English | 2021 | ISBN: 0300257341 | 342 pages | True PDF | 1.94 MB
Concentrated market power and the weakened sway of corporate stakeholders over management have emerged as leading concerns of American political economy. Samuel Milner provides a historical context for contemporary efforts to resolve these anxieties by examining the contest to control the distribution of corporate income during the mid‑twentieth century. During this "Golden Age of American Capitalism," apprehension about the debilitating consequences of industrial concentration fueled efforts to ensure that management would share the fruits of progress with workers, consumers, and society as a whole. Focusing on wage and price determination in steel, automobiles, and electrical equipment, Milner reveals how the management of concentrated industries understood its ability to distribute income to its stakeholders as well as why economists, courts, and public policymakers struggled to curtail the exercise of that market power at its source.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 1685071775 , 978-1685071776 | 268 pages | True PDF | 7.54 MB
All activities involve risks from a wide variety of sources (management errors, financial uncertainty, legal liabilities, project failures, human errors, accidents, natural disasters, etc.). Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing and controlling threats to an organization. Risk management, also considered as uncertainty management, allows organizations to attempt to prepare for the unexpected by minimizing risks and extra costs before they happen.ISO 31000 recommends that risk management be part of the organization's structure, processes, objectives, strategy and activities. This standard places a greater focus on creating value as the key driver of risk management and features other related principles such as continual improvement, the inclusion of stakeholders, being customized to the organization and consideration of human and cultural factors. It is a model that regularly exchanges feedback with its external environment in order to fit a wider range of needs and contexts.This book gathers contributions of several authors worldwide which cover several aspects related to risk management, including the application of risk management in specific sectors.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 1250226384 | 254 pages | True EPUB | 30.65 MB
Perfect for fans ofStamped: Remix,This Book is Antiracist,andThe Black Friend,this urgent book explores the roots of racism and its legacy in modern day, all while empowering young people with actionable ways they can help foster a better world and become antiracists.

English | 2021 | ISBN: N/A | 542 pages | True PDF EPUB MOBI | 23.95 MB
Haskell has become the functional programming language of choice for many developers due to its excellent tools for abstraction and principled program design. The open source Clash hardware description language unlocks these features for FPGA design as well.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 11196 60416 | 339 pages | True PDF EPUB | 46.33 MB
Master the fundamentals of resilient power grid control applications with this up-to-date resource from four industry leadersResilient Control Architectures and Power Systemsdelivers a unique perspective on the singular challenges presented by increasing automation in society. In particular, the book focuses on the difficulties presented by the increased automation of the power grid. The authors provide a simulation of this real-life system, offering an accurate and comprehensive picture of a how a power control system works and, even more importantly, how it can fail.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 0367419610 | 185 pages | True PDF | 26.4 MB
Residential Property Appraisal, Volumes 1 and 2 are essential handbooks not only for students studying surveying but also for surveyors and others involved in the appraisal of residential property.

English | 2022 | ISBN: 0367687844 | 319 pages | True PDF | 9.66 MB
Engineering and science research can be difficult for beginners because scientific research is fraught with constraints and disciplines.Research and Technical Writing for Science and Engineeringbreakdowns the entire process of conducting engineering and scientific research. This book covers those fascinating guidelines and topics on conducting research, as well as how to better interact with your advisor.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 0691200394 | 243 pages | True EPUB | 1.08 MB
Inside Paradise Lostopens up new readings and ways of reading Milton's epic poem by mapping out the intricacies of its narrative and symbolic designs and by revealing and exploring the deeply allusive texture of its verse. David Quint's comprehensive study demonstrates how systematic patterns of allusion and keywords give structure and coherence both to individual books ofParadise Lostand to the overarching relationship among its books and episodes. Looking at poems within the poem, Quint provides new interpretations as he takes readers through the major subjects ofParadise Lost-its relationship to epic tradition and the Bible, its cosmology and politics, and its dramas of human choice.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 0323912613 | 518 pages | Tue PDF | 8.13 MB
Reliability, Maintainability and Risk: Practical Methods for Engineers, Tenth Edition has taught reliability and safety engineers techniques to minimize process design, operation defects and failures for over 40 years. For beginners, the book provides tactics on how to avoid pitfalls in this complex and wide field. For experts in the field, well-described, realistic and illustrative examples and case studies add new insights and assistance. The author uses his more than 40 years of experience to create a comprehensive and detailed guide to the field, while also providing an excellent description of reliability and risk computation concepts.

English | 2022 | ISBN: 1640552979 | 209 pages | True PDF EPUB | 9.3 MB
Many organizations know employee engagement is essential to success, but few approach it in the right way. Bonuses, thank-you notes, employee-of-the-month awards, and similar initiatives may produce temporary boosts in morale but do not build a long-term culture of true engagement.