Planets in Binary Star Systems by Nader Haghighipour
English | PDF | 2010 | 334 Pages | ISBN : 9048186862 | 11.3 MB
In 1988, in an article on the analysis of the measurements of the variations in the radial velocities of a number of stars, Campbell, Walker, and Yang reported an - teresting phenomenon;the radial velocity variations of Cephei seemed to suggest the existence of a Jupiter-like planet around this star. This was a very exciting and, at the same time, very surprising discovery.

Phytopharmaceuticals: Potential Therapeutic Applications
English | 2021 | ISBN: 111968191X | 475 Pages | PDF | 31 MB
Medicinal plants contain a variety of bioactive compounds, (also referred to as phytochemicals). in the leaves, stems, flowers and fruits. This book covers these bioactive compounds, their available sources, how the bioactive molecules are isolated from the plants, the biochemistry, structural composition and potential biological activities. Also discussed are the pharmacological aspects of medicinal plants, phytochemistry and biological activities of different natural products, ethnobotany and medicinal properties, as well as a novel dietary approach for various disease management and therapeutic potential. The importance of phytopharmaceutical of plants and potential applications in the food and pharma industries is highlighted.

Physics of Quantum Fluids: New Trends and Hot Topics in Atomic and Polariton Condensates by Alberto Bramati
English | PDF | 2013 | 413 Pages | ISBN : 3642375685 | 21 MB
The study of quantum fluids, stimulated by the discovery of superfluidity in liquid helium, has experienced renewed interest after the observation of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in ultra-cold atomic gases and the observation a new type of quantum fluid with specific characteristics derived from its intrinsic out-of-equilibrium nature.

Photosynthesis in Bryophytes and Early Land Plants by David T. Hanson
English | PDF | 2014 | 361 Pages | ISBN : 9400769873 | 11 MB
Bryophytes, which are important constituents of ecosystems globally and often dominate carbon and water dynamics at high latitudes and elevations, were also among the pioneers of terrestrial photosynthesis. Consequently, in addition to their present day ecological value, modern representatives of these groups contain the legacy of adaptations that led to the greening of Earth. This volume brings together experts on bryophyte photosynthesis whose research spans the genome and cell through whole plant and ecosystem function and combines that with historical perspectives on the role of algal, bryophyte and vascular plant ancestors on terrestrialization of the Earth. The eighteen well-illustrated chapters reveal unique physiological approaches to achieving carbon balance and dealing with environmental limitations and stresses that present an alternative, yet successful strategy for land plants.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 3110668459 | 396 Pages | PDF | 6 MB
This book is a concise and up-to-date introduction to the topic of photocatalysis. It covers the fundamentals of photocatalysis, design of photoreactors and modelling and simulations for photoreaction. Also, industrial applications such as hydrogen production, water disinfection, degradation of air pollutants, pesticides and pharmaceuticals are described.

Personality and Psychopathology: Critical Dialogues with David Shapiro by Craig Piers
English | EPUB | 2011 | 292 Pages | ISBN : 1441962131 | 0.6 MB
With his penetrating theory of personality and his nuanced understanding of the psychotherapeutic relationship, David Shapiro has influenced clinicians across the theoretical spectrum since the publication of Neurotic Styles in 1965. This influence is on vivid display in Personality and Psychopathology, as noted contemporary theorists critically evaluate his work in a fascinating dialogue with Shapiro himself.

Pediatric Orthopedics: A Handbook for Primary Care Physicians by Amr Abdelgawad
English | PDF | 2014 | 589 Pages | ISBN : 1461471257 | 11.8 MB
Topics in pediatric orthopedics routinely surface in general pediatrics and primary care, whether on board exams or in clinical practice. From birth injuries to musculoskeletal infections, there are many conditions and presenting complaints that must be addressed by the primary care physician or pediatrician.

Parallel-in-Time Integration Methods
English | 2021 | ISBN: 3030759326 | 134 Pages | PDF EPUB | 27 MB
This volume includes contributions from the 9th Parallel-in-Time (PinT) workshop, an annual gathering devoted to the field of time-parallel methods, aiming to adapt existing computer models to next-generation machines by adding a new dimension of scalability. As the latest supercomputers advance in microprocessing ability, they require new mathematical algorithms in order to fully realize their potential for complex systems. The use of parallel-in-time methods will provide dramatically faster simulations in many important areas, including biomedical (e.g., heart modeling), computational fluid dynamics (e.g., aerodynamics and weather prediction), and machine learning applications. Computational and applied mathematics is crucial to this progress, as it requires advanced methodologies from the theory of partial differential equations in a functional analytic setting, numerical discretization and integration, convergence analyses of iterative methods, and the development and implementation of new parallel algorithms. Therefore, the workshop seeks to bring together an interdisciplinary group of experts across these fields to disseminate cutting-edge research and facilitate discussions on parallel time integration methods.

PAMP Signals in Plant Innate Immunity: Signal Perception and Transduction by P. Vidhyasekaran
English | PDF | 2014 | 457 Pages | ISBN : 9400774257 | 7.4 MB
Plant innate immunity is a potential surveillance system of plants and is the first line of defense against invading pathogens. The immune system is a sleeping system in unstressed healthy plants and is activated on perception of the pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMP; the pathogen's signature) of invading pathogens.

Occupational Cancers by Sisko Anttila
English | EPUB | 2014 | 609 Pages | ISBN : 1447128249 | 7.5 MB
This book is a comprehensive guide to occupational factors of malignant diseases. It discusses potentially work-related malignancies, in the context of exposure assessment, specific clinical and pathological features of occupational cancer and biomarkers of exposure and disease. Epidemiological data about risk ratios of the cancer in question are reviewed for various occupations and with exposure to specific carcinogens, carcinogenic mechanisms, host susceptibility factors (genetic and other) and other environmental and life-style risk factors. Aspects such as surveillance of workers exposed to carcinogens and strategies for prevention of occupational cancer are also discussed.