Frederick Delius - Delius Brigg Fair & Sea Drift (The Beecham Collection))
flac VBR 350 Kbps | Secular Vocal | 01:14:40 |215.39 MB

Frederick Delius - Delius A Village Romeo and Juliet & Songs of Sunset (The Beecham Collection))
flac VBR 391 Kbps | Opera | 02:22:26 |421.47 MB

Frederick Delius - Delius A Mass of Life Prelude, An Arabesque & Songs of Sunset (The Beecham Collection))
flac VBR 307 Kbps | Secular Vocal | 01:11:29 |166.14 MB

Frederick Delius - Delius Hassan & Sea Drift & An Arabesk)
flac VBR 649 Kbps | Secular Vocal | 01:05:48 |312.91 MB

Frederick Delius - Beethoven - Mendelssohn - Delius)
flac VBR 572 Kbps | Orchestral | 01:06:11 |281.67 MB

Frederick Delius - 20th Century Classics Delius)
flac VBR 661 Kbps | Orchestral | 02:27:52 |692.14 MB

Franz Xaver Gruber - Weihnacht)
flac VBR 698 Kbps | Sacred Vocal | 01:08:25 |281.28 MB

Franz Xaver Gruber - Christmas with the boy choristers of St Thomas)
flac VBR 611 Kbps | Secular Vocal | 49:11 |207.15 MB

Franz Schubert - The Beecham Collection Wagner, Delius & Schubert)
flac VBR 625 Kbps | Orchestral | 01:15:27 |320.84 MB

Franz Schubert - Schubert Symphonies Nos 1 and 2 (Beecham) (1953-1954))
flac VBR 440 Kbps | Orchestral | 53:42 |168.1 MB