Gioacchino Maglioni - L'organo a Firenze dai Medici all'Unità d'Italia
flac VBR 734 Kbps | Keyboard | 01:18:53 |397.78 MB

Giacomo Puccini - Vocal Recital Angeles, Victoria De Los - Mozart, W A Wagner, R Gounod, C -F Massenet, J G
flac VBR 578 Kbps | | 02:21:38 |401.81 MB

Giacomo Puccini - Puccini Boheme (La) (Bjorling, De Los Angeles, Beecham) (1956))
flac VBR 647 Kbps | Opera | 02:20:47 |604.44 MB

Gherardello da Firenze - Stylems, Italian Music from the Trecento)
flac VBR 615 Kbps | | 58:04 |275.42 MB

Gerolamo Bassani - Viaggio Italiano Sonatas for Cello and B c
flac VBR 604 Kbps | Chamber | 01:11:26 |391.75 MB

Gerald Hugh Tyrwhitt-Wilson (Lord Berners) - The Beecham Collection Moeran, D'Indy & Berners)
flac VBR 316 Kbps | Orchestral | 01:16:53 |192.5 MB

Gerald Hugh Tyrwhitt-Wilson (Lord Berners) - Sir Thomas Beecham The English Collection)
flac VBR 505 Kbps | Opera | 07:04:31 |1.7 GB

Gerald Hugh Tyrwhitt-Wilson (Lord Berners) - Arnell, R Punch and the Child Berners, L the Triumph of Neptune Suite)
flac VBR 293 Kbps | Orchestral | 45:34 |120.7 MB

Georges Delerue - Series)
flac VBR 706 Kbps | Orchestral | 01:08:37 |402.65 MB

Georges Bizet - The Great Conductors Sir Thomas Beecham Conducts Georges Bizet's L'Arlésienne Suites & Symphony in C M)
flac VBR 595 Kbps | Orchestral | 01:03:33 |289.8 MB