Hubert Villeneuve, "Teaching Anticommunism: Fred Schwarz and American Postwar Conservatism"
English | ISBN: 0228001862 | 2020 | 432 pages | PDF | 6 MB
Fred C. Schwarz (1913-2009) was an Australian-born medical doctor and evangelical preacher who settled in the United States in the early 1950s, where he founded the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade. His work as an anticommunist educator spanned five decades; his campaigns attracted large crowds, strengthened grassroots conservatism, and influenced political leaders. By the late 1950s, the Crusade had become one of the most important conservative organizations in America, turning numerous citizens into lifelong right-wing militants. In Teaching Anticommunism Hubert Villeneuve sheds light on Schwarz's fascinating career and organization, which left a distinct mark on the United States and was also active internationally. Cold War anticommunism in the US consisted of more than the House Un-American Activities Committee and the campaign led by Senator Joseph McCarthy. Villeneuve shows that, by the early 1960s, Schwarz's Crusade was an integral part of a burgeoning American anticommunist subculture that united grassroots conservatives of all stripes. Its influence continued, paving the way for the development of the "New Right" that began in the 1970s. In addition to exploring the life and work of Schwarz, the book highlights the transnational dimension of US conservatism by outlining the Crusade's role in worldwide anticommunist networks that operated throughout the Cold War. Packed with unnerving evidence but leavened with humorous anecdotes and insights into a mercurial figure, Teaching Anticommunism provides a unique perspective on the evolution of the contemporary American right wing and its global connections.

Sanjeev Kumar Sharma, "Taxation and Revenue Collection in Ancient India"
English | ISBN: 144388913X | 2016 | 145 pages | PDF | 872 KB

THE ADHD BIBLE: Overview, Therapy, Meditation And Managing ADHD, Food Content To Help Address It Naturally by LISA PENS
English | April 25, 2021 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B093BW32T5 | 173 pages | PDF | 0.62 Mb
People dіаgnоѕеd wіth ADHD fасе ѕееmіnglу іnѕurmоuntаblе obstacles, especially chіldrеn. First, an ADHD diagnosis conjures unflattering ѕtіgmаѕ. Thе lаbеlѕ аrе detestable, but a rеgulаr part of an ADHD сhіld'ѕ lіfе. Sесоnd, special accommodations іn thе сlаѕѕrооm саuѕе dеер resentment in рееrѕ аnd the teachers rеѕроnѕіblе fоr implementing thе ассоmmоdаtіоnѕ. Mоѕt important, сhіldrеn dіаgnоѕеd wіth ADHD rarely have аn аdvосаtе who lооkѕ after thеіr bеѕt іntеrеѕtѕ. Juѕt аѕ there аrе many dіffеrеnt wауѕ that ADHD ѕhоwѕ up іn оur lives, thеrе аrе аlѕо mаnу dіffеrеnt ways to mаnаgе and ѕuссееd wіth ADHD. Whаt wоrkѕ for ѕоmеоnе еlѕе mау not bе the bеѕt ѕtrаtеgу fоr you. THE ADHD BIBLE by LISA PENS соntаіnѕ аn оvеrvіеw оf what ADHD is all about, unіԛuе аррrоасhеѕ tо еffесtіvе ADHD mаnаgеmеnt, therapies and meditation techniques, food content and supplement, with tested and trusted уоu саn succeed or help your child succeed wіth ADHD.This book is all you need to live well with ADHD.

Survivors: Children's Lives After the Holocaust by Rebecca Clifford
2020 | ISBN: 0300243324 | English | 344 pages | EPUB | 5 MB
Shortlisted for the Wolfson History Prize 2021

Stupid Simple Startup Growth Strategy: How To Turbocharge Your Startup Growth Without Complicated Growth Hacks by Umran Nayani
English | April 22, 2021 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B093B8H9R3 | 150 pages | EPUB | 0.21 Mb
The Start-up founders who comprehend 'Growth Hacking' have an unfair advantage. This is an understatement in the Marketplace dynamics of today. However; before we jump the gun and start riding this gravy train to take us to the "Promised Land", let us take a step back and look at the bigger picture, shall we? This book takes you back to the basics. The Undisputed Laws of Business Physics such as 'Supply and Demand', 'Profits and Losses', the 'Top Line' and the 'Bottom Line', so on and so forth. Because, you can try and stall the inevitable with all your "Fundraising Prowess", however; your date with the ROI Devil is destined. Stupid Simple Start-up Growth Strategy is a crash course for Business Visionaries, Originators, Growth Leads and Entrepreneurs, or any other individuals who are attempting to grow a Start-up. On the off chance that clients make a difference to you, Growth hacking should make a difference to you. Take that with a pinch of salt and let's begin. What is Growth Hacking? Growth hacking is misjudged to the point that there is an urgent requirement for this book. Barely any ideas have been as polarizing and progressive, at the same time. Is it showcased wearing a mask; like most characters from the DC Universe? Is it a buzzword used to build pay rates? OrIs it the fate of online products? The fact is Growth Hacking isn't a trade for an advertiser. A Growth Hacker isn't superior to an advertiser. A Growth Hacker is only not quite the same as an advertiser. To utilize the most compact definition from Sean's post, "A Growth Hacker is an individual whose genuine North is Growth." Each choice that a Growth Hacker makes is educated by Growth. Expectations of developments that try to push beyond the Laws of Business Physics to the breaking point and then to continue acceleration is the default mindset expectation. Like The Flash wearing Superman's Cape. Growth is the Sun that a Growth Hacker spins around. Obviously, conventional advertisers care about Growth as well, however; not in a similar way. Keep in mind, the muscle of a Growth Hacker is in their fanatical spotlight on a particular objective. By overlooking nearly everything, they can accomplish the one assignment that matters generally right off the bat. This supreme spotlight on Growth has brought about various strategies, devices, and best practices that essentially didn't exist in conventional advertising and this redefinition has occurred right before our very eyes in what feels like a 'Blink and you missed it' moment.Product Redefinition: A product like Facebook App for instance permits you to share your experiences with your friends and in turn enhancing your own experience. Detergent Shampoos don't do that. An item like Dropbox can give you free distributed cloud storage when your friends join the platform through your reference. Can't do this when you buy a Couch, can you? Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, your Accounting software, Lead Management System, and CRM is a product. Products for thousands of years have been associated with physical goods, cars, bikes, shampoo, soap i.e. all things tangible. However; the internet has ushered in a new era of product re-classification and this drastic redefinition is responsible for the creation of the New Age Growth Hackers. Distribution redefinition: Notwithstanding the significance of products, it is absurd to confine the action to just the product. The very web that re-classified products has additionally re-imagined distribution and not all innovation is inside the product. Those with a solid comprehension of how individuals stream online will actually want to utilize that information for their own Start-up's Growth. Stupid Simple Start-up Growth Strategy is a shortcut that would cut through the clutter and give you practical nuts and bolts strategies to elevate your Start-ups growth.

Struggle for Mastery: Disfranchisement in the South, 1888-1908 (Fred W. Morrison Series in Southern Studies) by Michael Perman
English | February 26, 2001 | ISBN: 080784909X, 080782593X | EPUB | 416 pages | 4.4 MB
Around 1900, the southern states embarked on a series of political campaigns aimed at disfranchising large numbers of voters. By 1908, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia had succeeded in depriving virtually all African Americans, and a large number of lower-class whites, of the voting rights they had possessed since Reconstruction-rights they would not regain for over half a century.

Stretch: 7 daily movements to set your body free by Roger Frampton
English | August 31st, 2021 | ISBN: 1911663887 | 144 pages | True EPUB | 22.49 MB
Ever wake up in the morning with aches and pains? Does your job keep you hunched over a desk for hours a day? Perhaps you are a runner with a good level of fitness but can barely touch your toes? If the answer is yes -it's time to STRETCH!

Spinoza and the Rise of Liberalism By Lewis Samuel Feuer
2017 | 323 Pages | ISBN: 0887387012 | PDF | 15 MB
In this classic work (orig. 1987) the author undertakes to show how Spinoza's philosophical ideas, particularly his political ideas, were influenced by his underlying emotional responses to the conflicts of his time. It thus differs form most professional philosophical analyses of the philosophy of Spinoza. The author identifies and discusses three periods in the development of Spinoza's thought and shows how they were reactions to the religious, political and economic developments in the Netherlands at the time. In his first period, Spinoza reacted very strongly to the competitive capitalism of the Amsterdam Jews whose values were "so thoroughly pervaded by an economic ethics that decrees the stock exchange approached in dignity the decrees of God," and of the ruling classes of Amsterdam, and was led out only to give up his business activities but also to throw in his lot with the Utopian groups of the day. In his second period, Spinoza developed serious doubts about the practicality of such idealistic movements and became a "mature political partisan" of Dutch liberal republicanism. The collapse of republicanism and the victory of the royalist party brought further disillusionment. Having become more reserved concerning democratic processes, and having decided that "every form of government could be made consistent with the life of free men," Spinoza devoted his time and efforts to deciding what was essential to any form of government which would make such a life possible.In his carefully crafted introduction to this new edition, Lewis Feuer responds to his critics, and reviews Spinoza's worldview in the light of the work of later scientists sympathetic to this own basic standpoint. He reviews Spinoza's arguments for the ethical and political contributions of the principle of determinism, and examines how these have guided, and at times frustrated, students and scholars of the social and physical sciences who have sought to understand and advance these disciplines.Spinoza struggled to understand the crisis of his time. Likepolitical philosophers in the twentieth century, he found thatevents did violence to his political theories. He was proud ofAmsterdam's liberalism, and hopeful that the Dutch Republicanexperiment would succeed. When political catastrophe came in1672, Spinoza brooded upon the incapacity of the masses tosustain a liberal government. His social feelings led him tosympathy with the common man; as a social scientist, however,he noted that common men were often irrational and hostile tofreedom. He was moved to withdraw to a secluded communityof like-minded friends, but he also longed to participate inpolitical action. This young excommunicate gave to the pantheistmysticism of the revolutionary movements its noblest expression;he was also, however, stirred by the marvels which werebeing opened by the new technology of science, the telescopeand microscope. He tried with immense power to identify theGod of his mystic vision with a Mathematical God of Science.His system broke apart; scientist and mystic warred within himunreconciled. He worked, a precursor of psychoanalysis, to makemen free by helping them to understand their passions; but healso wondered if blessedness came only in unity with God. Thepath toward freedom seemed often lost in an age of hatred.

Song of the Spine By June Wieder
2004 | 140 Pages | ISBN: 1594574707 | EPUB | 2 MB

English | 2021 | ISBN: 1771889861 | 308 pages | True PDF | 7.51 MB
Network infrastructures are growing rapidly to meet the needs of business, but the required repolicing and reconfiguration provide challenges that need to be addressed. The software-defined network (SDN) is the future generation of Internet technology that can help meet these challenges of network management.
This book includes quantitative research, case studies, conceptual papers, model papers, review papers, and theoretical backing on SDN. This book investigates areas where SDN can help other emerging technologies deliver more efficient services, such as IoT, industrial IoT, NFV, big data, blockchain, cloud computing, and edge computing. The book demonstrates the many benefits of SDNs, such as reduced costs, ease of deployment and management, better scalability, availability, flexibility and fine-grained control of traffic, and security.