English | 2021 | ASIN : B099SBRFT4 | 546 pages | PDF, AZW3, EPUB, MOBI | 50.49 MB
Providing a powerful graphical interface for managing MySQL, phpMyAdmin is one of the most popular open source applications. While most MySQL developers use routine features of phpMyAdmin every day, few are aware of the power and potential of its advanced features. This book builds a solid understanding of the core capabilities of phpMyAdmin before walking you through every facet of this legendary tool.
Used by millions of developers, MySQL is the most popular open source database, supporting numerous large dynamic websites and applications. MySQL has acquired this wide popularity by virtue of its open source nature, performance, reliability, robustness, and support for various platforms. However, this popularity has also been helped by the existence of phpMyAdmin, the industry standard administration tool that makes database management easy for both the experienced developer and their novice.

Economic and Financial Modelling with EViews: A Guide for Students and Professionals by Abdulkader Aljandali
English | EPUB | 2018 | 284 Pages | ISBN : 3319929844 | 125.9 MB
This practical guide in Eviews is aimed at practitioners and students in business, economics, econometrics, and finance. It uses a step-by-step approach to equip readers with a toolkit that enables them to make the most of this widely used econometric analysis software. Statistical and econometrics concepts are explained visually with examples, problems, and solutions.

Differential Equations on Measures and Functional Spaces by Vassili Kolokoltsov
English | PDF | 2019 | 525 Pages | ISBN : 3030033767 | 5.5 MB
This advanced book focuses on ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in Banach and more general locally convex spaces, most notably the ODEs on measures and various function spaces. It briefly discusses the fundamentals before moving on to the cutting edge research in linear and nonlinear partial and pseudo-differential equations, general kinetic equations and fractional evolutions.

Descriptive Geometry, The Spread of a Polytechnic Art: The Legacy of Gaspard Monge by Évelyne Barbin
English | PDF,EPUB | 2019 | 437 Pages | ISBN : 3030148076 | 63.3 MB
This book seeks to explore the history of descriptive geometry in relation to its circulation in the 19th century, which had been favoured by the transfers of the model of the École Polytechnique to other countries. The book also covers the diffusion of its teaching from higher instruction to technical and secondary teaching.

Thomas E. Smith, "Declarations of the Perfected: Part One: Setting Scripts and Imaegs into Motion"
English | ISBN: 1931483817 | 2013 | 304 pages | PDF | 4 MB
Declarations of the Perfected is the first complete, annotated translation of the Zhen'gao, Tao Hongjing's (456-536) masterful compilation of the Shangqing, or Higher Clarity revelations, setting the stage for the heyday of medieval Daoism. This volume presents its first part (fasc. 1-4), centering around the practice of achieving "spiritual union," a spiritual analogue to sexual intercourse, with Perfected partners. The book is the first to examine in depth the full process of this practice.

Zhongjiang Wang, "Daoism Excavated: Cosmos and Humanity in Early Manuscripts "
English | ISBN: 1931483620 | 2016 | 215 pages | PDF | 2 MB
Daoism Excavated explores issues of cosmogony and cosmology, notably the understanding and political application of oneness in the light of newly excavated Daoist manuscripts. They include the Hengxian, Taiyi shengshui, Fanwu liuxing, and the Four Classics of the Yellow Emperor as well as the various new finds of Laoziversions from Guodian, Mawangdui, and the Peking University Han edition.

English | 2021 | ASIN : B098LLDP66 | 267 pages | PDF, AZW3, EPUB, MOBI | 131.77 MB
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Correlations in Low-Dimensional Quantum Gases by Guillaume Lang
English | EPUB | 2018 | 193 Pages | ISBN : 3030052842 | 12.5 MB
The book addresses several aspects of thermodynamics and correlations in the strongly-interacting regime of one-dimensional bosons, a topic at the forefront of current theoretical and experimental studies. Strongly correlated systems of one-dimensional bosons have a long history of theoretical study. Their experimental realisation in ultracold atom experiments is the subject of current research, which took off in the early 2000s. Yet these experiments raise new theoretical questions, just begging to be answered.

Roger T. Ames, "Confucianisms for a Changing World Cultural Order "
English | ISBN: 0824872584 | 2017 | 284 pages | PDF | 12 MB
In a single generation, the rise of Asia has precipitated a dramatic sea change in the world's economic and political orders. This reconfiguration is taking place amidst a host of deepening global predicaments, including climate change, migration, increasing inequalities of wealth and opportunity, that cannot be resolved by purely technical means or by seeking recourse in a liberalism that has of late proven to be less than effective. The present work critically explores how the pan-Asian phenomenon of Confucianism offers alternative values and depths of ethical commitment that cross national and cultural boundaries to provide a new response to these challenges.

Computational Linear and Commutative Algebra by Martin Kreuzer
English | PDF(True) | 2016 | 332 Pages | ISBN : 331943599X | 2.8 MB
This book combines, in a novel and general way, an extensive development of the theory of families of commuting matrices with applications to zero-dimensional commutative rings, primary decompositions and polynomial system solving.