Documenting the Documentary: Close Readings of Documentary Film and Video By Barry Keith Grant (ed.), Jeannette Sloniowski (ed.)
2013 | 600 Pages | ISBN: 0814339719 | PDF | 18 MB
Originally released in 1998, Documenting the Documentary responded to a scholarly landscape in which documentary film was largely understudied and undervalued aesthetically, and analyzed instead through issues of ethics, politics, and film technology. Editors Barry Keith Grant and Jeannette Sloniowski addressed this gap by presenting a useful survey of the artistic and persuasive aspects of documentary film from a range of critical viewpoints. This new edition of Documenting the Documentary adds five new essays on more recent films in addition to the text of the first edition. Thirty-one film and media scholars, many of them among the most important voices in the area of documentary film, cover the significant developments in the history of documentary filmmaking from Nanook of the North (1922), the first commercially released documentary feature, to contemporary independent film and video productions like Werner Herzog's Grizzly Man (2005) and the controversial Borat (2006). The works discussed also include representative examples of many important national and stylistic movements and various production contexts, from mainstream to avant-garde. In all, this volume offers a series of rich and revealing analyses of those "regimes of truth" that still fascinate filmgoers as much today as they did at the very beginnings of film history. As documentary film and visual media become increasingly important ways for audiences to process news and information, Documenting the Documentary continues to be a vital resource to understanding the genre. Students and teachers of film studies and fans of documentary film will appreciate this expanded classic volume.

Doctors Dissected By Jane Haynes, Martin Scurr
2015 | 392 Pages | ISBN: 0704373750 | EPUB | 3 MB
This is a 'story' book about medicine, body, mind, doctors and caprices of human nature written by an experienced doctor (Martin Scurr), who has seen every untidy vagary of disease, and a psychotherapist (Jane Haynes), who has listened to personal narratives that rival the visceral emotions of King Lear. Doctors - who at their most profound are mercurial messengers between life and death, and who at a more comedic level must suffer our jiggling body parts - are also vulnerable men and women struggling to make sense of their existence. They are the only people other than our lovers to whom as adults we grant voluntary access to our naked bodies. The degree of such intimacy is emphasised by the concern of all medical ethics which promises that we will not be taken advantage of should we fall ill and become infantilised.

Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems: 15th International Symposium
English | 2022 | ISBN: 303092789X | 456 Pages | PDF | 56 MB
This book presents the state of the art in distributed autonomous systems composed of multiple robots, robotic modules, or robotic agents. Swarms in nature can not only adapt to their environments, but can also construct suitable habitats to their own advantage. Distributed autonomous robotic systems can do many things that its individuals cannot do alone. As the global pandemic was still ongoing, the 15th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS2021) was held on June 1-4, 2021, as an online meeting. The scope of DARS201 was to create a bridge between biologists and engineers interested in the distributed intelligence of living things and to establish a new academic field by integrating knowledge from both disciplines. Topics of DARS2021 were swarm intelligence, swarm robotics, multi-agent system, modular robotics, decentralized control, distributed system, etc. The papers in this book provide a very good overview of the state of the art in distributed autonomous robotic systems (DARS). They reflect current research themes in DARS with important contributions. We hope that this book helps to sustain the interest in DARS and triggers new research.

Distance Education in Nursing: Third Edition By Karen Frith PhD RN NEA-BC, Deborah Clark PhD MSN MBA RN CNE
2012 | 248 Pages | ISBN: 0826109454 | PDF | 3 MB
"This award-winning text, now in its third edition, integrates new, successful, digital teaching strategies with current distance education practices. Extensive revisions, seven new chapters, and an innovative format facilitate the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of distance curriculum in undergraduate and graduate programs. New content promotes mobile computing in distance education, faculty preparation, quality improvement, learning in context, clinical reasoning, ethical comportment, and writing skills, and addresses the challenges of accreditation for distance programs. Special features include a continually updated author-hosted blog and website to enhance and extend learning. "

Disaster Mon Amour by David Thomson
English | January 25, 2022 | ISBN: 0300246943 | 224 pages | PDF | 2 MB
A deep-and darkly comic-dive into the nature of disasters, and the ways they shape how we think about ourselves in the world

Difficult Decisions in Surgical Ethics: An Evidence-Based Approach
English | 2022 | ISBN: 3030846245 | 763 Pages | PDF EPUB | 17 MB
This book provides a detailed guide to the ethical considerations involved when making decisions in surgery. Chapters feature a uniform format, which feature a case that represents a real-life problem, discussion of the medical indications of that issue, the latest available medical solutions, and related ethical considerations. In some cases, more in-depth debate is provided on why a particular decision should or should not be made based-upon ethical principles. Information boxes containing key statements and relevant data in clear easy-to-digest tables facilitates the reader in being able to assimilate the most important points covered in each chapter.

Development in Infancy: A Contemporary Introduction By Marc H. Bornstein, Martha E. Arterberry, Michael E. Lamb
2013 | 456 Pages | ISBN: 1848726589 | PDF | 8 MB
This topically-organized text provides a comprehensive overview of infant development with a strong theoretical and research base. Readers gain a clear understanding of infant development and issues that will be the focus of significant advances in infancy studies in the future. The new fifth edition reflects the enormous changes in the field that have occurred over the past decade. The thoroughly revised chapters emphasize work from the 21st century, although classic references are retained, and explore contextual, methodological, neurological, physical, perceptual, cognitive, communicative, emotional, and social facets of infant development. The fifth edition features a more accessible style and enhanced pedagogical and teaching resource program. This extensively revised edition features a number of changes: *The fifth edition adds a new co-author, Martha Arterberry, who brings additional teaching and research skills to the existing author team. *An enhanced pedagogical program features orienting questions at the beginning of each chapter and boldfaced key terms listed at the end of the chapter and defined in the glossary to help facilitate understanding and learning.*Two new boxes in each chapter - Science in Translation illustrate applied issues and Set for Life highlight the significance of infancy for later development.*Increased emphasis on practical applications and social policy.*More graphs, tables, and photos that explain important concepts and findings.*Literature reviews are thoroughly updated and reflect contemporary research.*All new teaching web resources -- Instructors will find Power Points, electronic versions of the text figures, and a test bank, and students will find hyperlinked references and electronic versions of the key concepts and the definitions. Intended for beginning graduate or advanced undergraduate courses on infant (and toddler) development or infancy or early child development taught in departments of psychology, human development & family studies, education, nursing, social work, and anthropology, this book also appeals to social service providers, policy makers, and clergy who work with community institutions. Prerequisites include introductory courses on child development and general psychology.

DevOps and Containers Security: Security and Monitoring in Docker Containers
English | 2020 | ISBN: 9389423538 | 344 Pages | EPUB | 15 MB
Through this book, we will introduce the DevOps tools ecosystem and the main containers orchestration tools through an introduction to some platforms such as Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, and OpenShift.

Designing React Hooks the Right Way:
Explore design techniques and solutions to debunk the myths about adopting states using React Hooks
English | 2022 | ISBN: 1803235950 | 278 Pages | EPUB | 3 MB

Delphi: A History of the Center of the Ancient World By Michael Scott
2014 | 440 Pages | ISBN: 0691150818 | PDF | 10 MB
The oracle and sanctuary of the Greek god Apollo at Delphi were known as the "omphalos"--the "center" or "navel"--of the ancient world for more than 1000 years. Individuals, city leaders, and kings came from all over the Mediterranean and beyond to consult Delphi's oracular priestess; to set up monuments to the gods; and to take part in competitions. In this richly illustrated account, Michael Scott covers the history and nature of Delphi, from the literary and archaeological evidence surrounding the site, to its rise as a center of worship, to the constant appeal of the oracle despite her cryptic prophecies. He describes how Delphi became a contested sacred site for Greeks and Romans and a storehouse for the treasures of rival city-states and foreign kings. He also examines the eventual decline of the site and how its meaning and importance have continued to be reshaped. A unique window into the center of the ancient world, Delphi will appeal to general readers, tourists, students, and specialists.