English | 2021 | ISBN: 9781393631217 | 178 pages |EPUB | 0.61 MB
Now you can learn how to protect yourself and your family from the latest cyber-attacks with this helpful book, even if you have zero internet experience!

English | 2021 | ISBN: 1839161566| 647 pages | EPUB | 5.95 MB
Culinary herbs and spices have been recognised globally for their dietary and medicinal uses for centuries. A growing body of research is acknowledging their health-promoting properties as well as their therapeutic potential with reference to a number of chronic non-communicable diseases including cancer and type 2 diabetes. The aim of this book is to bring together current knowledge of thirty of the most commonly used culinary herbs and spices globally in an accessible dictionary format.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 1484273338 | 201 pages | True (PDF, EPUB) | 11.79 MB
Master the essentials of cryptography and cryptanalysis and learn how to put them to practical use. Each chapter of this book starts with an introduction to the concepts on which cryptographic algorithms are based and how they are used in practice, providing fully working examples for each of the algorithms presented. Implementation sections will guide you through the entire process of writing your own applications and programs using MATLAB.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 1032001011 | 95 pages | pdf | 3.33 MB
When you find yourself alone after a relationship breakdown and the future you once had planned has evaporated, where and how do you start to create a new future? This book can be used by the reader individually or with a life coach alongside, to support the individual in creating the first steps towards a new future and a 'road map' on how to get there.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 1119800935 | 227 pages | True PDF | 15.81 MB
Cut the cable televisioncordand cut your monthly bills

English | 2021 | ISBN: 9781098101848 | 555 pages | EPUB | 20.01 MB
Data is a fantastic raw resource for powering change in an organization, but all too often the people working in those organizations don't have the necessary skills to communicate with data effectively. With this practical book, subject matter experts will learn ways to develop strong, persuasive points when presenting data to different groups in their organizations.

English | 2020 | ISBN: 9781716542350 | 301 pages | EPUB | 2.88 MB
This book is a collection of my best publications on projects made with the Rapberry Pi board, and which I describe below: 1) ALARM SYSTEM: Develop an alarm system to detect the movement of someone through the use of a PIR motion sensor and the Raspberry Pi Zero W board. When this happens, an alert notice will appear on the Twitter account; 2) GAS LEAK ALARM: Develop a system for the detection of fires or gas leaks with the Raspberry Pi Zero W board and the MQ2 gas sensor. This system can send the captured data to the remote server of ThingSpeak. When a gas increase is detected beyond a limit, then a message is sent to the Twitter account; 3) WEATHER STATION: Develop a Weather Station with a Raspberry Pi Zero W board, and monitor all the sensors with ThingSpeak and Twitter. The sensors used are DHT11 (humidity and temperature sensor) and BMP085 (barometric pressure and temperature sensor). Also, you can use new versions of this sensors without any problem; 4) DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING: Make use of digital image processing with OpenCV on a Raspberry Pi 3. To achieve this goal, start from the software installation to make your own object classifiers and finally make an example to manipulate an object by means of an image in movement. This has many applications, ranging from recognizing people or objects, to creating your own video surveillance system; and 5) ANIMATIONS WITH PYTHON AND PYGAME: The main goal of this project is to develop virtual animations of a human, animals and objects that are moved on a stage or image background. We will use Python and Pygame, these software tools are used to program games.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 1630818119 | 261 pages | True PDF | 5.95 MB
This comprehensive book gives an overview of how cognitive systems and artificial intelligence (AI) can be used in electronic warfare (EW). Readers will learn how EW systems respond more quickly and effectively to battlefield conditions where sophisticated radars and spectrum congestion put a high priority on EW systems that can characterize and classify novel waveforms, discern intent, and devise and test countermeasures. Specific techniques are covered for optimizing a cognitive EW system as well as evaluating its ability to learn new information in real time. The book presents AI for electronic support (ES), including characterization, classification, patterns of life, and intent recognition. Optimization techniques, including temporal tradeoffs and distributed optimization challenges are also discussed. The issues concerning real-time in-mission machine learning and suggests some approaches to address this important challenge are presented and described. The book covers electronic battle management, data management, and knowledge sharing. Evaluation approaches, including how to show that a machine learning system can learn how to handle novel environments, are also discussed. Written by experts with first-hand experience in AI-based EW, this is the first book on in-mission real-time learning and optimization.

English | 2020 | ISBN: 9781393072157 | 108 pages |EPUB | 1.9 MB
The new version of eBook Coding For Everybody with improved font style for reading comfort aims to simplify coding for beginners. The eBook is for those who just started coding and know nothing about it, eBook explains coding in an easy way such that anybody can understand and do it practicals given in eBook. The author strongly believes that by using coding we can change by just sitting in a room. Everything around us working on electricity relay on code, coding is everywhere weather you are watch TV or YouTube video, these all relay on coding. This eBook may look little different than paperback version due to responsive eBook.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 9789390684892 | 480 pages | PDF, EPUB | 8.69 MB
Deploy serverless and scalable cloud-native applications with Jakarta EE