Piotr Szafruga, "Politics and the Theory of Spontaneous Order "
English | ISBN: 0367897105 | 2021 | 168 pages | PDF | 2 MB
The theory of spontaneous order conceptualises and explains a number of institutional and social phenomena that are not an intended effect of either individual decisions or a collective consensus but an unplanned outcome of interactions between people pursuing their own aims. Drawing on these insights, this book demonstrates the utility of the theory of spontaneous order in explaining many phenomena in political economy and political science.

Polish in 60 Minutes By coll.
2008 | 16 Pages | ISBN: 9812683909 | PDF | 28 MB
BERLITZ POLISH IN 60 MINUTESStart speaking Polish in just one hour!Get a quick start to learning basic everyday Polish words with an all-audio course including more than 250 essential words and phrases needed to start communicating no textbook needed and no grammar rules to learn! Repetition helps learners retain what they ve heard and a 16-page booklet with audio script is provided for those who want to follow along as they listen. Start Speaking Today: *1 audio CD (1 hour) *Completely portable--compatible with your iPod® or other MP3 player*Learn by listening to native speakers*Essential everyday language*Reference booklet included

Paul A. Passavant, "Policing Protest: The Post-Democratic State and the Figure of Black Insurrection "
English | ISBN: 1478010452 | 2021 | 368 pages | PDF | 29 MB

Pocket Emergency Medicine By Richard D. Zane, Joshua M. Kosowsky
2014 | 333 Pages | ISBN: 1451190654 | EPUB + PDF | 32 MB
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The newly updatedPocket Emergency Medicine, 3rd Edition is full of the essential information every emergency department clinician should have at their side at all times. In a reader-friendly and portable format the chapters are organized around presenting conditions to better serve actual ED treatment situations. Each chapter begins with approach to a condition, followed by concise discussion of important diagnostic categories, then highlights the essential elements of history, physical examination, testing and treatment. Features:Quick-reference outline format, lists, and tables aid quick treatment decision-makingTopics include chief complaints listed in alphabetical order, including trauma, pediatric emergencies, environmental exposures, airway management, distraction injuriesChapters address multiple diseases, disorders and procedures, providing definition, history, evaluation, differential diagnosis, classic findings, critical studies, ED interventions, indications and contraindications, treatment and referencesAcronym table and differential diagnosis table boxed for quick accessClinical pearls throughout text offer important data and warnings on common clinical errorsAppendices includeabbreviations, PALS protocols, information onICU meds, important antibiotics, formulas, andcommon ED procedures6-ring binder with pockets for reader's notes

Shih-Kung Lai, "Planning Behavior"
English | ISBN: 1527537838 | 2019 | 275 pages | PDF | 46 MB
While ordinary people tend to make myopic, independent decisions, planners deal with linked decisions intentionally and act accordingly in space and time. Little has been said, however, about how these linked decisions should be made. This collection of essays extends the concepts derived from decision theory in order to explain planning phenomena, particularly planning behavior. The book contains work gathered over a period thirty years that covers micro-decision making and macro-plan making processes in the context of urban planning. It answers the questions of why urban containment policies fail in stopping urban sprawl, how land development decisions are analyzed, and, more fundamentally, why cities need plans. Through the lens of decision theory, this book provides a fresh look at how planners do and should behave in making and using plans in the face of urban complexity.

Neil Robinson, Jon Freeman - Photo Reconnaissance Spitfires
The Aviation Workshop | 2005 | ISBN: 1904643159 | English | 52 pages | PDF | 32.58 MB
On Target Profiles 8

Susan M. Greve, "Phonics for Dummies"
English | 2007 | ISBN: 0470127643 | 384 pages | True PDF | 4.2 MB
Features kid- and parent-friendly tips and activities

Svend Brinkmann, "Philosophies of Qualitative Research "
English | ISBN: 019024724X | 2017 | 208 pages | PDF | 6 MB
In Philosophies of Qualitative Research, Svend Brinkmann explores the different philosophical paradigms and ideas that influence qualitative research today. Adopting a historical perspective, the book shows readers exactly how philosophical ideas have evolved and influenced qualitative

Sheryl Garrett, "Personal Finance Workbook for Dummies"
English | 2007 | ISBN: 047009933X | 287 pages | True PDF | 5.7 MB
Do the terms personal finance or money management drudge up feelings of inadequacy, confusion, discomfort or fear in you? Personal Finance Workbook For Dummies helps you calm your negative feelings and get your financial house in order at the same time. And, you'll be amazed how easy it is to get on the road to financial fitness. From spending and saving to investing wisely, this hands-on workbook walks you through a private financial counseling session and shows you how to assess your situation and manage your money. You'll learn how to use credit wisely, plan for large expenses, determine your insurance needs, and make smarter financial decisions. Plus, the featured worksheets and checklists help you manage your day-to-day spending and plan for a robust financial future. Discover how to:

Elaine Marmel, Diane Koers, "Peachtree For Dummies, 3rd Edition"
English | 2007 | ISBN: 0470179880, 0816558523 | 432 pages | True PDF | 14.6 MB
Not feeling too peachy about computerizing your accounting system? Relax! Peachtree For Dummies, 3rd Edition will show you how to set up your company in Peachtree and then use it to pay bills, invoice customers, pay employees, produce financial reports, and more. You'll quickly discover how Peachtree can save you time, effort, and money so that you no longer have to do your accounting by hand or pay someone else to do it for you.