Rebelway - Introduction to Houdini For FX Weeks 1 - 5
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | 3D Tutorials | MP4
Students should have a foundational understanding of Houdini before taking this course. As a result, we recommend the following course as a prerequisite:

Procreate Plaid and Pattern Brushes - 15 Brushes Included and Instructions to Make and Edit More
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Drawing & Painting | MP4
Hey there! I'm sure it is no surprise that I am posting yet another Procreate brush class: I am obsessed!

Summerana - Photoshop Layers Explained
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Photoshop | MP4
One of the things you often see us talking about when explaining Photoshop techniques is layer masks. If you are new to using Photoshop and haven't had much experience in the interface, you may be totally lost as to what this means. Today we're telling you everything that you need to know about layer masks, so you can start using them with confidence!

Phone Photography: Edit Your Photos With Adobe Lightroom Mobile
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Photography | MP4
Have you ever scrolled through you Instagram feed and wondered how people are creating such beautiful images with just their phones? The truth is, that likely the original files of many of these images, look very different from the final image you're seeing. This is the art of editing- and with some guidance you can create your own iconic images all from your phone!

Ryan Dyar - Painting with Light: Artistic Approaches to Dodging and Burning
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Photography | MP4
In this video I show you many of the various ways I use simple dodge/burn adjustments to fix blend lines, add color, enhance light, and more. Also covered is my "Light Bleed" technique that is often imitated by landscape photographers. You'll get to see how I use it to create the unique look of my images. Finally you get to easily learn the approach from the originator of this style!

Organic Procedural Texturing In Blender - A Beginner's Guide To Create Realistic Fruit Textures
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | 3D Tutorials | MP4
Procedural Texturing is a great texturing method, it comes with great benefits like unlimited texture resolution and easy mapping on any 3D surface. Offers complete control of textures by using a mathematical and logical approach through nodes. This approach may seem complicated to most of the artists. This course offers you easy, practical methods and everything needed to get started with blender procedural shading techniques. We use a practical approach and demonstrate how we take advantage procedural textures to realistically texture a mango and an apple from scratch. The 3D model of both the fruits are provided in our exercise files, you can get started right away.

Joel Grimes Photography - Start to Finish - Nefertiti
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Photography | MP4
How to lit a scene to have the beautiful pop from the background.
In this course, Joel will travel to Burbank, California to photograph the ancient royal wife of Egypt; Nefertiti!
After 6 hours of sitting in the makeup chair, the living interpretation of the ancient Nefertiti bust was ready to stand in front of the lens for her moment.

Motion Design 2d in After Effects: Lighting Animation/Effects/loop/
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | After Effects| MP4
At the final of this course you will have:
1. Work that you can add in your portfolio/ social media/ edit to your preferences/projects/ YouTube opening.
2. You also will learn for around 8-9 Effects that are simple, powerful and very useful.
3. You will understand better After Effects interface. Learn about "track matte", "toggle hold keyframe" and other that will make your soft navigate better. Good luck:)

Family Retreat 2021 - Meshea Shaffer - Olive Gray Photography - Large Family Sessions
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Photography | MP4
Meshea brings you with her to the beach for a family session with 5 children, ranging in age from baby to teen. You will see how, even in the chaos that naturally occurs in a big family, she skillfully captures the special bonds between individual family members, simply by allowing the family to be themselves. She also walks you through her editing process for these sunset sessions.

Marker 101: The ultimate guide on creating art with alcohol markers
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Drawing & Painting | MP4
Do you struggle with coloring with Alcohol Markers? Have a hard time blending them? Well, this is the perfect class for you!
I have spent the past few years experimenting with alcohol markers. Learning different techniques on blending and applying them to different drawing/coloring styles.