RAR Extractor - unzip 9.9.0 | macOS | 14 mb
Zip,rar,7z,tar files opener. RAR Extractor can extract compressed files in all most formats(over 50 formats). Support RAR, ZIP, 7z, pak, pkg, apk, tbz, sti, tar, xar, lha, lzh, hqx, bin, bz2, bzip2, bz, xz, iso, cid, nrg, mdf, taz,l zma, xip, ace, arj, lbr, lqr, cab, rpm, cpt, sea, exe, msi, cpio, lzx, jar, swf, pdf, nsa, dcs, spk...

GraphicConverter 11.6.2 Multilingual | macOS | 289 mb
GraphicConverter is an all-purpose image-editing program that can import 200 different graphic-based formats, edit the image, and export it to any of 80 available file formats.

Solid Angle Cinema 4D to Arnold 4.2.3 | 3.9 Gb
Product:Solid Angle Cinema4D to Arnold
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.arnoldrenderer.com
Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:Windows / macOs *
Size:3.9 Gb
The software developer Solid Angle announced the launch of Arnold (C4DtoA) 4.2.3 for Cinema4D. This update uses Arnold and is a minor feature release bringing improvements to the image shader and spline thickness controls.

skillCAD 4.3D | 74.0 mb
ve distributors in China, UK, Taiwan and Korea.
Supported Architectures:x86 or x64
Website Home Page :
Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:Linux *
Software Prerequisites:pre-install Virtuoso Layout Suite supporting IC5, IC6, IC12 and IC18
Size:74.0 mb
The software developer SkillCAD announced the launch of SkillCAD 4.3D is a collection of 120+ user guided and auto routing commands that can boost layout productivity on average 30-50%.

MOSES CONNECT Edition V12 Update 5 | 1.4 Gb
Version:CONNECT Edition V12 Update 5 (
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.bentley.com
Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:Windows *
Size:1.4 Gb
The MOSES development team is pleased to announce the release of MOSES CONNECT Edition V12 Update 5 ( This update includes a number of improvements to MOSES and MOSES Modeler.

BluffTitler Ultimate (x64) Multilingual | 52.6 Mb
BluffTitler is a Windows desktop app for creating, rendering and playing 3D video effects. Want to impress your family, friends and clients with spectacular 3D titles? But do not want to use complex and expensive 3D animation software? BluffTitler makes it easy and affordable to add 3D effects to your videos!

Adobe Photoshop Elements 2022.3 (x64) Multilingual | 3.74 GB
Amazing photos. Fun creations. Forever memories. It's never been easier to create incredible photos. Put your best photos forward with auto-generated creations and intelligent editing options. Easily organize your photos and share them in fun ways.

3DCoat 2022.29 (x64) Multilingual | 866.3 Mb
3DCoat is the one application that has all the tools you need to take your 3D idea from a block of digital clay all the way to a production-ready, fully textured organic or hard surface model. Today 3DCoat is available to learn at 300+ Universities, Colleges, and Schools worldwide.

VovSoft Hide Files Multilingual | 3.4 Mb
Vovsoft Hide Files is a folder-locker utility. You can encrypt and decrypt your sensitive documents, photo albums, videos, emails and any kind of data. You can password protect any secret or embarrassing files. Hide your files and folders from prying eyes. Set your password and lock your files. No one can access your files without your master password.

TVgenial Plus Premium 5.7.0 Build 306 | 67 Mb
TVgenial is a useful application that will enable you to view a complete guide for your preferred TV stations. You can add programmes to favorites and watchlists, set reminders and read all the detailed information about anny listed TV shows.