John Adams - The Dharma at Big Sur My Father Knew Charles Ives
flac VBR 649 Kbps | Concertos | 53:15 |224.79 MB

John Adams - The American Clarinet
flac VBR 520 Kbps | Concertos | 01:16:28 |287.28 MB

John Adams - Rzewski & Adams Piano Works
flac VBR 382 Kbps | Keyboard | 57:34 |155.78 MB

John Adams - Road Movies
flac VBR 376 Kbps | Keyboard | 01:07:59 |214.17 MB

John Adams - Reich Variations for Winds, Strings & Keyboards Adams Shaker Loops
flac VBR 585 Kbps | Chamber | 48:10 |219.81 MB

John Adams - On the Transmigration of Souls
flac VBR 643 Kbps | Orchestral | 25:03 |115.56 MB

John Adams - Nixon In China
flac VBR 629 Kbps | Opera | 02:24:30 |565.01 MB

John Adams - Naive and Sentimental Music
flac VBR 613 Kbps | Orchestral | 44:12 |190.78 MB

John Adams - John Adams The Death Of Klinghoffer
flac VBR 491 Kbps | Opera | 02:15:04 |480.52 MB

John Adams - John Adams - Portrait
flac VBR 1329 Kbps | Orchestral | 01:00:18 |622.74 MB