Create a Beautiful Badge Style Logo
Home Page https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Create-a-Beautiful-Badge-Style-Logo/1188409564
Genre / Category:
Drawing and Painting & Art
File Size :1.2GB
Circular, Badge style logos can work incredibly well for certain brands. Their profile tends to fit a wide range of situations, and they're an effective way to include an additional layer of information or tagline, all arranged in one tidy package.
From vintage to ultra modern, this versatile logo style can make a great addition to your skillset and portfolio.

Create Cinematic Scenes with Blender 3D | #Series3
Home Page https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Create-Cinematic-Scenes-with-Blender-3D-Series3/132686194
Genre / Category: 3D
File Size :554MB
In this series, I will talk about my creative workflow, the decisions I make, and the reasoning behind those decisions. Keep in mind that this will not be a complete beginner's class. If you're just getting started, I strongly advise you to watch the two previous series. So by no means, this is full education material. It's more focused on why than how. Because, in terms of technicality,You can always learn them from other sources that do a better job than me.

Commercial Illustration: Creating a City Postcard with Gouache and Photoshop
Home Page https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Commercial-Illustration-Creating-a-City-Postcard-with-Gouache-and-Photoshop/530669651
Genre / Category:
Photoshop Tutorials
File Size :468MB
In this class I'll take you through my step-by-step process to create a commercial illustration for a Berlin postcard.
We'll combine two worlds of physical and digital to create a soulful authentic product, like using traditional gouache paint to add an artistic feel to our work. The technique combines hand-drawn textures with Photoshop resulting in a wonderful print-ready postcard that can be used as merchandise or as a gift.
By the end of this class you'll learn some important principles ofcommercial illustrationand incorporate them in your own work. Both advanced and beginner creatives can benefit from this class!

Color Changing Dual Point Lighting and Adding Lighting Effects
Home Page https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Color-Changing-Dual-Point-Lighting-and-Adding-Lighting-Effects/2141013146
Genre / Category:Photoshop Tutorials
File Size :313MB
Product Details
The tools we will use in this class to achieve the colored dual point lighting effect is by creating gradient maps with inverted masks in order to change the color of the lighting. We will follow that up with using blend if to smoothen the spill. Once that is done we will add our lighting effect and apply the screen blending mode followed up with making a selection of our subject using the quick selection tool. We will start brushing out the areas of our lighting effect which we don't want to affect our subject. One of our last steps will be creating copies of our gradient masks, update them, and clip mask them to our lighting effect in order to have our subject and lighting effect match to make the overall image look cohesive. Our final step is adding a curves adjustment which we will clip mask to our lighting effect in order to brighten our image and bring back some shadows.

CGCircuit – Houdini Flip – Chocolate
Home Page http://www.cgcircuit.com/tutorial/houdini-flip—chocolate
Genre / Category: 3D
File Size :1.8GB
Welcome to Houdini Flip Chocolate Simulation, In this lesson, we are gonna talk about the flip process, and we will start by source along the way we are gonna cover how to get ribbon shapes especially source motion, and how to control viscosity, and also the whole bunch of other smaller tips and tricks such as how to get jitter-free mesh and once we get decent sim result. We will import our result into Solaris by USD, and we will work on lighting, shading, and render it in Karma

Blender For Beginners Complete Course
Home Page https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Blender-For-Beginners-Complete-Course/254278103
Genre / Category: 3D
File Size :2.2GB
.So you want to learn Blender, but 3d can be hard.. No, 3d IS complex!
But this course makes it simple.

Blender 3D: Easy Hyper Realistic Car Animation!
Home Page https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Blender-3D-Easy-Hyper-Realistic-Car-Animation/82675193
Genre / Category: 3D
File Size :434MB
Welcome to my brand new blender tutorial in which we will learn how to create this Amazing Realistic Car Animation. Now this tutorial is extremely easy and is made for blender beginners who have very little experience, however, you are expected to know how to navigate the UI of Blender and use basic tools like move tool, scale tool, etc.
In this tutorial, we're gonna be covering the basics of Importing Models, Texturing, Lighting, Animating and Rendering in Blender so you can take your 3d art skills to the next level.
The good thing about this class is that this class will show you the raw process of a 3D artist in

Artstation – Environment Concept Art – Japanese Stilt City
Home Page https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/dNvlq/environment-concept-art-japanese-stilt-city
Genre / Category:3D
File Size :2.7GB
Product Details
I am really excited to share this Environment Concept Art Tutorial where I go over my whole Concept Art process that I have been working on and refining since I started in the industry. Covered in this tutorial: Reference gathering, Sketching, Building out a 3D Kitbash Set in Blender, Blocking out the scene in Blender and Painting over both Image 1 and Image 2 in Photoshop. I included as well a section of tips and tricks of how I use Blender as well as a section of Blender Addons, how I render in Blender and how I bring the image into Photoshop to get started. There is over 3 and a half hours of fully voiced content.

After Effects: Fun Text Animation
Home Page https://www.skillshare.com/classes/After-Effects-Fun-Text-Animation/1462009298
Genre / Category:
After Effects Tutorials
File Size :245MB
Product Details
In this class, you'll learn how to create a text animation by separating the letters of a word into different layers.

Adobe Illustrator Tools for Surface Pattern Designers and Illustrators
Home Page https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Adobe-Illustrator-Tools-for-Surface-Pattern-Designers-and-Illustrators/521440981
Genre / Category:
Drawing and Painting & Art
File Size :426MB
Product Details
Adobe illustrator is an enormous program. I started learning it around the same time I started learning surface pattern design, and if you try to learn everything there is to know about the program, it can be overwhelming.