The Populism Interviews: A Dialogue with Leading Experts
English | 2023 | ISBN: 103216266X | 205 Pages | PDF (True) | 9 MB
Populism is a widely debated topic, and it generates interest across the globe. As a result, a burgeoning literature deals with many aspects of populism and its links to pressing issues such as media freedom, minority rights and separation of powers. To make sense of such a complex subject, this book presents interviews with some of the leading experts on populism at the international level. Through a dialogue with important figures, this book offers the possibility to make sense of a global phenomenon in a complete and accessible way. The first section presents different theories on what populism is and is not, highlighting the differences but also the points of contact between different approaches. The second part offers an overview of the evolution of populism through history and across continents, detailing its causes and consequences. The third part deals with issues and topics connected to populism, such as environmentalism, welfare, religion, social movements and the media. Bridging theoretical approaches and empirical studies, while considering cases across space and over time, this book offers an insightful and accessible guide to the study of populism.

The Persian Alexander: The First Complete English Translation of the Iskandarnama edited and translated by Evangelos Venetis
English | December 30, 2017 | ISBN: 1784538795 | True EPUB | 400 pages | 8 MB
Alexander the Great (356-333 BC) was to capture the imagination of his contemporaries and future generations. His image abounds in various cultures and literatures - Eastern and Western - and spread around the globe through oral and literary media at an astonishing rate during late antiquity and the early Islamic period.

Madelyn Moon, "The Perfection Myth: How to Break Free from the Dogmatic Chains of Health and Dieting"
English | ISBN: 194276121X | 2015 | 62 pages | EPUB | 245 KB
Free Your Mind From Food Obsession

The Ornament of Histories: A History of the Eastern Islamic Lands AD 650-1041: The Persian Text of Abu Sa'id 'Abd al-Hayy Gardizi edited and translated by Clifford Edmund Bosworth
English | February 28, 2011 | ISBN: 184885353X, 1788311124 | True EPUB | 192 pages | 1.8 MB
Abu Sa'id 'Abd al-Hayy Gardizi was an author and historian living in the mid-eleventh century at the height of the Turkish Ghazvanid dynasty. His only known work, "The Ornament of Histories" ("Zayn al-akhbir"), is a hugely ambitious history of the Eastern Islamic lands AD 650-1041, spanning what is now Eastern Iran, Afghanistan and parts of the Central Asian Republics and Indo-Pakistan subcontinent.

Gideon Haigh, "The Night was a Bright Moonlight and I Could See a Man Quite Plain: An Edwardian Cricket Murder"
English | 2022 | ASIN: B09ZP2DNSJ | EPUB | 13.2 MB
Gideon Haigh has written numerous acclaimed books on both cricket and true-crime - now he's unearthed a gripping story that combines the two, in a masterpiece of historical detective work that ties back to the origin of the Ashes ...

The New Science of Sex & Gender by Scientific American Editors
English | July 15th, 2022 | ISBN: 9781250121622 | 180 pages | True EPUB | 1.36 MB
Vital research is starting to challenge long-standing assumptions about gender identity and biological sex, such as work that indicates the brain is a "mosaic" of traits rather than a "male" and "female" brain. Growing knowledge of the genetic complexities of sexual determination is (slowly) changing the way the medical community treats intersex individuals, and in this eBook, The New Science of Sex and Gender, we not only examine the latest studies in biology, medicine and psychology but also, more importantly, their bearing on healthcare, identity and access.

Christoph Cornelissen, "The Mediatization of War and Peace: The Role of the Media in Political Communication, Narratives, and Public Memory (191"
English | ISBN: 3110707365 | 2021 | 294 pages | EPUB | 5 MB
During the First World War, mass media achieved an enormous and continuously growing importance in all belligerent countries. Newspaper, illustrated magazines, comics, pamphlets, and instant books, fi ctional works, photography, and the new-born "theater of imagery", the cinema, were crucial in order to create a heroic vision of the events, to mobilize and maintain the consensus on the war. But their role was pivotal also in creating the image of the war's end and fi nally, together with a widespread, new literary genre, the war memoirs, to shape the collective memory of the confl ict for the next generations. Even before November 1918, the media raised high expectations for a multifaceted peace: a new global order, the beginning of a peaceful era, the occasion for a regenerating apocalypse. Likewise, in the following decades, particularly war literature and cinema were pivotal to reverse the icon of the Great War as an epic crusade and a glorious chapter of the national history and to create the hegemonic image of a senseless carnage.The Mediatization of War and Peacefocalizes on the central role played by mass media in the tortuous transition to the post-war period as well as on the profound disenchantment generated by their prophesies.

Thomas A. Fudge, "The Magnificent Ride: The First Reformation in Hussite Bohemia "
English | ISBN: 1859283721 | | 330 pages | EPUB | 4 MB
The Magnificent Ride examines the social and religious dimensions of the Hussite revolutionary movement in 15th-century Bohemia. It argues that 'the magnificent ride' was, in fact, the first reformation, and not merely a precursor to the reformations of the 16th century. The religious revival which had begun in Prague in the later middle ages reached its zenith in the period between Jan Hus and the Council of Basel. This book reconstructs the Hussite myth and shows how that myth evolved into the historical phenomenon of heresy. Acts of heretical practice in Bohemia, condemnation of Jan Hus, defiance of ecclesiastical authority and attempts by the official church to deal with the dissenters are fascinating chapters in the history of late medieval Europe.

Tushar Gandhi, "The Lost Diary of Kastur, My Ba"
English | ISBN: 9354898947 | 2022 | 312 pages | EPUB | 9 MB
A couple of years ago, the staff of Gandhi Research Foundation of Jalgaon found a deteriorating and damaged diary at Kasturba Ashram, Indore. It turned out to be a 135-page diary written by Kasturba Gandhi, from January to September 1933. Somewhat like Kasturba, her diary lay forgotten and neglected. This book is a reproduction of the diary, accompanied by a transcription of what she has written in Gujarati, along with an English translation by her great-grandson, Tushar Gandhi. All her life, Kasturba was considered uneducated and unlettered. Initially when Tushar Gandhi spoke about the diary to family members, they refused to believe that there could be such a thing: 'She was illiterate. She could not write.' As Tushar read Kasturba's diary, this assumption was dispelled. It provided a glimpse into who she was―an individual, a companion and a satyagrahi in her own right, unlettered but astute. In The Lost Diary of Kastur, My Ba, the reader gets to hear from Kasturba, in her own words, for the first time. Through day-to-day activities, it provides a peek into what it was like to be married to the 'Mahatma'. Here was a woman who was witnessing history being made, observing and understanding the process and participating in it, too. It also tells of her two imprisonments that year, not because she was Bapu's spouse but because she was offering satyagraha herself. A century and half after her birth, this book finally presents Kasturba as her own person, a woman of substance.

The International Handbook of Stepfamilies: Policy and Practice in Legal, Research, and Clinical Environments By
2008 | 625 Pages | ISBN: 0470114584 | PDF | 5 MB
Written by contributors from around the world, The International Handbook of Stepfamilies: Policy and Practice in Legal, Research, and Clinical Environments is a collection of research, legal, and clinical recommendations that fills a growing need for complex, re-formed families. Using the information in this book, which includes contemporary research and its implications, you will be able to consider stepfamilies in an international context. Understand the issues that clinicians face when they work with stepfamilies, both before and after formation, and gain more knowledge about this topic as the rates of family reformation increase.Content: Chapter 1 The Demography of Stepfamilies in the United States (pages 1-29): Jay Teachman and Lucky TedrowChapter 2 Stereotypes of Stepfamilies and Stepfamily Members (pages 30-52): Stephen Claxton?OldfieldChapter 3 Stepfamilies in France Since the 1990s: An Interdisciplinary Overview (pages 53-78): Jean?Franis MignotChapter 4 The Social Context of Emerging Stepfamilies in Japan (pages 79-99): Shinji NozawaChapter 5 Stepfathers in Cultural Context: Mexican American Families in the United States (pages 100-121): Scott Coltrane, Erika Gutierrez and Ross D. ParkeChapter 6 Stepfathers in Families (pages 124-150): Jeremy RobertsonChapter 7 Resident Mothers in Stepfamilies (pages 151-174): Marjorie SmithChapter 8 Sibling Relationships in Blended Families (pages 175-207): Melinda E. Baham, Amy A. Weimer, Sanford L. Braver and William V. FabriciusChapter 9 Resident Parent?Child Relationships in Stepfamilies (pages 208-230): Claire CartwrightChapter 10 A Longitudinal Examination of Marital Processes Leading to Instability in Remarriages and Stepfamilies (pages 231-249): Brad Van Eeden?Moorefield and Kay PasleyChapter 11 Children's Appraisals of Relationships in Stepfamilies and First Families (pages 250-276): Katherine H. Shelton, Sasha L. Walters and Gordon T. HaroldChapter 12 The Distribution of Household Tasks in First?Marriage Families and Stepfamilies Across Europe (pages 277-298): Laurent Snoeckx, Britt Dehertogh and Dimitri MortelmansChapter 13 Communication in Stepfamilies (pages 299-320): Tamara D. AfifiChapter 14 Kinship in Stepfamilies (pages 322-344): Graham Allan, Sheila Hawker and Graham CrowChapter 15 Children's Relationships with Nonresident Parents (pages 345-368): Jan PryorChapter 16 The Diversity of Stepmothers (pages 369-393): Marilyn Coleman, Jessica Troilo and Tyler JamisonChapter 17 Intergenerational Relationships in Stepfamilies (pages 394-420): Lawrence GanongChapter 18 A Clinician's View of "Stepfamily Architecture" (pages 422-454): Patricia L. PapernowChapter 19 Research on Interventions for Stepfamily Couples (pages 455-484): Sarah W. Whitton, Jan M. Nicholson and Howard J. MarkmanChapter 20 The Prevention and Treatment of Children's Adjustment Problems in Stepfamilies (pages 485-521): Jan M. Nicholson, Matthew R. Sanders, W. Kim Halford, Maddy Phillips and Sarah W. WhittonChapter 21 Legal Structures and Re?Formed Families (pages 522-544): Bill AtkinChapter 22 How Relevant are U.S. Family and Probate Laws to Stepfamilies? (pages 545-572): Sarah E. C. MaliaChapter 23 Where to from Here? Stepfamilies and the Future (pages 573-585): Jan Pryor