English | 2022 | ISBN: 9781617298035 | 280 pages | PDF | 23.01 MB
In Algorithms and Data Structures for Massive Datasets, you'll discover methods for reducing and sketching data so it fits in small memory without losing accuracy, and unlock the algorithms and data structures that form the backbone of a big data system.

English | 2020 | ISBN: 0750326387 | 238 pages | True (PDF,EPUB,MOB) | 16.87 MB
Algorithmic information theory (AIT), or Kolmogorov complexity as it is known to mathematicians, can provide a useful tool for scientists to look at natural systems, however, some critical conceptual issues need to be understood and the advances already made collated and put in a form accessible to scientists. This book has been written in the hope that readers will be able to absorb the key ideas behind AIT so that they are in a better position to access the mathematical developments and to apply the ideas to their own areas of interest. The theoretical underpinning of AIT is outlined in the earlier chapters, while later chapters focus on the applications, drawing attention to the thermodynamic commonality between ordered physical systems such as the alignment of magnetic spins, the maintenance of a laser distant from equilibrium, and ordered living systems such as bacterial systems, an ecology, and an economy.

English | 2020 | ISBN: 0750333731 | 121 pages | True (PDF,EPUB,MOB) | 23.16 MB
This book presents advances in X-ray spectroscopy of plasmas interacting with a laser radiation and laser-induced plasmas. This research is practically important for the quest for the controlled nuclear fusion, for studying matter under extreme conditions, for providing atomic reference data, for laboratory modelling of physical processes in astrophysical objects, and for a better understanding of intense laser-plasma interactions.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 0750330333 , 978-0-7503-3035-0 | 116 pages | True PDF EPUB MOBI | 64.77 MB
Almost all galaxies host in their center a supermassive black hole of mass between a million and tens of billions solar masses. Supermassive black holes grow in symbiosis with their host galaxies across the Hubble time, occasionally accreting surround matter, giving rise to an Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). This book gives a general review of our current knowledge of AGN, powered by supermassive black holes: how they are fueled by gas (or stars) and what problems are encountered; how can we account for the wide variety of AGN, from Seyfert/Liners to quasars, and for the two types (AGN 1 and 2) either through dust obscuration, and geometrical orientation arguments, or through intrinsic activity difference, qualitative or quantitative. With modern instruments, providing high resolution and sensitivity, like ALMA in radio, or MUSE at the ESO/VLT, it is possible to unveil the interstellar medium and stars in the circumnuclear regions, discover molecular disks and tori, in the sphere of influence of the black holes. While AGN are accreting matter, they are providing so much energy that part of the surrounding gas is expelled and is observed in molecular outflows, identified as the main feedback process of AGN on their host.

English | 2021 | ISBN: 180020521X | 243 pages | True (PDF,EPUB)+ Code | 6.84 MB
Get a comprehensive introduction to the major Angular framework rewrite known as Angular Ivy

English | 2022 | ISBN: 9781098120191 | 35 pages | PDF,EPUB | 1.22 MB
Edge artificial intelligence is transforming the way computers interact with the real world, allowing internet of things (IoT) devices to make decisions using the 99% of sensor data that was previously discarded due to cost, bandwidth, or power limitations. With techniques like embedded machine learning, developers can capture human intuition and deploy it to any target-from ultra-low power microcontrollers to flexible embedded Linux devices-for applications that reduce latency, protect privacy, and work without a network connection, greatly expanding the capabilities of the IoT.

English | 2022 | ISBN: 1597183652 | 1023 pages | True EPUB | 7.68 MB
Whether you are new to Stata graphics or a seasoned veteran, A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics, Fourth Edition will teach you how to use Stata to make publication-quality graphs that will stand out and enhance your statistical results. With over 1,200 illustrated examples and quick-reference tabs, this book quickly guides you to the information you need for creating and customizing high-quality graphs for any type of statistical data. Each graph is displayed in full color with simple and clear instructions that illustrate how to create and customize graphs using Stata commands. Stata's powerful graphics system gives you complete control over how the elements of your graph look, from marker symbols to lines, from legends to captions and titles, from axis labels to grid lines, and more. Whether you use this book as a learning tool or a quick reference, you will have the power of Stata graphics at your fingertips.

English | 2020 | ISBN: 075032578X | 114 pages | True (PDF,EPUB,MOB) | 12.05 MB
The development of a successful theory of quantum gravity in the context of the early universe is the key next step in theoretical physics. This book takes that step by describing a coherent mathematical framework for both the evolution of discrete space-time and the quantum graviton in the Planck regime. In doing so it successfully blends developments in both loop quantum gravity and superstring theory with data from the Large Hadron Collider. The result is a coherent mathematical framework that encapsulates newer developments on both the evolution of discrete space-time and the quantum graviton in the early universe. In doing so it addresses a key issue concerning loop quantum gravity raised by Ashtekar: describing conditions for the existence of locally translation-invariant quantum states; a quantum form of the diffeomorphisms of general relativity

English | 2021 | ISBN: 0750333979 , 978-0-7503-3399-3 | 91 pages | True PDF EPUB MOBI | 16.84 MB
This is acompanion

English | 2021 | ISBN: 1119789141 | 315 pages | True PDF EPUB | 20.78 MB
What does a feminist urban theory look like for the twenty first century? This book puts knowledges of feminist urban scholars, feminist scholars of social reproduction, and other urban theorists into conversation to propose an approach to the urban that recognises social reproduction both as foundational to urban transformations and as a methodological entry-point for urban studies.