English | 2021 | ISBN: 9781492096733 | 57 pages | PDF,EPUB | 8.86 MB
Our report last year on cloud adoption showed 88% of respondents were using the cloud, and 25% said their organizations planned to move all their applications to the cloud in the coming year. But that report was done in January 2020 at the start of the pandemic. And let's face it, a lot has changed since then.

English | 2020 | ISBN: 1942909349 | 426 pages | True PDF EPUB | 40.52 MB
The Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Handbook, Second Edition, is a concise presentation in outline format of the practical information needed to understand the subtleties of cardiac electrophysiology. The Handbook focuses on the "how-to" management of arrhythmias, along with an understanding of the "why."

English | 2021 | ISBN: 1846884683 | 345 pages | True EPUB | 1.58 MB
According to many experts, China is already the largest economy on the planet - yet its relations with the rest of the world have deteriorated in recent years, and are now at an all-time low. Is this a passing phase caused by the shockwaves of the Covid pandemic and the personalities of leaders in China and in the USA, or are the current divergencies going to become wider and more entrenched, as China grows economically and develops technological leadership? Can the West learn from its past mistakes and engage successfully with China on many common interests, or are we on the verge of a new Cold War?

English | 2022 | ISBN: 3110724170 , 978-3110724172 | 319 pages | True PDF EPUB | 18.2 MB
In The China Paradox: At the Front Line of Economic Transformation, Harvard University-based historian of modern China and business strategist Dr. Paul G. Clifford documents the twists and turns of China's dramatic and unforeseen rise over the last four decades. He sheds light on the delicate and fragile balance of forces at the heart of the success of China's hybrid model, explaining how the ruling Communist Party boldly led the nation's economic reforms as the surest way to preserve its grip on political power.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 0367490757 | 203 pages | True PDF | 31.72 MB
This unique book presents an integrated approach to the chemistry of art materials, exploring the many chemical processes involved.TheChemistry and Mechanism of Art Materials: Unsuspected Properties and Outcomesengagesreaders with historical vignettes detailing examples of unexpected outcomes due to materials used by known artists.

English | 2020 | ISBN: 1839162023 | 567 pages | True PDF EPUB | 67.01 MB
Alexander Todd, the 1957 Nobel laureate in chemistry is credited with the statement: "where there is life, there is phosphorus". Phosphorus chemical biology underlies most of life's reactions and processes, from the covalent bonds that hold RNA and DNA together, to the making and spending 75 kg of ATP every day, required to run almost all metabolic and mechanical events in cells. Authored by a renowned biochemist, The Chemical Biology of Phosphorus provides an in-depth, unifying chemical approach to the logic and reactivity of inorganic phosphate and its three major derivatives (anhydrides, mono- and diesters) throughout biology to examine why life depends on phosphorus. Covering the breadth of phosphorus chemistry in biology, this book is ideal for biochemistry students, postgraduates and researchers interested in the chemical logic of phosphate metabolites, energy generation, biopolymer accumulation and phosphoproteomics.

English | 2016 | ISBN: 978-1292088648 | 520 pages | epub | 8.83 MB
Develop essential learning and employability skills to excel at business studies

English | 2021 | ISBN: 088755945X | 281 pages | True PDF | 2.09 MB
Drawing attention to the ways in which creative practices are essential to the health, well-being, and healing of Indigenous peoples, The Arts of Indigenous Health and Well-Being addresses the effects of artistic endeavour on the "good life", or mino-pimatisiwin in Cree, which can be described as the balanced interconnection of physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being. In this interdisciplinary collection, Indigenous knowledges inform an approach to health as a wider set of relations that are central to well-being, wherein artistic expression furthers cultural continuity and resilience, community connection, and kinship to push back against forces of fracture and disruption imposed by colonialism.

English | 2020 | ISBN: 0398093385 , 978-0398093389 | 411 pages | True PDF EPUB | 195.75 MB
Doctor Ellen G. Horovitz shares over 40 years of experience as she transliterates evidence-based art therapy into medical terminology. This revised and updated Third Edition spells out the how-to's behind producing art therapy assessments, process notes, significant sessions, objectives and modalities, termination summaries and internet-based assessments into translatable documentation, designed to dovetail within an interdisciplinary medical model. In addition, this third edition emphasizes information on how to use psychological applications and art therapy based assessments to ensure best practices and efficacy of patient care. This step-by-step methodology fashions these reports, placing art therapy on equal footing with all mental health clinicians and generates records, which serve as points of departure for practitioners. This text is designed as a teaching tool that lays the foundation to enhance pertinent skills that are important to patient practice, including the armament to write up clinically-based reports that serve as a model for the field. Additionally, the practitioner is offered sample formats, legends and abbreviations of clinical and psychiatric terms, guidelines for recordable events, instructions of writing up objectives, modalities, and treatment goals as well as training on composing progress versus process notes. The Appendices provides a wealth of information and forms to use in one's clinical practice. This must-have reference manual amasses information that will serve as a companion guide for every art therapist to formulate clinical reports, and it will aid patients toward their trajectory of wellness, recovery and, above all, health.

English | 2021 | ISBN: B09NQNCBB4 | 47 pages | pdf | 2.78 MB
In this, the eighth and final part of the Arduino Short Reads series you will explore the special characteristics of the Arduino Leonardo. The Arduino Leonardo's strength is its unique capability to emulate peripheral devices used in PC environments. You will learn how to make the Arduino Leonardo emulate a computer keyboard, a computer mouse and various game controllers. There are seven compelling and engaging experiments to help reinforce the knowledge presented in this volume.