How To Convert Images Into Paintings (The Easy Way)
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Genre / Category:Drawing & Painting
File Size :205MB
Product Details In this course, we will discuss how to convert images into paintings. Converting images into paintings can help you in print on demand and other entrepreneurial ventures. Converting photos into paintings can also help you create some fun crafts or even provide these paintings for friends and special events!

How to Build a Creative Portfolio that Gets You Clients
Genre / Category:Photoshop Tutorials
File Size :340MB
Product Details Are you a creative freelancer? If so, then you know that having a GREAT portfolio of your BEST work is essential to getting the types of clients you want. But, how do you actually build one? What should go in it? How do you organize the work? What can you do to make your portfolio one that stands out from all of the rest? This course answers these–and many other questions.

High Speed Editing with the Cut Page for Beginners | Davinci Resolve 17
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Genre / Category:Film & Media
File Size :1.3GB
Product Details The Cut Page has been built for speed and mobile editors who like to edit on the go and have fast turnaround times to meet. This usually means editing on a laptop or smaller screen yet needing all the tools and power of Davinci Resolve 17 at your fingertips – well the Cut Page has the answers you're looking for.
In this comprehensive video class, we'll be looking at some of the key features of the Cut Page and also its accompanying hardware panel, The Speed Editor.

Fun With Faces: Create a Stylised Digital Portrait
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Genre / Category:Photoshop Tutorials
File Size :487MB
Product Details You'll be taking part in 3 super fun exercises to help you add personality to your faces while keeping your line work simple. I'll be walking you through my whole process on how I create my unique characters, and exploring different ways you can experiment with hair styles, clothes accessories and colour to make your portraits stand out.

Easy Watercolour Hummingbird For Beginners | Learn How To Paint a Hummingbird in Watercolor
Home Page https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Easy-Watercolour-Hummingbird-For-Beginners-Learn-How-To-Paint-a-Hummingbird-in-Watercolor/107724953
Genre / Category:Other Tutorials
File Size :476MB
Product Details About This Class
What This Class Is аbout:
Learn how to draw and paint a simple, yet beautiful hummingbird in this step by step watercolour lesson. This class is ideal for beginners learning to paint with watercolour.

Digitizing Your Paint: Selecting and Adjusting Artwork in Photoshop
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Genre / Category:Photoshop Tutorials
File Size :2.1GB
Product Details In my last class we spent time exploring various paint mediums to find what we love best; in this newest class I show you the variety of tools that I use to digitize my paintings in Photoshop. Whether you're looking to slightly color correct your scanned artwork, or want to fully reconfigure your piece, this course has your back (including a bonus video on how I make repeating patterns in PS!). The back bone to this course is learning the various ways to make selections, paired with the endless possibilities that come from applying adjustment layers (plus a few other handy tools, too). With these non-workflow specific tools in your back pocket, you'll be able to make masterpieces out of just about anything.

Digital Inking for Comics – A Futuristic Scene
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Genre / Category:Photoshop Tutorials
File Size :1.9GB
Product Details In this class, I will take you through my process for applying digital inks to this comic art scene. I will be using Clip Studio Paint to complete this work as well as a digital tablet with pressure sensitivity. Many of the things we will discuss will work for traditional inking as well but some things will be much easier to follow along with if you are using the same tools.
In this class you will learn about.

Designer Tips for Awesome Photos!
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Genre / Category:Photoshop Tutorials
File Size :360MB
Product Details Whether they're too dark, too bright, slightly blurred or in need of some simple retouching I'll show you tips I've learned over 25+ years working as a graphic designer. I'll also show you the best formats to prepare images for use in social media or printing out at home or for use in artwork preparation ready to send out to print.
I've been a graphic designer since Macs first appeared and have worked for Penguin Books, Marks & Spencer and many other clients through my design partnership Flow Design.

Design a Female Character: Sketching Portraits with Pencils
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Genre / Category:Drawing & Painting
File Size :645MB
Product Details In this course, we'll dive into the process of sketching cute female characters with pencils. We'll walk through materials and pencil techniques, then break down sketching the face, feature by feature, in easy to follow steps. In this class, even beginners will find that they can draw female characters with ease!
This course is full of worksheets, guides, tutorials, tips, and references to help prepare you for drawing female characters — with loads of video demonstrations to help you solidify the information, while watching it in action!
By the end of this class, you will know how to draw a variety of female eyes, noses, mouths, and hairstyles that you can then work into endless combinations.

Design Bookmarks in Procreate – To Use, Gift, or Sell + FREE Brushes, Templates + Textures
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Genre / Category:Drawing & Painting
File Size :1GB
Product Details Let's make bookmarks in Procreate! We will explore 4 different procreate painting techniques to create really gorgeous bookmarks.
If you like getting crafty on your iPad and you are a book lover or know one, you will enjoy this class. There is no need (or fun) in using an old receipt or gum wrapper when you can literally make your own gorgeous bookmarks that make you smile every time you crack open your book and look at them! You could design one for each of your books. one for each of your favorite quotes. one for each member of your book club.. you name it, you can make it.