English | 2018 | ISBN: 1788622014 | 723 pages | True (PDF,EPUB,MOB)+ Codw | 82.77 MB
Explore various verticals in software engineering through high-end systems using Python

English | 2022 | ISBN: 9781801072137 | 251 pages | True EPUB | 24.25 MB
This book will make the link between data cleaning and preprocessing to help you design effective data analytic solutions

English | 2018 | ISBN: 1789611555 | 71 pages | True (PDF,EPUB,MOB)+ Code | 11.08 MB
Progressively explore UI development with Shiny via practical examples

English | 2019 | ISBN: 075031222X | 231 pages | True (PDF,EPUB,MOB) | 77.18 MB
Inorganic nanoparticles are used a range of applications, from pregnancy tests to catalysis and the latest innovations in high density data storage. This book aims to provide a detailed understanding of emerging green methods for preparing inorganic nanomaterials as green chemistry has great promise for future developments, especially in sustainable designs for materials, processes and consumer goods. To date, green chemistry has mostly focussed on the synthesis of fine chemicals and very rarely on nanomaterials. By 2016, the global demand for nanomaterials will be $5.5 billion and includes catalysis, separations, medicine and energy, to name just a few. Current methods for producing nanomaterials are complex, energy demanding, multistep, and/or environmentally damaging. New bioinspired/biomimetic approaches are emerging, which harness biological principles from biomineralisation to design green nanomaterials for the future. Further, in order to progress with these technologies, multidisciplinary skills are required, spanning from sciences to engineering. This book aims to bridge these gaps.

English | 2019 | ISBN: 0750316993 | 180 pages | True (PDF,EPUB,MOB) | 85.11 MB
In this book, the authors first give an introduction to the theoretical properties of graphene nanoribbons, before proceeding to concentrate on different fabrication methods and their properties out of different experimental characterizations and a review of the current stage of the main applications of graphene nanoribbons.

English | 2022 | ISBN: 1801072698 | 406 pages | True (PDF,EPUB) | 54.41 MB
Gain practical skills to design, deploy, and manage networks on Google Cloud and prepare to gain Professional Cloud Network Engineer certification

English | 2019 | ISBN: 0750316039 | 357 pages | True (PDF,EPUB,MOB) | 170.94 MB
This book provides global case studies of environmental military range management, written by experts with first-hand experience of contamination, remediation, sampling, analysis, and environmental management. Each chapter provides a key lessons summary to support knowledge sharing and best practice evidence-based decision-making. It will be of particular interest to environmental scientists and managers, defence specialists, and those working within the military sphere.

English | 2022 | ISBN: 1493051741 | 215 pages | True PDF EPUB | 9.2 MB
The American Revolution is stained with blood and its ghosts are still lurking in the shadows seeking postmortem revenge. Come explore the haunts associated with the colonial rebels' fight for independence, from an aura of disaster lingering from the "shot heard round the world" in Concord, Massachusetts, to the battle cries of our forefathers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Using a paranormal lens, Baltrusis breathes new life into the ghosts of the American Revolution that include both unknown patriots and familiar names.

English | 164 pages | True PDF | 56.84 MB

English | 2022 | ISBN: 3030860396 | 442 pages | pdf, epub | 213.17 MB
This book of Springer Proceedings in Geoarchaeology and Archaeological Mineralogy contains selected papers presented at the 7th Geoarchaeology Conference, which took place during October 19-23, 2020, at the South Urals Federal Research Center, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Miass, Russia. The Proceedings combine studies in archeometry, geoarchaeology, and ancient North Eurasian technologies, including paleometallurgy, stone tools investigation, past exploitation of geological resources, bioarchaeology, residue analysis, pottery, and lithics studies. This book also specializes in various non-organic materials, rocks, minerals, ores, and metals, especially copper and metallurgical slags. Many types of research also use modern analytical methods of isotopic, chemical, and mineralogical analysis to address the composition and structure of ancient materials and the technological practices of past human populations of modern Russia, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Mongolia.