Gösta Nystroem - Nystroem Symphony Nos 4 and 6
flac VBR 462 Kbps | Orchestral | 54:52 |200.67 MB

Guillaume de Machaut - Cyrillus Kreek - The Suspended Harp of Babel
flac VBR 603 Kbps | Secular Vocal | 01:09:41 |315.82 MB

Gottlieb Muffat - Authentic Renaissance and Baroque Organs
flac VBR 714 Kbps | Keyboard | 01:31:38 |500.93 MB

Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel - The Mystic and the Muse (Celebrating 600 Years Of Women in Music)
flac VBR 689 Kbps | | 58:04 |298.94 MB

Gonzalo Martínez de Bizcargui - Miss Rex Virginum Motecta
flac VBR 680 Kbps | | 01:01:01 |304.68 MB

Giuseppe Silvestri - Serenata Napoletana Music for Mandolin and Piano
flac VBR 678 Kbps | | 01:01:39 |286.56 MB

Giuseppe Rabboni - Paganini del piccolo
flac VBR 667 Kbps | | 01:17:46 |388.25 MB

Giulio Belli - Le origini del violino
flac VBR 746 Kbps | Chamber | 53:44 |377.29 MB

Giovanni Lorenzo Lulier - Il violoncello del cardinale
flac VBR 810 Kbps | | 01:03:12 |375 MB

Giovanni Gabrieli - Ambrosini Plurimo
flac VBR 615 Kbps | | 01:08:08 |287.63 MB