Cybersecurity Career Guide
English | 2022 | ISBN: 1617298204 | 283 pages | True EPUB, MOBI | 4.84 MB
Kickstart a career in cybersecurity by adapting your existing technical and non-technical skills. Author Alyssa Miller has spent fifteen years in cybersecurity leadership and talent development, and shares her unique perspective in this revealing industry guide.

Tamir Sorek, "Culture and Conflict in Palestine/Israel "
English | ISBN: 1032146370 | 2021 | 174 pages | EPUB | 1478 KB
While the scholarly study of culture as a politically contested sphere in Palestine/Israel has become an established field over the past two decades, this volume highlights some particular understudied aspects of it: the relations between Arab identity, Mizrahi identity, and Israeli nationalism; the nightclub scene as a field of encounter, appropriation, and exclusion; an analysis of the institutional and political conditions of Palestinian cinema; the implications of the intersectional relationship between gender, ethnicity and national identity in the field of popular culture, and the concrete relations between particular aesthetic forms and symbolic power.

Kieran Connell, "Cultural Studies 50 Years On: History, Practice and Politics"
English | ISBN: 178348392X | 2016 | 336 pages | EPUB | 1463 KB
Stuart Hall conceptualized his time at the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies as a series of interruptions. It was this fluidity that gave rise to Hall's conception of cultural studies as a 'moving target', a fusion of a range of disciplinary approaches that was uniquely influenced by politics in the world beyond the academy. The political commitments of those at the Centre were wide-ranging and, from its embrace of collective ways of research and decision-making to its deployment of various strands of European Marxist theory, had a critical impact on the Centre's working practices. Yet as the diverse work of many of these same scholars has shown, the political climate of the present-day is almost unrecognizable from that of the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s, arguably the most productive period in the Centre's history.

Timothy P McCleary, "Crow Indian Rock Art"
English | ISBN: 0367605341 | 2020 | 184 pages | EPUB | 5 MB
This absorbing volume examines the cultural role of rock art for the Apsáalooke, or Crow, people of the northern Great Plains. Their extensive rock art developed within the changing cultural life of the tribe. Individual knowledge and meaning of rock art panels, however, relies as much on collective concepts of landscape as it does on shared memories of historic Crow culture. Using this idea as a focus, this book:-introduces Plains Indian rock art of the 19th century as we know about it from its own stylistic conventions, ethnographic data, and historical accounts;-investigates the contemporary Crow discourse about rock art and its place within the cultural landscape and archaeological record;-argues that cultural concepts of space and place are fundamental to the way rock art is discussed, experienced and interpreted.

Dr. Robert Goodwin, "Crossing the Continent 1527-1540: The Story of the First African in American History"
English | 2019 | ISBN: 0061140457, 0061140449 | 414 pages | EPUB | 1.6 MB
"...an adventure story more thrilling than Defoe or Melville could have imagined."-The Philadelphia Inquirer

Creative CBT with Youth: Clinical Applications Using Humor, Play, Superheroes, and Improvisation
English | 2022 | ISBN: 3030996689 | 459 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 28 MB
This book combines empirical support, clinical acumen, and practical recommendations in a comprehensive manner to examine creative augmentations to the robust cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) model. It discusses augmentations that are supported by research and practice and are also clinical-friendly tools. Each chapter briefly summarizes research findings, offers parsimonious explanations of theoretical concepts and principles, presents vivid descriptions of therapeutic procedures, and describes rich case illustrations. The book addresses the use of humor in CBT with youth, playful applications of CBT, applications of improvisational theatre in CBT and integrating superheroes into CBT.

Tyler Cowen, "Create Your Own Economy: The Path to Prosperity in a Disordered World"
English | 2009 | ISBN: 0525951237 | 272 pages | EPUB | 0.32 MB
Economist Tyler Cowen boldly shows that the way people think now is changing more rapidly than it has in a very long time. Not since the industrial revolution has a man-made creation - in this case, the World Wide Web - so greatly influenced the way people's minds work and their human potential. Cowen argues brilliantly that people are breaking down cultural information into ever-smaller bits, ordering them and reordering them in their minds and computers to meet their own specific needs. This is a revolutionary guide to life in the new world.

Corregidor: Siege and Liberation, 1941-1945 by John Grehan, Alexander Nicoll
English | April 28th, 2021 | ISBN: 1526799758 | 216 pages | True EPUB | 81.22 MB

Dietmar Braun, "Consolidation Policies in Federal States: Conflicts and Solutions "
English | ISBN: 1138642010 | 2016 | 304 pages | EPUB | 2 MB
The Global Financial Crisis has led to a renewed attention for the management of public debt and deficits of advanced and developing industrial states. To successfully deal with such problems of public finances raises particular concerns in federal states where fiscal competencies are split between two levels of government.

Configurations of Interdisciplinarity Within Education : Danish Experiences in a Global Educational Space
by Trine Oland, Sofie Sauzet
English | 2023 | ISBN: 0367537613 | 142 Pages | True PDF | 7.65 MB