Dan Lok - Unlock the Millionaire Within
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | MP4
The digital course comes bundled together, however this is the layout. All the videos are available in Ultra HD quality and you'll enjoy listening to the audio.

Adrian Sommeling - Workshop Realistic compositions Light and Portraits
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Photography | MP4
In this more than 9 hours video tutorial I will show you in a few steps, how to create from a simple portrait an awesome, advertising ready, image. I will explain you about what you have to know about light. I will show you the light setups and how to process the photos. We will simulate natural light with studio lights. We gonna create depth of field in Photoshop. We will add snow and rain to a portrait and much more. Don't let the light control you. be in control!!

Annie Leibovitz - Life Through a Lens
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Photography | AVI
The art of the camera - and the gift of camaraderie - revealed in aremarkable portrait of our era's most provocative imagemaker. Thisacclaimed film traces the arc of the famed photographer's life, heraspirations to artistry and the trajectory of her career. Directed byher sister, Barbara Leibovitz, this probing and personal film depictsthe key phases that shaped Annie's life and work; including herchildhood, the tumultuous 1960s, her transition from Rolling Stone toVanity Fair as well as her most significant relationships, includingmotherhood. At its center are bountiful, insightful and even playfulinterviews with her most famous subjects, mentors and colleagues thatreveal the evolution of one of the world's most influential visualartists.

Goodbye Greenscreen v1.1.0 for After Effects | 417 MB
Artificial Intelligence-based plugin for background matting and keying.