Anonymous (20th century) - Anthology)
flac VBR 637 Kbps | | 03:38:32 |1010.07 MB

Anonymous (18th century) - Venice's Fragrance)
flac VBR 695 Kbps | Chamber | 01:08:37 |353.59 MB

Anonymous (18th century) - Folia)
flac VBR 599 Kbps | Chamber | 02:16:06 |703.42 MB

Anonymous (18th century) - Cattaneo & Others Violin Works)
flac VBR 810 Kbps | Concertos | 01:13:12 |417.66 MB

Anonymous (18th century) - Canzoni da Battello del Settecento veneziano, Vol 2)
flac VBR 632 Kbps | | 59:51 |286.3 MB

Anonymous (17th century) - Spagnoli Rusca Cantate, Toccate, Mottetti)
flac VBR 554 Kbps | | 01:09:01 |293.93 MB

Anonymous (17th century) - Lute Music From Scotland and France)
flac VBR 676 Kbps | Chamber | 01:12:36 |362.73 MB

Anonymous (17th century) - Balli, battaglie e canzoni 16th Century Music for Organ and Percussion)
flac VBR 795 Kbps | | 01:07:28 |372.55 MB

Anonymous (16th century) - Madrid Atrium Musicae Three Centuries of La Spagna)
flac VBR 671 Kbps | Chamber | 01:11:30 |367.45 MB

Anonymous (16th century) - In Vino - Il Vino in musica tra XV e XVI secolo)
flac VBR 817 Kbps | | 55:43 |363.3 MB