Giacomo Meyerbeer - The Symphony Lounge, Vol 2 Italian and French Ouvertures
flac VBR 640 Kbps | Orchestral | 01:12:44 |334.8 MB

Giacomo Meyerbeer - Tchaikovsky Swan Lake, Op 20 - Adam Giselle - Meyerbeer Les patineurs (Exerpts)
flac VBR 589 Kbps | Orchestral | 01:15:55 |407.21 MB

Giacomo Meyerbeer - Tchaikovsky Swan Lake (excerpts; Adam Giselle; Meyerbeer Les Patineurs
flac VBR 589 Kbps | Orchestral | 01:15:59 |411.55 MB

Gernot Wolfgang - Barefoot
flac VBR 392 Kbps | Keyboard | 01:08:20 |198.46 MB

Gerhard Winkler - Nostalgia
flac VBR 727 Kbps | Secular Vocal | 54:46 |279.91 MB

Gerardo Matos Rodríguez - Camille & Julie Berthollet
flac VBR 607 Kbps | Concertos | 01:15:11 |360.63 MB

Georges Bizet - Glenn Gould plays Sonatas, Fantasies, Variations Scriabin; Prokofiev; Grieg, Sibelius; Berg; Krenek; Sc
flac VBR 513 Kbps | Keyboard | 04:11:47 |1022.81 MB

Georges Bizet - A Life in Music
flac VBR 594 Kbps | Secular Vocal | 01:01:39 |301.56 MB

George Gershwin - In Jest Comic Art Songs
flac VBR 451 Kbps | Secular Vocal | 01:04:07 |212.77 MB

George Gershwin - Exiles in Paradise Émigré Composers in Hollywood
flac VBR 604 Kbps | Chamber | 01:06:07 |310.89 MB