English | 2022 | ISBN: 9781492082378 | 644 pages | PDF,EPUB | 20.07 MB
Apache Spark's speed, ease of use, sophisticated analytics, and multilanguage support makes practical knowledge of this cluster-computing framework a required skill for data engineers and data scientists. With this hands-on guide, anyone looking for an introduction to Spark will learn practical algorithms and examples using PySpark.

English | 2020 | ISBN: 0750333898 | 102 pages | True (PDF,EPUB,MOB) | 13.46 MB
In Ramm's second edition on refraction coefficient the author shares his recipe for creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient and solves

English | 2022 | ISBN: 9781098106133 | 286 pages | PDF,EPUB | 29.86 MB
With the advent of microservices, Kubernetes, public cloud, and hybrid computing, site reliability and DevOps engineers are facing more complexity than ever before. Service mesh is an exciting new technology that promises to help tackle this complexity. A service mesh provides you with a unified control plane to manage the networking among your applications running on these distinct platforms. This definitive guide shows you how to automate networking for simple and secure application delivery with Consul.

English | 2020 | ISBN: 0750332859 | 147 pages | True (PDF,EPUB,MOB) | 20.1 MB
In the course of only a few decades computers have revolutionized scientific research and more and more scientists are writing computer programs for doing their work. In spite of the ubiquitous use of computers in science, few researchers in the natural sciences have any schooling in computer science, software engineering, or numerical analysis. They usually acquire their computing knowledge "on the job" and often feel overwhelmed by the amount of computing knowledge they must absorb.

English | 2020 | ISBN: | 141 pages | True (PDF,EPUB,MOB) | 36.78 MB
This book introduces the preparation, measurement and properties of ultra-cold atoms and molecules at a level accessible to advanced undergraduate students or for researchers approaching the subject from different specialities. Including a review of cooling techniques, the book focuses on the behaviour and applications of both ultra-cold atoms and molecules, and how they are shaping research in atomic physics, quantum optics, condensed matter physics, statistical mechanics, quantum information processing, quantum simulators and finding applications in ultra-high-precision atomic clocks and quantum metrology. Readers of this text should develop an understanding of the techniques used to cool, trap, manipulate and perform measurements on ultra-cold atoms and molecules, as well as how such systems are in being used in a range of exciting areas of modern physics.

English | 2022 | ISBN: 9781492090953 | 702 pages | PDF,EPUB | 13.74 MB
The cloud is becoming the de facto home for companies ranging from enterprises to startups. Moving to the cloud means moving your applications from monolith to microservices. But once you do, maintaining and running these services brings its own level of complexity. The answer? Modularity, deployability, observability, and self-healing capacity through cloud native development.

English | 2022 | ISBN: 1108844626 | 383 pages | PDF | 5.85 MB
Statistical physics examines the collective properties of large ensembles of particles, and is a powerful theoretical tool with important applications across many different scientific disciplines. This book provides a detailed introduction to classical and quantum statistical physics, including links to topics at the frontiers of current research. The first part of the book introduces classical ensembles, provides an extensive review of quantum mechanics, and explains how their combination leads directly to the theory of Bose and Fermi gases. This allows a detailed analysis of the quantum properties of matter, and introduces the exotic features of vacuum fluctuations. The second part discusses more advanced topics such as the two-dimensional Ising model and quantum spin chains. This modern text is ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate students interested in the role of statistical physics in current research. 140 homework problems reinforce key concepts and further develop readers' understanding of the subject.

English | 2020 | ISBN: 9780750326902 | 375 pages | True (PDF,EPUB,MOB) | 51.77 MB
Classical Mechanics: A professor-student collaboration is a textbook tailored for undergraduate physics students embarking on a first-year module in Newtonian mechanics. This book was written as a unique collaboration between Mario Campanelli and students that attended his course in classical mechanics at University College London. Taking his lecture notes as a starting point, and reflecting on their own experiences studying the material, the students worked together with Campanelli to produce a comprehensive course text that covers a familiar topic from a new perspective.

English | 2022 | ISBN: 9781492097136 | 661 pages | PDF,EPUB | 18.75 MB
Imagine what you could do if scalability wasn't a problem. With this hands-on guide, you'll learn how the Cassandra database management system handles hundreds of terabytes of data while remaining highly available across multiple data centers. This revised third edition--updated for Cassandra 4.0 and new developments in the Cassandra ecosystem, including deployments in Kubernetes with K8ssandra--provides technical details and practical examples to help you put this database to work in a production environment.

English | 2019 | ISBN: 178961208X | 520 pages | True (PDF,EPUB,MOB)+ Code | 95.57 MB
Get up to speed with using C# 8 and .NET Core 3.0 features to build real-world .NET Core applications