Published by : Baturi | Views: 12 | Category: eBooks

Teacher King's English Beginner Course Book 2 Global Edition
English | 2020 | ISBN: 9781005989200 | 195 pages | PDF,EPUP | 19.62 MB
Everything a Beginner needs to learn English!

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Published by : Baturi | Views: 13 | Category: eBooks

Tea War A History of Capitalism in China and India (True EPUB)
English | 2020 | ISBN: 0300243731 | 606 pages | True EPUB | 14.79 MB
A history of capitalism in nineteenth- and twentieth-century China and India that explores the competition between their tea industries Tea remains the world's most popular commercial drink today, and at the turn of the twentieth century, it represented the largest export industry of both China and colonial India. In analyzing the global competition between Chinese and Indian tea, Andrew B. Liu challenges past economic histories premised on the technical "divergence" between the West and the Rest, arguing instead that seemingly traditional technologies and practices were central to modern capital accumulation across Asia. He shows how competitive pressures compelled Chinese merchants to adopt abstract industrial conceptions of time, while colonial planters in India pushed for labor indenture laws to support factory-style tea plantations. Characterizations of China and India as premodern backwaters, he explains, were themselves the historical result of new notions of political economy adopted by Chinese and Indian nationalists, who discovered that these abstract ideas corresponded to concrete social changes in their local surroundings. Together, these stories point toward a more flexible and globally oriented conceptualization of the history of capitalism in China and India.

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Published by : Baturi | Views: 14 | Category: eBooks

Tabloiding the Truth It's the Pun Wot Won It
English | 2020 | ISBN: 9783030472764 | 365 pages | True EPUB | 0.36 MB
What skills do journalists exhibit in sensationalising, exaggerating and otherwise 'tabloiding' the truth, while usually stopping short of stating unambiguous falsehoods? Why has the tabloid news not collapsed as predicted, but thrived as a medium in an age of interaction and online commentary? This book is a comprehensive and accessible exploration of the British tabloid newspapers from the 1960s to the present day. Examining topics such as sex and the representation of women, national stereotypes and Britain's relationship with Europe, war coverage, celebrities, investigative journalism and instances where the tabloids have misread the public mood, the author draws on Critical Discourse Analysis and Stylistics to take a language-led approach to the UK tabloids. With its interdisciplinary approach and readable prose style, this book will be of interest to a wide range of readers across language and linguistics, media and communication, journalism, political science and British cultural studies.

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Published by : Baturi | Views: 10 | Category: eBooks

TOEFL Vocabulary 2020 All Words You Should Know to Successfully Complete Speaking and WritingEssay Parts of TOEFL Test
English | 2020 | ISBN: 9788835805465 | 62 pages | True EPUB | 0.51 MB
This book contains all the most important words that you need to know to successfully complete speaking and writing/essay parts of TOEFL test.

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Published by : Baturi | Views: 13 | Category: eBooks

THE TRAGEDY OF PATTON A Soldier's Date With Destiny Could World War II's Greatest General Have Stopped the Cold War
English | 2020 | ISBN: 9781630061760 | 292 pages | True EPUB | 0.84 MB
"BETTER TO FIGHT FOR SOMETHING THAN LIVE FOR NOTHING." - GENERAL GEORGE S. PATTON It is 75 years since the end of WW II and the strange, mysterious death of General George S. Patton, but as in life, Patton sets off a storm of controversy. THE TRAGEDY OF PATTON: A Soldier's Date With Destiny asks the question: Why was General Patton silenced during his service in World War II? Prevented from receiving needed supplies that would have ended the war nine months earlier, freed the death camps, and prevented Russian invasion of the Eastern Bloc, and Stalin's murderous rampage. Why was he fired as General of the Third Army and relegated to a governorship of post-war Bavaria? Who were his enemies? Was he a threat to Eisenhower, Montgomery, and Bradley? And is it possible as some say that the General's freakish collision with an Army truck, on the day before his departure for US, was not really an accident? Or was Patton not only dismissed by his peers, but the victim of an assassin's bullet at their behest? Was his personal silence necessary? Early in his life, Patton was a markedly insecure man, petrified by the notion of failing to live up to the standards of his pedigree. Patton was haunted by "several sets of ghosts" throughout his lifetime, including his martial ancestors, the great men of history and literature, and figures from his early years, especially relatives. As far as Patton saw it, his chief duty in life was to live up to - if not surpass - the military precedent set by his forebears. George Patton was driven by an innate sense of duty, both to his family's great military tradition and to his country. He was fixated on the notion of reaching the status of a military legend, and driven by outdated notions about honor, drawing from the Greek concept of arête and medieval notions of chivalry, both of which had received a heightened level of attention in the 1800s. As a general, Patton measured himself against Alexander, Caesar and Hannibal of antiquity. Combat was, for Patton, the means by which to attain glory and secure his eternal legacy. Patton was simultaneously brilliant and deeply flawed. He lived an exciting, compulsive life, never standing still for a moment, always searching, seeking, probing. He was daring and noble on occasion, like the Greek and Roman military legends he revered. At other times he was petulant and cruel, lacking in the diplomatic grace and tact that defined many of his contemporaries, a real son-of-a-bitch (i.e. "Our Blood His Guts": They were mocking him). Patton was the kind of guy the Allies needed to get the dirty work done on the ground, but also the guy they wanted to get rid of or silence when the fighting was over. This is hardly surprising, given how outspoken Patton was about the conduct of the war - especially its end and aftermath - and his willingness to identify the Soviet Union as the next great threat to American democracy and world peace. General George S. Patton was America's antihero of the Second World War. Orlando explores whether a man of such a flawed character could have been right about his claim that because the Allied troops, some within 200 miles of Berlin, or just outside Prague, were held back from capturing the capitals to let Soviet troops move in, the Cold War was inevitable. Patton said it loudly and often enough that he was relieved of command and silenced. Patton had vowed to "take the gag off" after the war and tell the intimate truth and inner workings about controversial decisions and questionable politics that had cost the lives of his men. Was General Patton volatile, bombastic, self-absorbed, reckless? Yes, but he was also politically astute and a brilliant military strategist who delivered badly needed wins. Questions still abound about Patton's rise and fall. THE TRAGEDY OF PATTON seeks to answer them.

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Published by : Baturi | Views: 25 | Category: eBooks

Systems Engineering Demystified A practitioner's handbook for developing complex systems using a model-based approach
English | 2021 | ISBN: 9781838985806 | 749 pages | True EPUB | 12.07 MB
Get to grips with systems engineering life cycles, processes, and best practices and discover techniques to successfully develop complex systems

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Published by : Baturi | Views: 11 | Category: eBooks

System Error Where Big Tech Went Wrong and How We Can Reboot (True EPUB)
English | 2021 | ISBN: 9780063066205 | 628 pages | True EPUB | 1.24 MB
A forward-thinking manifesto from three Stanford professors-experts who have worked at ground zero of the tech revolution for decades-which reveals how big tech's obsession with optimization and efficiency has sacrificed fundamental human values and outlines steps we can take to change course, renew our democracy, and save ourselves.

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Published by : Baturi | Views: 16 | Category: eBooks

Sydney Home Design + Living - Issue 13, 2021
English | 212 pages | True PDF | 154.96 MB


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Published by : Baturi | Views: 14 | Category: eBooks

Surviving Climate Chaos by Strengthening Communities and Ecosystems
English | 2021 | ISBN: 1108793789 | 400 pages | True PDF | 8.07 MB
Surviving climate chaos needs communities and ecosystems able to cope with near-random impacts. Their strength depends upon their integrity, so preserving and restoring this is essential. Total climate breakdown might be postponed by extreme efforts to conserve carbon and recapture pollutants, but climate chaos everywhere is now inevitable. Adaptation efforts by Paris Agreement countries are converging on community-based and ecosystem-based strategies, and case studies in Bolivia, Nepal and Tanzania confirm that these are the best ways forward. But success depends on local empowerment through forums, ecosystem tenure security and environmental education. When replicated, networked and shielded by governments, they can strengthen societies against climate chaos while achieving sustainable development. These vital messages are highlighted for all those who seek or have already found a role in promoting adaptation: for students, researchers and teachers, government officials and aid professionals, and for everyone who is now living under threat of climate chaos.

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Published by : Baturi | Views: 8 | Category: eBooks

Surfacing From the Depths of Self-Doubt to Winning Big and Living Fearlessly
English | 2016 | ISBN: 9781937716851 | 301 pages | True EPUB | 9.89 MB
Surfacing is the inspiring story of Siri Lindley, one of the world's best triathlon coaches and a world champion. But before Siri came to dominate the sport of triathlon, she was controlled by deep-seated insecurity that sabotaged her races and forced her to hide her sexuality.

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