Advanced English Vocabulary Builder for Education and Test Prep - 6 by Janette Robinson
English | 2021 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B098KKH42B | 530 pages | EPUB | 0.95 Mb
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Advanced English Vocabulary Builder for Education and Test Prep - 5 by Janette Robinson
English | 2021 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B095298NFJ | 592 pages | EPUB | 0.99 Mb
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Adam Smith: Systematic Philosopher and Public Thinker By Eric Schliesser
2017 | 407 Pages | ISBN: 0190690127 | PDF | 5 MB
Eric Schliesser's Adam Smith is the product of two decades' reflection by the author on the great Scottish Enlightenment. Unique among treatments of Adam Smith, Schliesser's book treats him as a systematic philosopher. Smith was a giant of the Scottish Enlightenment with polymath interests; Schliesser thus explores Smith's economics and ethics in light of his other commitments on the nature of knowledge, the theory of emotions, the theory of mind, his account of language, the nature of causation, and his views on methodology. He places Smith's ideas in the context of a host of other philosophers, especially Hume, Rousseau, and Newton; and he draws on the reception of Smith's ideas by Sophie de Grouchy, Mary Wollstonecraft, and other philosophers and economists to sketch the elements of, and the detailed connections within, Smith's system. Adam Smith traces the outlines of Smith's intellectual system and situates it in the context of his highly developed views on the norms that govern responsible speech. In particular, the book articulates Smith's concerns about the impact of his public policy recommendations, especially on the least powerful in society. In so doing, Schliesser offers new interpretations of Smith's views on the invisible hand, the Wealth of Nations, his treatment of virtue, the nature of freedom, the individual's relationship to society, his account of the passions, the moral roles of religion, and his treatment of the role of mathematics in economics. While the book does offer a single argument, it is organized in a modular fashion and includes a helpful index; readers with a more focused interest in Smith's achievements can skip to their section of interest.

ASTROLOGY BOOK For Beginners 2020: 12 zodiac signs - Understanding Yourself, Your Signs and Your Birth Chart by William Richards
English | December 12, 2020 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B08QBY9PL6 | 147 pages | EPUB | 0.17 Mb
Astrology for Beginners: What's It All Mean?

ASSERTIVE COMMUNICATION: Standing Up for Your Personal Rights. Expressing Thoughts, Feelings, and Beliefs in DIRECT, HONEST, AND APPROPRIATE WAYS by KARL WHITE
English | May 10, 2021 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B094L9H11P | 124 pages | EPUB | 0.15 Mb
What is an example of assertive communication?

A Year in the Life of Ancient Greece: The Real Lives of the People Who Lived There by Philip Matyszak
English | June 10, 2021 | ISBN: 1789293030 | EPUB | 272 pages | 4.7 MB
Spend a year in the company of the ancient Greeks during an historic and triumphant Olympic year, and experience the drama and excitement that swept through the city-states as they put aside their political differences to prepare for victory in Olympia.

A Theory of Everything by Gerald W. Scanlon
English | October 23, 2016 | ISBN: 1533562563 | 346 pages | EPUB | 12 Mb
Gerald W. Scanlon has linked quantum theory to the creation of the universe by presenting a compelling model showing the elements were created during the first few moments of the universe. A Theory of Everything is a collection of the seven books written by Gerald W. Scanlon on his theory of creation and on his proposal for a new atomic model. Each book deals with different aspects of these proposals. When taken together, the collection of books provides the basis for A Theory of Everything.The author states the universe started at the Big Bang where an enormous amount of mass was concentrated into a singular point. He shows the fabric of spacetime of the universe was created when waves of energy radiated out from this point. Along the way, some of the energy in the emerging waves was converted to mass according to the formula E=mc2. Some of the newly created mass grouped together forming families of elements which emerged from a black hole in quantum stages creating the core of our present day universe. The titles of the seven books in this collection are:1.God's Particle and Elements: Core of the Universe; A Theory of Everything2.Higgs Field Unveiled; God's Field at Creation3.God's Atomic Model Unveiled; A New Proposal4.Fundamental Forces at Creation5.Fundamental Particles at Creation6.The Expanding Ten-Dimensional Universe7.Waves at Creation (This book is printed in full color.)

Robert F. Card, "A New Theory of Conscientious Objection in Medicine: Justification and Reasonability "
English | ISBN: 0367430819 | 2020 | 284 pages | PDF | 1323 KB
This book argues that a conscientiously objecting medical professional should receive an exemption only if the grounds of an objector's refusal are reasonable. It defends a detailed, contextual account of public reasonability suited for healthcare, which builds from the overarching concept of Rawlsian public reason.

A Neighbourly War: New Brunswick and the War of 1812 By Robert Dallison
2012 | 180 Pages | ISBN: 0864926537 | EPUB | 2 MB
When most people think of the War of 1812, they think of the Niagara frontier, the British burning of the White House, the harrowing tale of Laura Secord, and the much-ballyhooed Battle of New Orleans. But there was more of British North America involved in the war than Upper and Lower Canada. With Great Britain locked in battle with Napoleon's France, the United States pounced on the chance to declare war on Britain. In New Brunswick, the threat of invasion was a very real possibility. Fearing for their lives, families, and property, the people and their legislative assembly adopted every possible measure to make New Brunswick ready for war. However, an officially undeclared state of neutrality was established along the Maine border, and the threat faded. Supporting the British army in its efforts in Upper and Lower Canada and the navy in its operations along the Atlantic coast led to major growth in the province's war economy.As the war moved into its final year and Napoleon's empire fell in Europe, Britain became much more aggressive in its North American campaign. Buoyed by this, the New Brunswick government decided to press its claims to the unresolved international border with Maine. The British military thus occupied the Penobscot River Valley, and northern Maine was declared part of New Brunswick. By the end of the war, and the signing of the Treaty of Ghent, the unresolved border remained unresolved.The economic, political, geographical, and societal results of the War of 1812 continue to be felt in New Brunswick. The war strengthened the colony's ties to Britain, built up its economy, and led to the growth of major cities, especially with the settlement of retiring soldiers. Shipbuilding and supplying the British troops had led to growing profits for farmers, fishermen, merchants, and labourers. Although it would be decades later before the boundary issue was officially settled, there were areas still in dispute. Unlike its Upper and Lower Canadian cousins, the war in New Brunswick may not have involved the burning and pillaging of towns and villages, but its effects were nonetheless important and far-reaching.

Mateusz Machaj, "A Market Process Theory of the Firm: An Alternative to the Neoclassical Model "
English | ISBN: 0367749246 | 2021 | 112 pages | PDF | 4 MB
Neoclassical economics has been criticized from various angles by orthodox schools. The same can be said about its particular branch: the theory of the firm.