Pharmacogenomics in Clinical Therapeutics By
2012 | 249 Pages | ISBN: 0470657340 | PDF | 3 MB
Pharmacogenomics is the basis of personalized medicine which will be the medicine of the future. Through both reducing the numbers of adverse drug reactions and improving the use of existing drugs in targeted populations, pharmacogenomics represents a real advance on traditional therapeutic drug monitoring. Pharmacogenomics in Clinical Therapeutics provides an introduction to the principles of pharmacogenomics before addressing the pharmacogenomic aspects of key therapeutic areas such as warfarin therapy, cancer chemotherapy, therapy with immunosuppressants, antiretroviral therapy, and psychoactive drugs. It also includes methods of pharmacogenomic testing and the pharmacogenomic aspects of drug-drug interactions. From a team of expert contributors, Pharmacogenomics in Clinical Therapeutics is a comprehensive overview of the current state of pharmacogenomics in pharmacotherapy for all clinicians, pharmacologists and clinical laboratory professionals. It is also a guide for practicing clinicians and health care professionals to the basic principles of pharmacogenomics, laboratory tests currently available to aid clinicians, and the future promise of this developing field.Content: Chapter 1 Pharmacogenomics Principles: Introduction to Personalized Medicine (pages 1-14): Parvaz Madadi and Gideon KorenChapter 2 Traditional Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Pharmacogenomics: Are They Complementary? (pages 15-25): Christine L. H. Snozek, Loralie J. Langman and Amitava DasguptaChapter 3 Pharmacogenomics Aspect of Warfarin Therapy (pages 26-38): Matthew D. KrasowskiChapter 4 Pharmacogenetics and Cancer Chemotherapy (pages 39-52): Christine L. H. SnozekChapter 5 Pharmacogenomic Considerations in Anesthesia and Pain Management (pages 53-69): Christine M. Formea and Wayne T. NicholsonChapter 6 Pharmacogenomics of Immunosuppressants (pages 70-97): Nicolas Picard and Pierre MarquetChapter 7 Pharmacogenomics of Cardiovascular Drugs (pages 98-126): Linnea M. BaudhuinChapter 8 Pharmacogenomic Aspects of Antiretroviral Therapy (pages 127-143): Natella Y. Rakhmanina and John N. van den AnkerChapter 9 Pharmacogenetics of Psychoactive Drugs (pages 144-175): Jorge L. SepulvedaChapter 10 Pharmacogenomic Aspects of Adverse Drug-Drug Interactions (pages 176-184): Loralie J. Langman and Christine L. H. SnozekChapter 11 Microarray Technology and Other Methods in Pharmacogenomics Testing (pages 185-200): Jorge L. SepulvedaChapter 12 Pharmacogenetic Testing in the Clinical Laboratory Environment (pages 201-223): Mark P. Borgman and Mark W. Linder

Atilla Ansal, "Perspectives on European Earthquake Engineering and Seismology: Volume 1"
English | 2014 | ISBN: 3319071173 | PDF | pages: 654 | 26.4 mb
This book collects 5 keynote and 15 topic lectures presented at the 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (2ECEES), held in Istanbul, Turkey, from August 24 to 29, 2014. The conference was organized by the Turkish Earthquake Foundation - Earthquake Engineering Committee and Prime Ministry, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency under the auspices of the European Association for Earthquake Engineering (EAEE) and European Seismological Commission (ESC).

Pennsylvania Off the Beaten Path: Discover Your Fun (Off the Beaten Path), 13th Edition by Christine O'Toole
English | July 1st, 2022 | ISBN: 1493065750 | 188 pages | True EPUB | 1.97 MB
Tired of the same old tourist traps? Whether you're a visitor or a local looking for something different, let Pennsylvania Off the Beaten Path show you the Keystone State you never knew existed.

Thich Nhat Hanh, "Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life"
English | ISBN: 0553351397 | | 134 pages | EPUB | 103 KB
In the rush of modern life, we tend to lose touch with the peace that is available in each moment.

Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine, Volume 1 & 2, Fifth Edition By
2012 | 1763 Pages | ISBN: 0470683937 | PDF | 21 MB
This new edition of the comprehensive and renowned textbook Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine offers a fully revised and updated review of geriatric medicine. It covers the full spectrum of the subject, features 41 new chapters, and provides up-to-date, evidence-based, and practical information about the varied medical problems of ageing citizens.The three editors, from UK, USA and France, have ensured that updated chapters provide a global perspective of geriatric medicine, as well as reflect the changes in treatment options and medical conditions which have emerged since publication of the 4th edition in 2006. The book includes expanded sections on acute stroke, dementia, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory diseases, and features a new section on end-of-life care.In the tradition of previous editions, this all-encompassing text continues to be a must-have text for all clinicians who deal with older people, particularly geriatric medical specialists, gerontologists, researchers, and general practitioners.Praise for the 4th edition:"...an excellent reference for learners at all clinical and preclinical levels and a useful contribution to the geriatric medical literature."?Journal of the American Medical Association, November 20065th edition selected for 2012 Edition of Doody's Core Titles™Content: Chapter 1 A Biological Perspective of Ageing (pages 11-21): H. James ArmbrechtChapter 2 The Demography of Ageing (pages 23-32): Kenneth G. Manton and Dr John E. MorleyChapter 3 The Physiology of Ageing (pages 33-42): Rafi T. Kevorkian and Dr John E. MorleyChapter 4 Psychological Aspects of Ageing (pages 43-48): Peggy A. SzwaboChapter 5 Ageing of the Brain (pages 49-54): Jean?Francois Demonet and Pierre CelsisChapter 6 Epidemiology of Ageing and Disability (pages 55-65): Lenise A. Cummings?VaughnChapter 7 Social and Community Aspects of Ageing (pages 67-79): Dr John E. Morley and Nina TumosaChapter 8 The Developmental Origins of Ageing (pages 81-91): Avan Aihie Sayer and Cyrus CooperChapter 9 Sexuality and Ageing (pages 93-102): Dr John E. Morley and Debbie T. TolsonChapter 10 Physical Fitness and Exercise (pages 103-119): Maria A. Fiatarone Singh and Dr John E. MorleyChapter 11 Health Literacy and Cultural Sensitivity (pages 121-131): Nina TumosaChapter 12 Preventive Geriatrics (pages 133-144): Gerald M. Mahon, Joseph H. Flaherty and Suzanne M. MahonChapter 13 Polypharmacy (pages 145-152): Oscar A. Cepeda and Dr John E. MorleyChapter 14 Patient Safety (pages 153-170): Susannah Long and Charles VincentChapter 15 Epidemiology of Nutrition and Ageing (pages 171-183): Wija A. van Staveren and Lisette C. P. G. M. de GrootChapter 16 The Anorexia of Ageing (pages 185-196): Ian M. ChapmanChapter 17 Weight Loss (pages 197-207): David R. ThomasChapter 18 Dehydration (pages 209-216): David R. ThomasChapter 19 Vitamins and Minerals (pages 217-236): Seema Joshi and Dr John E. MorleyChapter 20 Obesity (pages 237-245): Joan Khoo, Richard Y. T. Chen and Gary A. WittertChapter 21 Changes in Gastrointestinal Motor and Sensory Function Associated with Ageing (pages 247-263): Christopher K. Rayner and Michael HorowitzChapter 22 Gastrointestinal Bleeding (pages 265-273): Syed H. TariqChapter 23 Liver and Gall Bladder (pages 275-288): Margaret?Mary G. WilsonChapter 24 Sphincter Function (pages 289-301): Syed H. TariqChapter 25 Constipation (pages 303-312): Charlene M. PratherChapter 26 Management of Diarrhoea (pages 313-319): Lenise A. Cummings?VaughnChapter 27 Diseases of the Pancreas (pages 321-327): John S. Morris and Dr John E. MorleyChapter 28 Anaemia (pages 329-341): Anjali S. Kamat and David R. ThomasChapter 29 Disorders of Haemostasis (pages 343-351): Kingsley K. HamptonChapter 30 Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (pages 353-356): Kingsley K. HamptonChapter 31 Anticoagulants (pages 357-362): Hamsaraj G. M. Shetty and Philip A. RoutledgeChapter 32 Myelodysplasia (pages 363-374): Martha Wadleigh, David S. Rosenthal and Richard M. StoneChapter 33 Management of Myelodysplastic Syndromes and Acute Leukaemia (pages 375-385): Heidi D. Klepin and Bayard L. PowellChapter 34 Epidemiology of Heart Disease (pages 387-403): Ahmed H. AbdelhafizChapter 35 Cardiac Ageing and Systemic Disorders (pages 405-412): David J. Stott and Terence J. QuinnChapter 36 Arrhythmias (pages 413-436): Abhay Bajpai and A. John CammChapter 37 Ischaemic Heart Disease (pages 437-447): Wilbert S. AronowChapter 38 Lipid Management (pages 449-460): Adie Viljoen and Anthony S. WierzbickiChapter 39 Hypotension (pages 461-470): Suraj AlakkasseryChapter 40 Hypertension (pages 471-482): Anthony S. Wierzbicki and Adie ViljoenChapter 41 Heart Failure (pages 483-498): Michael W. RichChapter 42 Cardiac Surgery (pages 499-515): Ulrich O. von Oppell and Adam SzafranekChapter 43 Peripheral Arterial Disease (pages 517-527): Leocadio Rodriguez Ma?nas, Marta Castro Rodriguez and Cristina Alonso BouzonChapter 44 Venous Thromboembolism (pages 529-534): Gordon D. O. LoweChapter 45 Cardiac Rehabilitation (pages 535-548): Niccolo Marchionni, Francesco Fattirolli, Francesco Orso, Marco Baccini, Lucio A. Rinaldi and Giulio MasottiChapter 46 Epidemiology of Respiratory Infection (pages 549-554): Joseph M. MylotteChapter 47 Pneumonia (pages 555-563): Joel BelminChapter 48 Aspiration Pneumonia (pages 565-572): Takashi Ohrui and Hiroyuki AraiChapter 49 Interstitial Lung Disease and Lung Cancer (pages 573-577): Christopher DyerChapter 50 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Asthma (pages 579-587): Christopher DyerChapter 51 Pulmonary Hypertension (pages 589-600): Dennis J. ShaleChapter 52 Pulmonary Rehabilitation (pages 601-605): Peter Spiegler and Jonathan IlowiteChapter 53 Neurological Signs of Ageing (pages 607-616): Andrew J. LarnerChapter 54 Sleep Apnoea and Sleep Disorders (pages 617-627): Paul Montgomery and Lindsay Dianne ShepardChapter 55 Headache (pages 629-642): Stephen D. Silberstein and William B. YoungChapter 56 Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (pages 643-654): Dennis S. Oh and Peter McL. BlackChapter 57 Acute Stroke Care and Management of Carotid Artery Stenosis (pages 655-674): David Doig and Martin M. BrownChapter 58 Stroke and Stroke Rehabilitation (pages 675-690): Lalit KalraChapter 59 Communication Disorders and Dysphagia (pages 691-699): Pamela M. EnderbyChapter 60 Acute and Chronic Subdural Haematoma (pages 701-710): Eric Schmidt and Emmanuel MoyseChapter 61 Epilepsy (pages 711-720): Pamela M. CrawfordChapter 62 Syncope and Non?Epileptic Attacks (pages 721-730): Richard C. RobertsChapter 63 Parkinson's Disease (pages 731-737): Joel BelminChapter 64 Non?Parkinsonian Movement Disorders (pages 739-749): Katie Kompoliti and Cynthia L. ComellaChapter 65 Diabetic Neuropathy (pages 751-767): Aaron I. Vinik and Elsa S. StrotmeyerChapter 66 Disorders of the Neuromuscular Junction (pages 769-778): Sivakumar Sathasivam and Andrew J. LarnerChapter 67 Muscle Disorders (pages 779-792): David Hilton?JonesChapter 68 Motor Neurone Disease (pages 793-808): Hardev S. PallChapter 69 Control of Chronic Pain (pages 809-822): Robert D. Helme and Benny KatzChapter 70 Multiple Sclerosis (pages 823-833): Florian P. ThomasChapter 71 Delirium (pages 835-850): Joseph H. FlahertyChapter 72 Memory Clinics (pages 851-863): Antony BayerChapter 73 Alzheimer's Disease (pages 865-880): James E. GalvinChapter 74 Mild Cognitive Impairment (pages 881-893): Eric G. Tangalos and Ronald C. PetersenChapter 75 Vascular Dementia (pages 895-901): Marie?Laure SeuxChapter 76 Mental Stimulation and Dementia (pages 903-909): Joe VergheseChapter 77 Exercise and Dementia (pages 911-921): Yves RollandChapter 78 Drug Development and Alzheimer's Disease (pages 923-941): Julien Delrieu, Antoine Piau and Professor Bruno VellasChapter 79 Other Dementias (pages 943-959): Wee Shiong LimChapter 80 Treatment of Behavioural Disorders (pages 961-975): Ladislav VolicerChapter 81 Geriatric Psychiatry (pages 977-989): Abhilash K. Desai and George T. GrossbergChapter 82 Organization of Services in Geriatric Psychiatry (pages 991-1000): Susan Mary Benbow and David JolleyChapter 83 Depression in Later Life: Aetiology, Epidemiology, Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment (pages 1001-1015): Natalie Sachs?Ericsson and Dan G. BlazerChapter 84 The Older Patient with Down Syndrome (pages 1017-1022): Dr John E. MorleyChapter 85 Disorders of the Eye (pages 1023-1032): Nina TumosaChapter 86 The Ageing Auditory System - Pathology and Epidemiology of Age?Related Hearing Loss (pages 1033-1045): Mathieu Marx and Olivier DeguineChapter 87 Disorders of the Vestibular System (pages 1047-1060): Charlotte Agrup and Linda M. LuxonChapter 88 Smell and Taste (pages 1061-1072): Richard L. DotyChapter 89 Paget's Disease of Bone (pages 1073-1082): Horace M. PerryChapter 90 Management of Osteoporosis; Its Consequences: A Major Threat to Quality of Life (pages 1083-1090): Roger M. FrancisChapter 91 Gait, Balance and Falls (pages 1091-1110): Dulce M. Cruz?OliverChapter 92 Foot Problems (pages 1111-1129): Arthur E. Helfand and Donald F. JessettChapter 93 Hip Fracture and Orthogeriatrics (pages 1131-1143): Christine LafontChapter 94 Diseases of the Joints (pages 1145-1152): Terry L. MooreChapter 95 Endocrinology of Ageing (pages 1153-1161): Dr John E. Morley and Kim J. MoonChapter 96 Water and Electrolyte Balances in Ageing (pages 1163-1172): Stewart G. AlbertChapter 97 The Pituitary Gland (pages 1173-1181): James F. Lamb and Dr John E. MorleyChapter 98 Thyroid Disorders (pages 1183-1197): Ligia J. Dominguez, Mario Belvedere and Mario BarbagalloChapter 99 Ovarian Function and Menopause (pages 1199-1210): Nicola Pluchino, Tommaso Simoncini and Andrea R. GenazzaniChapter 100 Testicular Function (pages 1211-1223): Nazem BassilChapter 101 Diabetes Mellitus (pages 1225-1240): Alan J. Sinclair and Graydon S. MeneillyChapter 102 New Therapies for Diabetes Mellitus (pages 1241-1257): George T. GriffingChapter 103 Gynaecology and the Older Patient (pages 1259-1270): Radha Indusekhar, Fidelma O'Mahony and P. M Shaughn O'BrienChapter 104 The Ageing Bladder (pages 1271-1280): James M. Cummings and Kimberly C. BerniChapter 105 Prostate Diseases (pages 1281-1297): Clement Gaudin, Nicolas Doumerc, Loic Mourey, Stephane Gerard and Laurent BalardyChapter 106 Urinary Incontinence (pages 1299-1307): Ramzi R. HajjarChapter 107 Geriatric Nephrology (pages 1309-1315): Carlos G. Musso and Dimitrios G. OreopoulosChapter 108 Cancer and Ageing (pages 1317-1331): Tanya M. WildesChapter 109 Oncological Emergencies (pages 1333-1344): Chantal Bernard?Marty, Clement Gaudin, Stephane Gerard and Laurent BalardyChapter 110 Breast Cancer (pages 1345-1354): Robert E. Mansel and Bedanta P. BaruahChapter 111 Maintaining Functional Status (pages 1355-1373): Miriam B. RodinChapter 112 Multidimensional Geriatric Assessment (pages 1375-1386): Laurence Z. Rubenstein and Andreas E. StuckChapter 113 Frailty (pages 1387-1393): Dr John E. MorleyChapter 114 Rehabilitation (pages 1395-1411): Michael Watts and Paul FinucaneChapter 115 Tuberculosis (pages 1413-1423): Shobita Rajagopalan and Thomas T. YoshikawaChapter 116 Valvular Heart Disease and Infective Endocarditis (pages 1425-1445): Aneil Malhotra, Sam Dawkins and Bernard D. PrendergastChapter 117 Infections of the Central Nervous System (pages 1447-1463): Michael Blank and Allan R. TunkelChapter 118 Elder Abuse: A UK Perspective (pages 1465-1471): Claudia Cooper and Gill LivingstonChapter 119 Good Quality Care: Abuse (pages 1473-1477): Jean?Pierre Aquino and Genevieve RuaultChapter 120 Alcohol Consumption and Cognition (pages 1479-1482): Luc Letenneur and Jean?Francois DartiguesChapter 121 Drug Misuse and the Older Person: A Contradiction in Terms? (pages 1483-1493): Antoine Piau and Fatima NourhashemiChapter 122 The Use and Abuse of Prescribed Medicines (pages 1495-1501): Abdi Sanati and Mohammed T. Abou?SalehChapter 123 Transportation, Driving and Older Adults (pages 1503-1512): Desmond O'Neill and David CarrChapter 124 Smart Homes (pages 1513-1523): Roger OrpwoodChapter 125 Skin Disorders (pages 1525-1530): Robert A. Norman and Jaffer BabaaChapter 126 The Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers (pages 1531-1543): David R. ThomasChapter 127 Perioperative and Postoperative Medical Assessment (pages 1545-1555): Milta Oyola LittleChapter 128 Anaesthesia (pages 1557-1568): Suzanne CroweChapter 129 Health Issues in the Ageing Female (pages 1569-1574): Carolyn D. PhilpotChapter 130 Antiageing Strategies (pages 1575-1587): Ligia J. Dominguez and Mario BarbagalloChapter 131 Ethics in Geriatric Medicine (pages 1589-1593): Francois BlanchardChapter 132 Participation of Older People in Clinical Trials (pages 1595-1605): Nicola Coley and Sandrine AndrieuChapter 133 Restraints and Immobility (pages 1607-1619): Elizabeth A. Capezuti, Laura M. Wagner and Kathleen C. ReidChapter 134 Centenarians (pages 1621-1629): Thomas T. PerlsChapter 135 End?of?Life and Palliative Care (pages 1631-1639): Rachelle E. Bernacki, Ryan Westhoff and Miguel A. PaniaguaChapter 136 End?of?Life Care: Special Issues (pages 1641-1650): Victoria J. Wheatley and Ilora G. FinlayChapter 137 Improving Quality of Care (pages 1651-1672): Julie K. Gammack and Carolyn D. PhilpotChapter 138 Clinical Audit of Healthcare (pages 1673-1685): Rhona Buckingham, Jonathan Potter and Adrian WaggChapter 139 Carers and the Role of the Family (pages 1687-1695): Jo MoriartyChapter 140 Nursing Home Care (pages 1697-1708): David R. Thomas, Yves Rolland and Dr John E. MorleyChapter 141 Geriatric Occupational Therapy: Achieving Quality in Daily Living (pages 1709-1718): Karen F. BarneyChapter 142 Geriatric Medicine Education in Europe and the United States (pages 1719-1724): Antonio Cherubini, Philippe Huber, Jean?Pierre Michel and Miguel A. PaniaguaChapter 143 Systems of Healthcare: The United States (pages 1725-1733): Julie K. GammackChapter 144 Systems of Healthcare: Australia (pages 1735-1740): Gideon A. CaplanChapter 145 Systems of Healthcare: The United Kingdom (pages 1741-1746): Simon ConroyChapter 146 Geriatric Medicine in China (pages 1747-1760): Leung?Wing ChuChapter 147 Ageing in Developing Countries (pages 1761-1764): Renato Maia GuimaraaesChapter 148 Geriatric Medicine in the European Union: Towards Unification of Diversity (pages 1765-1773): Alfonso J. Cruz?Jentoft

Painting Awe-inspiring Hyper Realistic Portraits Faces Step By Step by Markrafts Publishing
English | 2022 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0B3ND5JH9 | 306 pages | EPUB | 25 Mb

Roy Moxham, "Outlaw: India's Bandit Queen and Me"
English | ISBN: 1846041821 | 2010 | 214 pages | EPUB | 4 MB
A fascinating portrait of an Englishman's friendship with India's world-famous Bandit Queen, Phoolan Devi In June 1992, author Roy Moxham did a very strange thing: he wrote to Phoolan Devi. The controversial and charismatic "Bandit Queen" has been hailed as a modern-day Robin Hood in the villages surrounding Delhi. In revenge for her own gang rape, her followers killed 20 high-caste Indians, which led to her surrender and imprisonment. Struck by her story and appalled by her plight, Roy Moxham helped Phoolan Devi obtain justice, offered her encouragement when she became an MP in India on her release, and traveled with her for several years before she was gunned down in 2001. Based on the diaries that documented their extraordinary friendship, Moxham offers a fascinating portrait of a remarkable woman and reveals the hidden face of India.

Orthogonal Sets and Polar Methods in Linear Algebra: Applications to Matrix Calculations, Systems of Equations, Inequalities, and Linear Programming By Enrique Castillo, Angel Cobo, Francisco Jubete, Rosa Eva Pruneda(auth.)
1999 | 429 Pages | ISBN: 0471328898 | PDF | 7 MB
A unique, applied approach to problem solving in linear algebra Departing from the standard methods of analysis, this unique book presents methodologies and algorithms based on the concept of orthogonality and demonstrates their application to both standard and novel problems in linear algebra. Covering basic theory of linear systems, linear inequalities, and linear programming, it focuses on elegant, computationally simple solutions to real-world physical, economic, and engineering problems. The authors clearly explain the reasons behind the analysis of different structures and concepts and use numerous illustrative examples to correlate the mathematical models to the reality they represent. Readers are given precise guidelines for: * Checking the equivalence of two systems * Solving a system in certain selected variables * Modifying systems of equations * Solving linear systems of inequalities * Using the new exterior point method * Modifying a linear programming problem With few prerequisites, but with plenty of figures and tables, end-of-chapter exercises as well as Java and Mathematica programs available from the authors' Web site, this is an invaluable text/reference for mathematicians, engineers, applied scientists, and graduate students in mathematics.Content: Chapter 1 Basic Concepts (pages 1-22): Chapter 2 Orthogonal Sets (pages 23-40): Chapter 3 Matrix Calculations Using Orthogonal Sets (pages 41-72): Chapter 4 More Applications of Orthogonal Sets (pages 73-84): Chapter 5 Orthogonal Sets and Systems of Linear Equations (pages 85-142): Chapter 6 Polyhedral Convex Cones (pages 143-190): Chapter 7 Polytopes and Polyhedra (pages 191-213): Chapter 8 Cones and Systems of Inequalities (pages 215-250): Chapter 9 An Introduction to Linear Programming (pages 251-274): Chapter 10 The Exterior Point Method (pages 275-341): Chapter 11 Applications (pages 343-391):

Organometallic Compounds in the Environment, Second Edition By
2003 | 422 Pages | ISBN: 0471899933 | PDF | 4 MB
A knowledge of the chemical structure and concentration of organometal compounds throughout the ecosystem is important in working out the pathways and mechanisms by which metals distribute themselves throughout the environment. Treating the topic as an integrated subject area, the Second Edition of Organometallic Compounds in the Environment covers all the recent developments in analytical techniques and reports all the new work that has been achieved since the first book. Covers the general importance and characteristics of organometallic species. Includes general developments in analytical techniques. Discusses several minority elements including antimony and selenium. The book addresses the subject in a single, manageable size and each chapter can be used either as a single review or sequentially within the topic area. A useful resource for all researchers and scientists in industry working with organometallic compounds, including, chemists, environmentalists and ecologists. Content: Chapter 1 Occurrence and Pathways of Organometallic Compounds in the Environment-General Considerations (pages 1-55): P.J. Craig, George Eng and R.O. JenkinsChapter 2 Organomercury Compounds in the Environment (pages 57-99): Robert P. Mason and Janina M. BenoitChapter 3 Organotin Compounds in the Environment (pages 101-149): F. Cima, P.J. Craig and C.F. HarringtonChapter 4 Organolead Compounds in the Environment (pages 151-194): Jun YoshinagaChapter 5 Organoarsenic Compounds in the Marine Environment (pages 195-222): J. S. Edmonds and K. A. FrancesconiChapter 6 Organoarsenic Compounds in the Terrestrial Environment (pages 223-275): Doris Kuehnelt and Walter GoesslerChapter 7 Organoantimony Compounds in the Environment (pages 277-303): Paul Andrewes and William R. CullenChapter 8 Organosilicon Compounds in the Environment (pages 305-351): A.V. Hirner, D. Flassbeck and R. GruempingChapter 9 Other Organometallic Compounds in the Environment (pages 353-389): Jorg FeldmannChapter 10 Organoselenium Compounds in the Environment (pages 391-398): P.J. Craig and W.A. Maher

Organic Reaction Mechanisms 1993 By
1995 | 619 Pages | ISBN: 0471953377 | PDF | 19 MB