Schoolhouse Test Professional | 51.3 Mb
Creating and printing a paper-and-pencil test, quiz, or exam, has never been easier. Schoolhouse Test makes a time-consuming chore a whole lot easier and the result considerably more professional. Some of our customers have even hinted that creating tests with Schoolhouse Test can actually be an enjoyable process. If you're looking for a professional test generator that makes quick work out of creating paper-and-pencil tests, quizzes, and exams then Schoolhouse Test is the program for you.

Prepros 7.4.0 | 337.1 Mb
Compile Sass, Less, Stylus, Jade, CoffeeScript on Mac, Windows & Linux with Live Browser Reload. Prepros can compile almost all preprocessing languages like Sass, Less, Stylus, Cssnext, Jade/Pug, Markdown, Slim, Coffeescript etc.

Image Tuner Pro 9.2 | 25.02 Mb
Image Tuner is a batch image resizing, renaming, conversion and watermarking software with a super-intuitive and straightforward interface. Based on an extremely fast image processing engine, this award-winning software has a bare minimum of controls and will help you with the most typical photo and image-related tasks.

Deskman | 10.3 Mb
Deskman advanced System Security Administration. Deskman is not an online service. The software is installed on your computer, and only you, the user, have access to it. As such, we do not collect data. Deskman helps you block applications, filter websites and protect Windows computers from tampering.

Brickaizer Multilingual | 47.6 Mb
Brickaizer creates brick mosaic blueprints, including all the required data to start building right away. Coloured bricks are hot again! With these bricks you can now make great pieces of brick-art, and the availabily of a large selection of bricks, plates, shapes and colours allow for truly great works. A growing community of (grown-up) people rediscover the potential of these little bricks and plates to create great pieces of art. And, Brickaizer uses the renowned high speed colour matching engine of Mosaizer XV to optimize use of amount of bricks, colours and sizes.

rzfun Super USB Port Lock 10.2.1 Multilingual | 13.4 Mb
Create a safe "Locker" with the strongest encryption algorithm known today - AES 256 bit, then you can organize and put all your sensitive files in this "Locker", nobody can get them without your permission.

rzfun Super Data Guard 11.1.0 | 13.68 Mb
Create a safe "Locker" with the strongest encryption algorithm known today - AES 256 bit, then you can organize and put all your sensitive files in this "Locker", nobody can get them without your permission.

rzfun Easy File Lock 12.2.0 Multilingual| 15.9 Mb
Directly password protect or hide your files and folders on your computer, protect your documents, photos, videos, voice, and other similar sensitive stuff on your computer that can hurt you if they get compromised.

rzfun Easy DRM Protector 4.9.0 | 36.47 Mb
With Easy DRM Protector, protects your videos, audio, photos, Pdfs and other E-Learning content by securely encrypting your content files and distributing them with your authorized target audience. It's very easy to make your videos/audio/pictures/pdfs unviewable to anyone except who you allow. helps you to increase revenue from your digital content.

Wing FTP Server Corporate 7.0.9 (x64) Multilingual | 18.4 Mb
Wing FTP Server is an easy-to-use, secure, powerful, and free FTP server software for Windows, Linux, Mac OS, and Solaris. It supports multiple file transfer protocols, including FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, and SFTP, giving your clients flexibility in how they connect to the server. And it provides administrators with a web-based interface to administrate the server from anywhere. You can also monitor server performance and online sessions and even receive email notifications about various events taking place on the server.