Paul Agricole Génin - Variations
flac VBR 617 Kbps | | 01:07:22 |302.81 MB

Paul Agricole Génin - Fantasia (for Flute and Guitar)
flac VBR 1272 Kbps | | 01:00:58 |606.92 MB

Paul Agricole Génin - Carnaval de Venise
flac VBR 546 Kbps | Chamber | 01:10:41 |315.02 MB

Paquito D'Rivera - Don't Mind The Gap!
flac VBR 566 Kbps | Chamber | 59:30 |264.53 MB

Paquito D'Rivera - Arrivals and Departures Music of the Americas
flac VBR 530 Kbps | | 01:02:16 |300.15 MB

Paquita Madriguera - Zambra! Guitars from Spain
flac VBR 531 Kbps | Chamber | 51:35 |282.6 MB

Paolo Furlani - Parafrasi per flauto e pianoforte sulle opere di Giuseppe Verdi
flac VBR 533 Kbps | | 01:03:11 |241.53 MB

Paolo Cavazzini - Un ritratto
flac VBR 338 Kbps | | 02:18:58 |579.2 MB

Pablo de Sarasate - Violonchelo del Fuego
flac VBR 636 Kbps | Chamber | 01:11:16 |330.08 MB

Ottorino Respighi - String Serenade
flac VBR 689 Kbps | Orchestral | 01:10:48 |347.97 MB