Tommy Pederson - Nibbles
flac VBR 1182 Kbps | Chamber | 45:33 |548.36 MB

Timothy Dwight Edwards - Allusions
flac VBR 661 Kbps | Chamber | 58:33 |271.02 MB

Thomas Jefferson T J Anderson - The Will to Adorn The Music of George Lewis
flac VBR 632 Kbps | | 52:00 |226.46 MB

Thad Anderson - Lines & Spaces The Music of Thad Anderson
flac VBR 583 Kbps | | 01:19:25 |377.97 MB

Talib-Rasul Hakim - Black Composer Series, Vol 8 Olly Woodrow Wilson, Thomas Jefferson Anderson, Jr & Talib Rasul Hak
flac VBR 572 Kbps | | 32:58 |143.81 MB

Stéphen Lias - Sparks Miniature Works for Orchestra
flac VBR 642 Kbps | | 48:51 |220.73 MB

Stig Andersen - Piano
flac VBR 393 Kbps | | 01:16:39 |247.66 MB

Steven Stucky - Amargos Northern Concerto Bortz Pipes and Bells Stucky Etudes
flac VBR 539 Kbps | | 57:24 |263.25 MB

Steve Reich - Immersion
flac VBR 1314 Kbps | Orchestral | 01:08:04 |765.04 MB

Stefan Wirth - Grammont sélection 7
flac VBR 668 Kbps | | 02:26:28 |571.84 MB