G Capolongo - Canzoni villanesche Neapolitan Love Songs of the 16th century)
flac VBR 665 Kbps | | 02:03:14 |604.22 MB

Frederick Delius - Delius Village Romeo and Juliet (A) (Beecham) (1946-1952))
flac VBR 321 Kbps | Secular Vocal | 02:23:35 |347.3 MB

Frederick Delius - Delius Songs of Sunset, Dance Rhapsody No 2, Summer Evening & Irmelin Prelude)
flac VBR 647 Kbps | Orchestral | 01:14:04 |451.09 MB

Frederick Delius - Delius Sea Drift The Song of A Great City (Boyce Bbc Chorus Royal Philharmonic Beecham) (195)
flac VBR 281 Kbps | Secular Vocal | 46:38 |94.05 MB

Frederick Delius - Delius Orchestral Works, Vol 4 (Beecham) (1946-1952))
flac VBR 297 Kbps | Orchestral | 01:16:06 |158.4 MB

Frederick Delius - Delius Orchestral Works, Vol 3 (Beecham) (1928, 1938))
flac VBR 387 Kbps | Secular Vocal | 01:06:07 |185.11 MB

Frederick Delius - Delius Orchestral Works, Vol 2 (Beecham) (1927-1936))
flac VBR 387 Kbps | Secular Vocal | 01:02:37 |176.02 MB

Frederick Delius - Delius Orchestral Works, Vol 1 (Beecham) (1927-1934))
flac VBR 382 Kbps | Orchestral | 01:01:06 |169.36 MB

Frederick Delius - Delius Florida Suite, Over the Hills and Far Away & Brigg Fair)
flac VBR 621 Kbps | Orchestral | 01:13:38 |727.84 MB

Frederick Delius - Delius Brigg Fair and other orchestral works)
flac VBR 622 Kbps | Orchestral | 01:16:33 |346.38 MB