Nat King Cole - Straighten Up and Fly Right- The Best of Hittin' the Ramp- The Early Years (1936-1943))
flac VBR 317 Kbps | | 55:56 |119.32 MB

Nat King Cole - Songs From St Louis Blues)
flac VBR 894 Kbps | | 32:47 |208.73 MB

Nat King Cole - Sings For Two In Love)
flac VBR 556 Kbps | | 34:24 |137.91 MB

Nat King Cole - Sincerely)
flac VBR 915 Kbps | | 28:07 |188.49 MB

Nat King Cole - Route 66)
flac VBR 629 Kbps | | 53:57 |234.37 MB

Nat King Cole - Romance)
flac VBR 866 Kbps | | 18:21 |89.39 MB

Nat King Cole - Rockin' With The Blues! (Remastered))
flac VBR 699 Kbps | | 58:06 |213.95 MB

Nat King Cole - Re-Generations)
flac VBR 1044 Kbps | | 46:21 |308.56 MB

Nat King Cole - Ramblin' Rose)
flac VBR 878 Kbps | | 30:45 |194.54 MB
Nat King Cole - Plays the Best of Hollywood, Broadway and the Great American Songbook - Selection...

Nat King Cole - Plays the Best of Hollywood, Broadway and the Great American Songbook - Selections from Hittin' the)
flac VBR 358 Kbps | | 42:21 |93.33 MB