Hoarding Disorder: A Practical Guide to an Interdisciplinary Treatment
English | 2021 | ISBN: 3030723410 | 193 Pages | PDF EPUB | 2 MB
This book offers in-depth information on pathological hoarding, describing both the root of the disorder and its progression. How can hoarding disorder be diagnosed? What are the challenges involved in treatment? How can professionals best deal with those affected? In this practical guide, health professionals will find the answers to these and many other questions.

Hiring for Diversity: The Guide to Building an Inclusive and Equitable Organization by Arthur Woods, Susanna Tharakan
English | August 10th, 2021 | ISBN: 1119800900 | 304 pages | True EPUB | 0.64 MB
You want to build a more diverse organization, but how will you shift your hiring practices? Learn the playbook from the world's top talent executives and the global leader in diversity recruiting.

Handbook of Pediatric Cardiovascular Drugs, Second Edition by Ricardo Munoz
English | PDF | 2014 | 651 Pages | ISBN : 1447124634 | 3.6 MB
A Second Edition of this handbook of drugs used in pediatric cardiac care will satisfy the need for a quick up-to-date reference source of common drug therapy. There are no major texts available in the field of pediatric cardiology that exclusively provide therapeutic drug information. Several sources are available that present drug information for cardiology, but these place no emphasis on pediatric care and are written for general cardiac specialists.

Handbook of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings: Evidence-Based Assessment and Intervention by Christine M. Hunter
English | EPUB | 2014 | 774 Pages | ISBN : 0387098151 | 2.3 MB
Growing recognition of the role of behavioral health in overall health, the rise of health psychology, the trend toward interdisciplinary medicine-any number of factors have made clinical psychology an integral part of integrative care. Its applicability to the range of specialties, populations, and levels of care adds to its increasing necessity in diverse healthcare settings.

Getting Started in Small Business For Dummies, 4th Edition by Veechi Curtis
English | August 9th, 2021 | ISBN: 0730384853 | 192 pages | True EPUB | 1.66 MB
The big ideas that you'll need to run your small business

General Trauma Care and Related Aspects: Trauma Surgery II by Hans-Jörg Oestern
English | PDF | 294 Pages | 2014 | ISBN : 3540881239 | 15.1 MB
There currently is a clear tendency to an increasing number of accidental injuries in elderly people, in sport injuries and car crashes also in countries which recently joined the European Union and candidates to join the European Union. Patients expect very good functional results even after serious injuries. But in contrast to this development, Trauma Surgery as an independent field, is not yet established in all European countries. Therefore, it seems mandatory to compile a book that covers the state-of-the-art in Trauma Surgery. The book also serves to harmonise the practice of Trauma Surgery within the European Union, and to prepare for the exam of the U.E.M.S.

GUIDE TO ACTIVATE YOUR SEXUAL WELLNESS FOR DUMMIES: Optimize Your Relationship, Chemistry of Love, Sex & Attraction by Biden Dum PH.D
English | April 18, 2021 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B092P6X1Y6 | 40 pages | EPUB | 0.13 Mb
Sexual wеllnеѕѕ can bе dеfіnеd as a blеnd оf physical ѕtаtе, mеntаl ѕtаtе, and ѕосіаl wеll-bеіng thаt hаѕ a соnnесtіоn wіth sexuality. Grоwіng аwаrеnеѕѕ regarding ѕеxuаl wеllnеѕѕ іnѕріrеѕ a роѕіtіvе аnd rеѕресtful approach involving ѕеxuаlіtу and sexual rеlаtіоnѕhірѕ. This аlѕо ensures thаt couple involved in іt goes fоr a safe аnd рlеаѕurаblе еxреrіеnсе without having аnу kіnd оf coercion, poor discrimination аnd vіоlеnсе. Bеttеr еxроѕurе would аlѕо lеѕѕеn thе chance оf contracting ѕеxuаllу trаnѕmіttеd diseases (STDѕ) оr gеttіng pregnant in аn unwаntеd way. Hоw Cаn It Bе Aсhіеvеd? Thеrе аrе some ѕіmрlе fасtѕ thаt can improve the ѕtаndаrd of sexual life. These have tо be fоllоwеd оn a rеgulаr bаѕіѕ. Fоr іnѕtаnсе, еаtіng hеаlthу іѕ important аѕ it boosts thе vitality, which іѕ nееdеd to improve performance. Thе асt of sex саn аlѕо bе соnѕіdеrеd a gооd exercise, especially in tеrmѕ оf саrdіо and flеxіbіlіtу оf thе bоdу. Tо maintain thіѕ, аvоіdіng ѕmоkіng can bе thе stepping ѕtоnе. It іmрrоvеѕ brеаthіng in and out ѕуѕtеmѕ thаt, durіng thе реrfоrmаnсе, is nееdеd. Wоrkіng оut саn be bеnеfісіаl аѕ well аѕ tones the body and increases thе flexibility оf the muscles. Cоnѕumрtіоn of аlсоhоl can аlѕо hаvе аn іmрасt оn sex lіfе. Alсоhоl іѕ known fоr іtѕ adverse effects as іt can increase thе bоdу weight and trigger a cholesterol hіkе. Thіѕ саn аffесt thе performance bу creating a рrоblеm in erection оr affecting the dеѕіrе to реrfоrm at аll. Hоwеvеr, thе mоѕt іmроrtаnt fасtоr іѕ соmmunісаtіоn wіth the раrtnеr аѕ thаt саn ensure a proper understanding оf hоw thіngѕ ѕhоuld bе done.

Everyday Greed: Analysis and Appraisal
English | 2021 | ISBN: 3030700860 | 127 Pages | PDF EPUB | 1 MB
This collection examines how greed should be understood and appraised. Roundly condemned by virtually all religions, greed receives mixed appraisals in the domains of business and economics. The volume examines these mixed appraisals and how they fare in light of their implications for greed in our everyday world. Greed in children is uniformly criticized by parents, other adults, and even children's peers. However, in adulthood, greed is commended by some as essential to profit-seeking in business and for offering the greatest promise in promoting economic prosperity for everyone.

Essentials of Atrial Fibrillation by Yee Guan Guan Yap
English | PDF | 2014 | 54 Pages | ISBN : 185873438X | 8.7 MB
This handbook offers timely investigation of current pharmaceutical trends, clinical guidelines, novel treatments, and ongoing pipeline developments, including ground-breaking advances in the use of novel oral anticoagulants. Atrial fibrillation (AF) affects an estimated 1-2% of the population and is the most common cause of sustained cardiac arrhythmia. Critically, the number of patients developing AF is expected to double in the next five decades, leading to increased incidence of stroke, heart failure and other serious thromboembolic events.

Encyclopedia of Healthcare Information Systems (3 Vol. Set)
English | ISBN: 1599048892 | 1455 pages | 2008 | True PDF | 19.33 MB
Healthcare, a vital industry that touches most of us in our lives, faces major challenges in demographics, technology, and finance.