English | 2021 | ISBN: 1462549039 | 755 pages | True PDF | 10.83 MB
Acclaimed for its thorough presentation of mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis, this book has been updated to reflect the latest developments in PROCESS for SPSS, SAS, and, new to this edition, R.Using the principles of ordinary least squares regression, Andrew F. Hayes illustrates each step in an analysis using diverse examples from published studies, and displays SPSS, SAS, and R code for each example. Procedures are outlined for estimating and interpreting direct, indirect, and conditional effects; probing and visualizing interactions; testing hypotheses about the moderation of mechanisms; and reporting different types of analyses. Readers gain an understanding of the link between statistics and causality, as well as what the data are telling them. The companion website (www.afhayes.com) provides data for all the examples, plus the free PROCESS download.

English | 2022 | ISBN: 1780461038 , 978-1780461038 | 160 pages | True PDF | 32.9 MB
Geomorphology is the study of the earth's landforms and the processes that made the landscape look the way it does today. What we see when we look at a scenic view is the result of the interplay of the forces that shape the earth's surface. These operate on many different timescales and involve geological as well as climatic forces. Adrian Harvey introduces the varying geomorphological forces and differing timescales which thus combine: from the global, which shape continents and mountain ranges; through the regional, producing hills and river basins; to the local, forming beaches, glaciers and slopes; to those micro scale forces which weather rock faces and produce sediment. Finally, he considers the effect that humans have had on the world's topography. Introducing Geomorphology provides a structured and easily accessible introduction to the science of geomorphology for those with an adult curiosity about the landscape and for those contemplating a course of formal study in physical geography, geology or environmental studies. As with sister volumes, technical terms are kept to a minimum and a glossary is provided.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 036776542X | 434 pages | True PDF | 27.94 MB
In this third edition of Intracranial Stereotactic Radiosurgery, Drs. Lunsford and Sheehan provide a contemporary assessment of the practice of stereotactic radiosurgery. Topics include benign and malignant tumors, cerebrovascular abnormalities, and functional disorders. There are also several new chapters including ones focused on immunotherapy, hypofractionation, and repeat radiosurgery. Chapters contain many figures and tables to illustrate the key concepts of the work. Contributors to the book represent many of the luminary stereotactic radiosurgery centers throughout the world.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 1597183210 | 610 pages | True EPUB | 16.29 MB
Interpreting and Visualizing Regression Models Using Stata, Second Editionprovides clear and simple examples illustrating how to interpret and visualize a wide variety of regression models. Including over 200 figures, the book illustrates linear models with continuous predictors (modeled linearly, using polynomials, and piecewise), interactions of continuous predictors, categorical predictors, interactions of categorical predictors, and interactions of continuous and categorical predictors. The book also illustrates how to interpret and visualize results from multilevel models, models where time is a continuous predictor, models with time as a categorical predictor, nonlinear models (such as logistic or ordinal logistic regression), and models involving complex survey data. The examples illustrate the use of themargins,marginsDescription,contrast, andpwcompare commands. This new edition reflects new and enhanced features added to Stata, most importantly the ability to label statistical output using value labels associated with factor variables. As a result, output regarding marital status is labeled using intuitive labels like Married and Unmarried instead of using numeric values such as 1 and 2. All the statistical output in this new edition capitalizes on this new feature, emphasizing the interpretation of results based on variables labeled using intuitive value labels. Additionally, this second edition illustrates other new features, such as using transparency in graphics to more clearly visualize overlapping confidence intervals and using small sample-size estimation with mixed models. If you ever find yourself wishing for simple and straightforward advice about how to interpret and visualize regression models using Stata, this book is for you.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 180020390X | 1239 pages | True EPUB | 16.49 MB
Understand the key aspects and challenges of machine learning interpretability, learn how to overcome them with interpretation methods, and leverage them to build fairer, safer, and more reliable models

English | 2022 | ISBN: 1292403276 , 978-1260547870 | 696 pages | True PDF | 147.2 MB
For courses in international business.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 9789391030971 | 426 pages | PDF,EPUB | 3.11 MB
Deroute the syntactical way and start exploring the language from the source

English | 2020 | ISBN: 9780750313353 | 360 pages | True (PDF,EPUB,MOB) | 123.4 MB
Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) has become standard of care for most cancer sites that are managed by radiation therapy. This book documents the evolution of this technology over 35 years to the current level of volumetric arc modulated therapy (VMAT). It covers every aspect of this radiation treatment technology, including the fundamentals of IMRT/VMAT, basic principles and advanced processes for implementation. The physics of IMRT is followed by the clinical application in major disease sites such as central nervous system, head and neck, breast, lung, prostate and cervix. It also provides updated references on each component of IMRT/VMAT. This book is written by leading experts in the field with extensive clinical experience in the practice and implementation of this technology.

English | 2022 | ISBN: 1774630214 | 428 pages | True PDF | 30.24 MB
The 21st century has witnessed massive changes around the world in intelligence systems in order to become smarter, energy efficient, reliable, and cheaper. This volume explores the application of intelligent techniques in various fields of engineering and technology. It addresses diverse topics in such areas as machine learning-based intelligent systems for healthcare, applications of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, intelligent data analytics techniques, intelligent network systems and applications, and inequalities and process control systems. The authors explore the full breadth of the field, which encompasses data analysis, image processing, speech processing and recognition, medical science and healthcare monitoring, smart irrigation systems, insurance and banking, robotics and process control, and more.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 0128200960 | 556 pages | True pdf, epub | 47.85 MB
Innovative and Emerging Technologies in the Bio-marine Food Sector: Applications, Regulations, and Prospectspresents the use of technologies and recent advances in the emerging marine food industry. Written by renowned scientists in the field, the book focuses primarily on the principles of application and the main technological developments achieved in recent years. It includes technological design, equipment and applications of these technologies in multiple processes. Extraction, preservation, microbiology and processing of food are extensively covered in the wide context of marine food products, including fish, crustaceans, seafood processing waste, seaweed, microalgae and other derived by-products.