Phil Powrie, "The French Film Musical"
English | ISBN: 1501329804 | 2020 | 312 pages | PDF | 26 MB
Like many national cinemas, the French cinema has a rich tradition of film musicals beginning with the advent of sound to the present. This is the first book to chart the development of the French film musical.

The Bishop and the Apostle: Cyprian's Pastoral Exegesis of Paul By Edwina Murphy
2018 | 242 Pages | ISBN: 3110601036 | PDF | 2 MB

Talking Monkeys: Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Religion and Politics on a Doomed Planet - Articles and Reviews 2006-2019 3rd Edition By Michael Starks
2019 | 649 Pages | ISBN: 1797517813 | PDF | 4 MB
This collection of articles and reviews are about human behavior (as are all articles by anyone about anything), and so about the limitations of having a recent monkey ancestry (8 million years or much less depending on viewpoint) and manifest words and deeds within the framework of our innate psychology as presented in the table of intentionality. As famous evolutionist Richard Leakey says, it is critical to keep in mind not that we evolved from apes, but that in every important way, we are apes. If everyone was given a real understanding of this (i.e., of human ecology and psychology to actually give them some control over themselves), maybe civilization would have a chance. As things are however the leaders of society have no more grasp of things than their constituents and so collapse into anarchy and dictatorship appears inevitable.Since philosophy proper is essentially the same as the descriptive psychology of higher order thought (behavior), and philosophical problems are the result of our innate psychology, or as Wittgenstein put it, due to the lack of perspicuity of language, they run throughout human discourse and behavior, so there is endless need for philosophical analysis, not only in the 'human sciences' of philosophy, sociology, anthropology, political science, psychology, history, literature, religion, etc., but in the 'hard sciences' of physics, mathematics, and biology. It is universal to mix the language game questions with the real scientific ones as to what the empirical facts are. Scientism is ever present and the master has laid it before us long ago, i.e., Wittgenstein (hereafter W) beginning with the Blue and Brown Books in the early 1930's.Although I separate the book into sections on philosophy and psychology, religion, biology, the 'hard sciences' and politics/sociology/economics, all the articles, like all behavior, are intimately connected if one knows how to look at them. As I note, The Phenomenological Illusion (oblivion to our automated System 1) is universal and extends not merely throughout philosophy but throughout life. I am sure that Chomsky, Obama, Zuckerberg and the Pope would be incredulous if told that they suffer from the same problems as Hegel, Husserl and Heidegger, or that that they differ only in degree from drug and sex addicts in being motivated by stimulation of their frontal cortices by the delivery of dopamine (and over 100 other chemicals) via the ventral tegmentum and the nucleus accumbens, but it's clearly true. While the phenomenologists only wasted a lot of people's time, they are wasting the earth and their descendant's future.I hope that these essays will help to separate the philosophical issues of language use from the scientific factual issues, and in some small way hinder the collapse of civilization, or at least make it clear why it is doomed

Tableau Strategies: Solving Real, Practical Problems with Data Analytics
English | ISBN: 9781492080084 | 575 pages | 2021 | EPUB | 59.87 MB
If you want to increase Tableau's value to your organization, this practical book has your back. Authors Ann Jackson and Luke Stanke guide data analysts through strategies for solving real-world analytics problems using Tableau. Starting with the basics and building toward advanced topics such as multidimensional analysis and user experience, you'll explore pragmatic and creative examples that you can apply to your own data.

Andrew Schumann, "Swarm Intelligence: From Social Bacteria to Humans"
English | 2020 | ISBN: 0367137933, 0367535955 | 190 pages | PDF | 19.9 MB
The notion of swarm intelligence was introduced for describing decentralized and self-organized behaviors of groups of animals. Then this idea was extrapolated to design groups of robots which interact locally to cumulate a collective reaction. Some natural examples of swarms are as follows: ant colonies, bee colonies, fish schooling, bird flocking, horse herding, bacterial colonies, multinucleated giant amoebae Physarum polycephalum, etc. In all these examples, individual agents behave locally with an emergence of their common effect.

English | 2021 | ASIN : B09BCCXRND | 135 pages | PDF, AZW3, EPUB, MOBI | 22.16 MB
Summer brings all of the fun, and it's that time of year when we start planning more outdoor activities. We try to make summer fun and memorable with everything from picnics and tours to simple planting activities with the kids at home. The rising temperature, on the other hand, is a major source of concern, as even minor carelessness can be fatal. Know how to keep your body temperature cool in order to have a fun-filled summer? When should you go out in the sun and how can you have a safe summer?
Summer fruit and vegetables are ideal products to be consumed during the hottest season of the year. Knowing the seasonality of the earth's products is important in many respects, ranging from respect for the cycles of nature to the fuller and more genuine taste of the foods we put on the table. From this point of view, summer is rich in its offer: watermelon, melon and zucchini are just some of the fresh foods that keep us company in the hottest season of the year.

Success International English Skills for Cambridge IGCSE Workbook By Marian Barry
2017 | 122 Pages | ISBN: 1316637085 | PDF | 27 MB

Sex: The Best Guide to Last Longer in Bed: Recover Your Sex Life and Improve Love and Romance on Your Relationship (Sex guide, Sex Health, Marriage and Sex) By Bruce Maxwell
2013 | 19 Pages | ISBN: 1533491240 | EPUB | 1 MB

Securing Livelihoods: Informal Economy Practices and Institutions By Isabelle Hillenkamp; Frédéric Lapeyre; Andreia Lemaitre
2013 | 352 Pages | ISBN: 0199687013 | PDF | 3 MB
Far from the vision of popular actors in the popular economy as reactionary and archaic, stubbornly resisting any move towards change, this book's overall aim is to contribute to a broadening and deepening of our understanding of the logic and socio-economic practices of those operating in the informal economy. It focuses on the vulnerabilities of these participants, resulting from high exposure to different risks combined with low social protection, and on the interactions between vulnerability and poverty. It considers security of livelihoods as the guiding principle for multiple practices in the informal economy. Thirteen studies, based on careful analyses of empirical data in different contexts in Africa, Latin America, and Asia, contribute to this multidisciplinary discussion.This book describes how people develop their own strategies to solve their problems through the use of interpersonal networks, associations, and other community-based arrangements. Moreover, it shows that informal economy actors systematically reposition themselves vis-a-vis the State, markets, international, and national policies with the aim of enhancing their economic and social security, and they may do this either individually or collectively. The book emphasizes how adaptability of the informal economy can be influenced by such factors as the macroeconomic context, access to financial, technological, and information resources, infrastructure, social protection schemes, and the institutional environment within which adaptations occur. Case studies stress the need to reformulate questions relating to policy intervention based on a more thorough understanding of the perspective of informal economy actors.

Scapegoat: The Jews, Israel, and Women's Liberation By Andrea Dworkin
2002 | 448 Pages | ISBN: 0743242564 | PDF | 11 MB
On Yom Kippur, Jews of antiquity would sacrifice two goats: one killed as an offering to a harsh and judging god, the other taken to the wilderness and turned loose, a carrier of the sins of the group. Throughout history, argues brilliant feminist critic Andrea Dworkin, women and Jews have been stigmatized as society's scapegoats. In this stunning and provocative book, Dworkin brings her rigorous intellect to bear on the dynamics of scapegoating. Drawing upon history, philosophy, literature, and politics, she creates a terrifying picture of the workings of misogyny and anti-Semitism in the last millennium.With examples that range from the Inquisition, when women were targeted as witches and Jews as heretics, to the terror of the Nazis, whose aggression was both race- and gender-motivated, Dworkin illustrates how and why women and Jews have been scapegoated and compares the civil inequality, prejudices, and stereotypes that have framed identity for both groups. Taking the state of Israel as a paradigm, Dworkin traces the growth of male dominance in societies both old and new -- resulting in the subordination of women and a racial or ethnic "other."In Israel today, Palestinians and prostitutes are the new scapegoats: degraded, inferior, abject. Although the gentle Jewish martyrs of old have become modern Israeli warriors, women retain the stigmatized status of "weak Jews" who, when attacked, never fight back. This leads Dworkin to imagine a world in which women betray men of their own kind in order to develop and defend their own sovereignty. Ultimately, her book forces us to ask profound questions: Why do women continue to value their own lives less than those of themen they love? Where is the line between justifiable self-defense and violence? Both an impassioned plea for women to challenge and destroy the author- ity of the men in their own group and a startling work of history, "Scapegoat" will forever change how we think about the patterns of behavior and belief that give rise to domination and oppression.