Nat King Cole - Ultimate Nat King Cole)
flac VBR 847 Kbps | | 01:00:13 |282.57 MB

Nat King Cole - Top Pops)
flac VBR 918 Kbps | | 34:46 |219.56 MB

Nat King Cole - To Whom It May Concern)
flac VBR 917 Kbps | | 37:25 |248.94 MB

Nat King Cole - Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer)
flac VBR 855 Kbps | | 26:59 |175.24 MB

Nat King Cole - This Is Nat King Cole (Remastered))
flac VBR 845 Kbps | | 46:59 |206.28 MB

Nat King Cole - The World Of Nat King Cole)
flac, m4a VBR 819 Kbps | | 01:13:52 |393.9 MB

Nat King Cole - The Very Thought Of You)
flac VBR 875 Kbps | | 55:40 |353.13 MB

Nat King Cole - The Very Thought Of You (Remastered))
flac VBR 662 Kbps | | 57:12 |275.43 MB

Nat King Cole - The Unforgettable Nat King Cole Sings The Great Songs)
flac VBR 865 Kbps | | 29:50 |185.46 MB

Nat King Cole - The Trouble With Me Is You! (Remastered))
flac VBR 489 Kbps | | 51:17 |178.51 MB