more recognisably modern conception of the notion of creativity. The contributors work in and across the fields of literary studies, history, musicology, history of art and history of architecture, and their work collectively explores many of the most fundamental questions about creativity posed by the early modern English 'creative arts'. REBECCA HERISSONE is Head of Music and Senior Lecturer in Musicology at the University of Manchester. ALAN HOWARD is Lecturer in Music at the University of East Anglia and Reviews Editor for Eighteenth-Century Music. Contributors: Linda Phyllis Austern, Stephanie Carter, John Cunningham, Marina Daiman, Kirsten Gibson, Raphael Hallett, Rebecca Herissone, Anne Hultzsch, Freyja Cox Jensen, Stephen Rose, Andrew R. Walkling, Amanda Eubanks Winkler, James A. Winn.

Collapsing Gracefully: Making a Built Environment that is Fit for the Future
English | 2021 | ISBN: 3030777820 | 320 Pages | PDF EPUB | 60 MB
This innovative book investigates the concept of collapse in terms of our built environment, exploring the future transition of modern cities towards scenarios very different from the current promises of progress and development. This is not a book about the end of the world and hopeless apocalyptic scenarios. It is about understanding change in how and where we live. Collapse is inevitable, but in the built environment collapse could imply a manageable situation, an opportunity for change or a devastating reality.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 0367636018 | 223 pages | pdf | 17.35 MB
Many urban and transportation problems, such as traffic congestion, traffic accidents, and environmental burdens, result from poor integration of land use and transportation. This graduate-level textbook outlines strategies for sustainably integrating land use and transportation planning, addressing the impact on land use of advanced transport like light rail transit and autonomous cars, and the emerging focus on cyber space and the role of ICT and big data in city planning.
The text also explores how we can create sustainable cities for the future. In contrast to the "compact city", which has been proposed as an environmentally friendly urban model, recent years have seen an acceleration in the introduction of ICT-based "smart city". As people's lives are drastically changed by COVID-19, a new form of city is being explored. The new concept of a "smart sharing city" is introduced as an urban model that wisely integrates physical and cyber space, and presents a way to solve future urban issues with new technologies.

Christian Body, Christian Self: Concepts of Early Christian Personhood By Robert S Kinney (Author), Clare K Rothschild (Editor), Trevor W Thompson (Editor)
2011 | 386 Pages | ISBN: 3161509501 | PDF | 2 MB
Early Christian texts are replete with the language of body and self. Clearly, such concepts were important to their authors and audiences. Yet usage rarely makes sense across texts. Despite attempts to establish a single biblical or Christian vision of either body or self across texts, the evidence demonstrates plurality of opinion; and, reception history multiplies interpretations. Depending upon the particular anthropological-philosophical paradigm of the interpreter (e.g., Platonic, Cartesian), Christian texts reflect a number of views about the body and self. Today, scholarship on these concepts advances in many different directions. In addition to sophisticated new methods of drawing history-of-religions comparisons, scholars place early Christian texts in conversation with philosophy, psychology, political science, and developments in the hard sciences--in particular the neurosciences, sometimes all but doing away with the notion of self. Recent studies and monographs focus on the disabled body, the gendered body, the slave body, the martyr's body, relevance of ancient scientific and medical treatises for understanding the body, the asexual body/self, embodied knowledge, the suffering self, and religion and the self. The essays in this volume individually and collectively participate in these ongoing discussions. They do not proceed with a uniform notion of either self or body, but recognize competition on the topics, ably captured by the variety of approaches to their meaning in antiquity and today, and offer nuanced analyses of texts and passages, highlighting individual perceptions of these crucial yet enigmatic concepts.

Bladder Cancer: A Practical Guide
English | 2021 | ISBN: 3030706451 | 488 Pages | PDF EPUB | 98 MB
This book provides a practical, comprehensive, state-of-the-art review of bladder cancer. A valuable resource for anyone with an interest in urothelial tumors, this text brings together a multidisciplinary team of experts who have distilled their vast years of experience and knowledge into a concise, easy to digest format. Topics covered range from importance of a pattern recognition in diagnosis and pathologic evaluation to 'how I do it' tips on patient selection for appropriate therapies such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, surgery and radiation. Bridging the gap between a traditional textbook and hands-on experience, this book provides a practical guide to managing day-to-day issues and challenges and brings an algorithmic approach to avoid common pitfalls.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 3030708969| 471 pages | pdf, epub | 22.39 MB
This book offers a comprehensive guide to peritoneal dialysis (PD). Home dialysis, and more specifically PD, is growing in popularity in the US. By conservative estimates, experts suggest that 45 percent of dialysis patients in the US can be on home dialysis. However, the current penetration rate is only 10 percent. This is changing with an expected major increase in the next 5 years. One of the reasons for the low uptake is that many nephrologists lack comfort and confidence in using PD as a dialysis modality.
This book addresses those concerns by covering all aspects of PD. Chapters include its history, patient selection, implementation options, comorbidities, quality of life concerns, and developing approaches to treatment. This comprehensive resource fills the unmet need for a practical, hands-on book that is both detailed and can work as a quick reference.